well to be honest, i won’t lie . I do enjoy the harder difficulties, they are fun and faster game play. But now they’re too challenging for me.
I got the brutal achievement like 4 years ago 500 games so i stopped playing brutal for that reason.
And maybe it is me… I have health problems, so maybe this game + my stress, and other stuff is making it too hard for me to do… It could be all me, i really dunno.
I just think it’s a little unfair they keep buffing, or modding the enemy units, causing you to lose all your units.
My main problem, i upgrade, i’ll get max atk and max defense, and even with those upgrades i still lose my army.
The game doesn’t really like me, I’ve been playing online since 1998 and i dunno maybe i’m retarded, this game just keeps getting harder with every patch or tweak they do.
Now if you’re a normal, casual, or a regular player who doesn’t like being Rushed and Harassed, Hard and Brutal is going to be a nightmare for you.
Like i said… the game imo is unbalanced. From what i read, and researched Blizzard/Activision makes their games favorable to the developers who play it, not the game community.
Now none of us in the threads work for blizzard, so how are we suppose to “be like the developers” we can’t… everyone’s different in their own way, I even tried to tell people this on the channels, they refuse to listen.
I play fair, i don’t harass people, i don’t kill my team mates, i play fair, but keep losing… something’s not right about that… so i dunno
Maybe i’ll just find another game or something to play, bad side i won’t be leveling my commanders Prestiges up… because i’m struggling to much…
I really just dunno what to do… it’s very frustrating. I just wish the Developers Listened to us Gamers, We’re the one’s buying all the DLC, and giving them money, But they refuse to help us… when we have actual Game Problems. So i might just take a little break,
I mean they won’t reply or get back to me, All i ask is fair gameplay, but they dont’ wanna help with that…
Anyways i apologize if i wasted anyone’s time, i’m just very frustrated with how the game is being developed and patched… So i apologize if i upset anyone.