Contacting Customer Support

I’m having In game Co Op Issues with game difficulties being altered upon starting a game.

I tried to contact Customer Support with a Ticket, but whenever i set up a ticket, it won’t follow through, So i’m asking does anyone know how i can get my situation addressed, Since Submitting a ticket isn’t working for me…

Like i mentioned i’ll set up a ticket, and press “contact customer support” I’ll get a blue screen, that says Blizzard, but the ticket doesn’t submit, and i’m just very Frustrated, i feel this game has alot of bugs in it, but nobody knows what i’m talking about. I just want to find a Customer Support Agent or a Tech who works on the game that can help… I’m not asking for alot, i dont’ think.

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Depending on what’s happening, it may not be something that Support can assist with. What is it that you’re experiencing about the difficulty?

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Well everytime they put out a patch, from what i’m hearing they keep Buffing the Enemy, So let’s say you’re not a Diamond League player, or a professional player.

All these Buff’s, you’re probably gonna struggle with co op…

I’ve been playing Co Op since it started and these alterations, or buff’s or whatever you want to call them, is it’s really causing me to get frustrated.

For example, If i play Hard… the game will start out hard, but change to brutal

i’m not joking, i’ve lost alot of matches… cuz of this problem, There’s a reason you have a Difficulty Option, but from what i’m hearing in the community the game can alter it’s difficulty, causing you to either win, or lose.

I’m not coming off as whiner, or someone who is a noob, it’s just I’m having a hard time playing the game, if these glitches, or bugs keep happening.

I just don’t understand why they keep buffing the enemy units, or adding 100’s of the map.

Not every person plays exactly the same, so i mean… it’s hard to explain what i’m dealing with, but it’s very Frustrating, i can’t seem to level my commanders up on hard, cuz of how hard it keeps getting… So i dunno what to do…

I guess i could find another game to play, but then i’ll miss out on all the Prestiges and leveling up my commanders… So i dunno what to do… I just wish the game was fair, and didn’t do things that made people lose so easily.

I was playing Normal on Dead of night, and by the 4th night 4 Stanks were in our base… causing the bases to die Now i have the replay but i have no idea how to upload it.

It’s things like this that make me wanna give up on the game… You’re not suppose to have Stanks on Normal… or so i’ve heard… I’ve never had them on normal difficulty before… I’m just confused as to why nobody takes these issues seriously…

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I think what you’re hearing is the game altering the difficulty before the match starts. That’s a normal operation which has been going for as long as I can remember. When it does change, it’s always between the difficulty of the two players (as a loose example, one player queues Hard, the other queues Casual, and game is loaded up with something akin to Normal difficulty). It never changes to harder than what both players queued for.

Like with anything, skill comes with practice. If Hard is posing an issue, drop down to Normal and work on strategies until you feel ready to up the difficulty again. Not being able navigate a difficulty level doesn’t mean there’s something intrinsically wrong with it. We all started out as beginners and had to work up to the harder difficulties.

That’s how the map is programmed to work: starting with night 3, there’s a 50% chance the Stanks will spawn, so it’s possible to never see them at all. The more nights that pass, the more Stanks, no matter the difficulty. It’s incentive to end the mission sooner rather than later. What does change by difficulty is the Stank’s HP and speed.

I think confusion is arising from incomplete/inaccurate information leading to a sense of something being wrong. What you described is normal for the game and for learning and building skill. The highest I’ve ever ranked in versus is Gold and that was only once. However, I’m able to complete Brutal difficulty with no issues at all. It was just a matter of learning the ins and outs of Coop.

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yup. if its too hard, its going to be one of 3 things. you or your ally is too low lv to play on that dc; you or your ally dont know your co or map vary well (more co than map really) and so are taking time in game to look over\search\find out whats what which will slow your reaction times to whats going on, or the dc is too high for your or your allys skill levels.

your best option if any of those apply to you is to just keep dropping the dc untill you are able to win. go down to normal or even casual for a while.
when ever i play a new co or one ive been ignoring for a while, i drop off of brutal to refresh myself. same with prestiging, i don’t like to go back to brutal till at least lv 4,(but that’s just me).
if you get to the point where you are all set, and your ally is what’s dragging you down, well, nothing you can do there expect make the best of it or quit the match.

tldr: drop the difficulty level to something you are able to win at until you get more familiar with your co\map\build order\strats, then move it back up one at a time to challenge yourself till your winning on brutal+

how many enemies you encounter on dead of night is based on how fast you are able to clear it. if you clear it too slowly, you get overrun by multiple stanks. if however you choose casual and gets matched with a player that plays hard, you get the bonus for hard. playing casual is therefore a quick and easy way to level, if you are lucky. if however support close your tickets unviewed, you should stop sending tickets. if you do not they might give you a ban, that happened to me once.

If I’m understanding the OP correctly, they aren’t able to sucessfully submit tickets in the first place.

I’ve been playing Starcraft since 1998, so i’m definitely not new to the game… But like i said… Not every player is Diamond, or Gold or Platinum, Meaning they have “amazing skills”

we all come from different walks of life, and if you are gonna tell someone they suck, and you personally don’t know them irl… I mean i dunno what to tell ya

I’m old school, and i like games that are fun, and fair, and i’m not trying to diss Starcraft 2 but… Ever since Co Op Came out, the game just doesn’t seem the same anymore.

And i would play Normal, or Casual but you get barely any experience.

My Issue is… They make the game Super Hard, and no matter what you do, you don’t get enough Experience.

It could also be the commanders i’m using, Not all of the commanders are good or play my style… So it could also be that…

I just want games to be fair, and fun, and I deal with alot of Negativity, and Toxicity whenever i play Starcraft 2.

That’s why i’m trying to get ahold of Customer Support, but i can’t… i wish they had a phone number, where i could just call in, and directly get ahold of someone…

Now you gotta rely on reddit, twitter, or instagram, and even with those sites, you have so many people Posting things, chances of them actually seeing your Issue is very low… blizzard or activision probably has 100’s of millions of followers so if you have a game issue, not saying they’ll help or reply, but with all these people Posting on these social media sites… I just don’t know how 1 or 2 people can help every single person…

Atleast in person, or on the phone, you can actually talk to someone, without being bombared with “likes, or comments” Ya know ?

Sorry if i sound rude or upset, it’s just i’ve been trying for years to get ahold of blizzard and nobody will help so… i’m very frustrated.

I didn’t mean to come off as saying you suck or anything like that. I was just saying that skill is a spectrum. And luckily, Coop has multiple difficulties to help accommodate that spectrum. If you’re finding that a difficulty is too much, you have the option to change it to something more suited to you.

As I mentioned in my original reply, support doesn’t deal with everything. And what you’re exeperincing isn’t something they would handle. For the most part, you’re voicing opinions on the difficulty of the game, not technical issues, so there’s no avenue to directly contact Bliz for what you want. In this case, you’re providing feedback, and the official avenue for feedback, suggestions, criticism, etc are the discussion forums.


there acutely is a phone number, sort of; i used their callback to get my account restored to me when i came back last year, since someone had hacked it. but you just start it up by pc, (no ticket needed), then they call you. was really easy, and didnt really take too long and was right in the time window they quoted me.
should be able to get help with being unable to open a support ticket.
Blizzard Support - Contact Support)
change selection: account and app. choose to categorize, then account, then not listed here, then contact us. live chat is 12pm to 3 pm pdt, or there is callback, but i think that closes even earlier. hope that helps!

as far as skills go, ill back Leviathan: no one said you sucked(due to lack of voice tone from just text, im not sure if you felt like we did accuse you of that or not, but we aren’t). all we are saying is that if one mode feels like its over hard, try another one. sometimes its being familiar with a co, or like you said, finding one that suites your play style best(i know im not as good with the ones that i dont mesh with well, like stetman. actually, i think i kind of suck with him lol).

now to be honest, im kind of confused by 2 things you say. (ill address them out of order tho)

so, what i read from that is you dont like the harder levels for being hard, but wont play easier levels since they offer less rewards, am i correct with that assessment? (assuming so:) so, what are you wanting them to do? make hard mode easier? give more xp for playing on easy? give more xp for a loss? smooth out the difficulty spikes so the game doesn’t throw as many curveballs out?( like use a preset number instead of a random number of stanks or ghosts\nukes per match)

im not actually sure what you are wanting, yes, some games toss out things that make a match go sideways: on don even one stank can really mess up some ones def, and i hate (HATE) hunterlings.
ive had ghosts and nukes really mess me up even when the game was going great; some times you get nuked once, then have peace, other times they are one after the other for a while.
and yes, sometimes it dose feel like a grind to gain level, and it occurs to me that we dont know what level range you are talking about, so im kind of wondering what it is?

true, the easier modes give less xp. but even brutal takes about 3-4 wins (wins, not games since a lose dosnt give much) per level at the end, and when re-leveling a prestiged commander, i always turn the difficulty down for a few levels since you have fewer skills\techs\units off the list; on hard i still get a bit more that one level per win till about 4 or 5 i think, so on normal, id guess maybe up to 2 wins per level up that point.

i guess my take on those 2 sentences is that your kind of wanting both; make the game easier, and up the xp. my only real advice on that is put in the time on lower levels till it seems to be easier, then up the dc for higher xp rate. i know i didnt start out playing co-op well. i had to back off hard mode till i got the hang of it (i came from the campaign, it its a lot different style that that) then uped it to challenge myself till i got good enough to have a decent win rate on brutal.
the game dose seem to sometimes be easy or hard unexpectedly; ive had mutations that looked easy kick my but, and ive had some that looked hard and completely surprise me when we aced them snice i was prepared for a tough slog. so i do get what your saying there about it seeming to bump up the dc out of nowhere. not much to be done there im afraid, just like in cards, sometimes you get dealt a bad hand (i.e. the aforementioned stanks and nukes) at the wrong time and end up in a situation that is unwinnable.

sry if this seems really wordy. Leviathan, i need to take lessons from you lol-so concise and to the point.
(edit: ha! turns out you can post links if they are blizzard links lol.

You can post non Bliz links too if you use the Preformatted Text on the URL (it’s the </> symbol in the tool bar).

For example:

well to be honest, i won’t lie . I do enjoy the harder difficulties, they are fun and faster game play. But now they’re too challenging for me.

I got the brutal achievement like 4 years ago 500 games so i stopped playing brutal for that reason.

And maybe it is me… I have health problems, so maybe this game + my stress, and other stuff is making it too hard for me to do… It could be all me, i really dunno.

I just think it’s a little unfair they keep buffing, or modding the enemy units, causing you to lose all your units.

My main problem, i upgrade, i’ll get max atk and max defense, and even with those upgrades i still lose my army.

The game doesn’t really like me, I’ve been playing online since 1998 and i dunno maybe i’m retarded, this game just keeps getting harder with every patch or tweak they do.

Now if you’re a normal, casual, or a regular player who doesn’t like being Rushed and Harassed, Hard and Brutal is going to be a nightmare for you.

Like i said… the game imo is unbalanced. From what i read, and researched Blizzard/Activision makes their games favorable to the developers who play it, not the game community.

Now none of us in the threads work for blizzard, so how are we suppose to “be like the developers” we can’t… everyone’s different in their own way, I even tried to tell people this on the channels, they refuse to listen.

I play fair, i don’t harass people, i don’t kill my team mates, i play fair, but keep losing… something’s not right about that… so i dunno

Maybe i’ll just find another game or something to play, bad side i won’t be leveling my commanders Prestiges up… because i’m struggling to much…

I really just dunno what to do… it’s very frustrating. I just wish the Developers Listened to us Gamers, We’re the one’s buying all the DLC, and giving them money, But they refuse to help us… when we have actual Game Problems. So i might just take a little break,

I mean they won’t reply or get back to me, All i ask is fair gameplay, but they dont’ wanna help with that…

Anyways i apologize if i wasted anyone’s time, i’m just very frustrated with how the game is being developed and patched… So i apologize if i upset anyone.

well, if the stress is getting to you, just take a break for a bit-few mins, an hour, w\e it takes to reset mentally- once you hit that point, stuff just kinda snowballs out of control; i tottally get it.

i disagree that co-op keeps getting harder; for the most part i dont find it too bad, even on harder levels. but there are points you can hit where no matter what it seems like you do, you cant recover; its about that “critical mass” you need to have to be able to keep floating from one fight to the next without haveing to rebuild too much. which commanders are you working on? i can give you a few tips if you want, or we can group up in game and i can see if i can spot somthing that might help.

ps. did you ever get the thing with not being able to open a ticket resolved?

edit: its still small (just starting, but check this out if your interested)

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id say give gms your replays if you can about the games in qustion. dont know, never been there.

and i left general chat channels loooooong ago. actually, it didnt take long for me to set it to not enter any ch. automaticly. and i dont really chat with ppl unless im palying with em lol.

Yea i plan on doing that to, I’m just gonna avoid the channels and just focus on game play…

To be honest, co-op functions very differently from campaign. In campaign, it will be more similar to a ladder game where it is dependent on:

  • Unit compositions
  • Army positioning
  • Upgrades / ‘spells’
  • Micro (to a certain degree)

However, when it comes to co-op, depending on your difficulty level, it will likely require you to utilise some of the commanders’ skills in order to overcome different waves. It is intended to be this way. You are playing with commanders that have ‘special skills’ after all. Some of the enemy compositions will also require the commander to have certain units to counter them. This may not always be possible since many commander units / upgrades are gated behind levels. You may need to achieve those levels first before attempting higher difficulties.

PS: I do have to add that if you are Level 1 and attempting Brutal, generally most people will not be able to handle it. Brutal is intended to be done when you are much closer to max level at least.

Games update and improve. I admit that a few patches ago (since the implementation of the ‘additional info’ for enemy units composition icon on the bottom right), the mobs have become slightly harder. But still not to the extent of being impossible to clear.

Do remember that games don’t progress based on the lowest common denominator in terms of skill level. If what you are saying is true, then many people should be facing the same problem. The forums should be flooded with similar sentiments, but yet you don’t really see it happening. Unfortunately, it only means that you are not playing at the level that is recommended for you.

On the other hand, I’d have to agree with you that at lower difficulty, the game forces you to play at a slower speed, which can get rather irritating IMO (because the ‘faster’ speed is the default for ladder).

I have no idea where you are getting such info from, because I have been playing since SC2 beta and there isn’t even a rumour resembling this. I’d caution against cherry-picking info that sounds like it fits into what narrative you’d prefer. If memory serves, there were maybe 3 developers who made it to the pro scene? Majority of the people are players like you and me. The only difference is that they practise ~12-16 hours a day because it is their bread and butter.

SC2 is intended to be easy to start and understand, but difficult to master. It has never been the intention for everyone to master the game at a pro level, and I appreciate that sentiment. Especially since it is the last game that hasn’t been touched much by Activision (except for the IAPs bit).

To increase accessibility will only devalue the hard work that many pros have put in to master the game. That was what happened with WoW. It is in such a sorry state that the demand for Vanilla was much higher than Retail (which is a joke from a business context, if your 16 year old product is more popular than your current one).


If you are genuine about fixing your game play, it will be best to upload replays for people to help analyse together with you. (I can’t recall if there are co-op replays though.)

Otherwise, as you have mentioned, you may prefer to look for another game that focuses more on accessibility rather than skill-based novelty. I don’t think there is a right or wrong since it comes down to preferences. There are many games (especially mobile ones) that focuses a lot on accessibility and just time gate that content so that people will spend more money to speed things up.

It is all about how you want to play your games. But if you are asking to have the game changed to suit your play style, then I don’t see a difference between this request and all the other threads that are asking for things to be buff-ed or nerf-ed.

There are indeed replays for co-op.

I’m not picking fights, or starting drama, I just think everyone plays differently, everyone has different skill levels, and even though people tell me to play lower difficulty, it’s really hard to even get any experience, especially for prestiging, when you Prestige you lose your mastery, and your high levels…

So i’m not really trying to pick fights, not everyone person plays the game, and not every person is a professional gamer, I’m just saying… we all deserve respect, and understanding… if a few people have a problem, and everyone else doesn’t… you shouldn’t troll or ignore the person… ya know ?

I’m just saying it feels alot harder now then it did… when it first started… and i dunno maybe people enjoy that, but i find it challenging and rough…

one easy way to level up is to choose casual and hope that you get matched with a player on hard. that gives you the bonus for hard without the full challenge.

I never thought they would do that , Like if you play casual, but the game plays in Hard Mode, you get the Casual Experience… Or so that’s what i’ve been hearing ?