Co-Op commanders have been reset to level 5

Raynor, Kerrigan, and Artanis Co-Op commanders have been reset to level 5.

Fix it so that I can play the game I paid for.

Update: Now I just straight up can’t play at all on the NA server.


I have the same problem with commanders

me too Raynor lv cap at 5

Hey folks,

Some issues with SC2 starting popping up yesterday. Bliz is aware and is investigating.

Artanis Co-Op commander has been reset too

My Kerrigan level is reduced to 5 as well

kerrigan dropped to lvl 5


Bliz is tracking reports of this in this TS thread.

Artanis Co-Op coomandar reset me too and said that i must buy it

same thing happen to me now. ign: PowerMonkey . raynor artanis kerrigan back to level 5

Same here, looks like it’s happening to lots of folks in-game.


Theres a definite recurrence happening. I passed this on to the Bliz folks.

Be honest - what are the chances that anything actually gets done to prevent this from happening in the future? Last time it happened, I had to wait nearly a week.

Hey all,

Bliz responded to the commander level issue over in the Technical Support forum. That’s where you want to watch for any updates.

I don’t know. I’m not a Bliz Employee so I don’t know what is causing it or what’s involved in fixing it.

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When we go online to file an issue, why do they send us here? If this isn’t a place to receive the answer to what is being done for prevention, and what is being done to fix it, shouldn’t there be a link to an actual blizzard trouble ticket for this game?

Olá pessoal e administradores, estava jogando StarCraft 2 ontem, pois voltei a jogar recentemente depois de muito tempo, inclusive fiz algumas compras. Acontece que eu tenho todos os personavens comprados e estava com todos personagens evoluidos até o nivel 15, sendo que recentemente o único personagem que resetei (Ativado prestigio) foi o Tychus, que já consegui evoluir novamente até o nivel 15. Ocorre que agora os 03 primeiros personagens iniciais, Raynor, Kerrigan e Artanis, sem explicação, agora estão no nivel 5 e não evoluem mais, mesmo eu completando missões, com a informação “Progresso Limitado ao Nivél 5 até a compra”. Poderiam me ajudar a resolver o problema por gentileza? Agradeço desde já a atenção e compreensão.

They know that the unpaid intern won’t get around to slapping the servers for another few months, so they want to keep bouncing people around the automated forums to buy time.

Same issue, happened in the middle of a game of co-op, finished one game and suddenly the next load screen had 5 as their level.

watch your tone, you’ll get the MVP’s here to start on you, like they did me, lol. Blizzard doesn’t own the first line contact for their bug reports. They require people to come here, to third party (probably paid in game currency) to get the reports and actually file a ticket with their devs. What’s sad is inferior games have real support systems, lol. And they will try and lay out that this works, when it clearly doesn’t. If it worked the bug wouldn’t be a repeat of a repeat. I do know that eventually, every company that does outsource its support this way, suffers, greatly, and loses player base until they either bring it back, or find a happy medium of customers that will tolerate it and can leech from, or bring in the ownership and have direct support again. But this and the repeat, repeat… repeat bug,… and the roundabout way it gets reported… i actually saw threads where players were told there needed to be more instances of it, to report it! wtf? This is why an individual ticket system DOES work, and gets each player the resolution they paid for when purchasing this software. If bliz doesn’t know how this has upset people, it should. If it knows and doesn’t care, it will just continue :wink: Use your dollar to voice your concern. Just switch companies/games … or do something else with your day/night. They need our money. We don’t NEED their game/s =)

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Hey all,

Sounds like progress is being made. Bliz is asking for people to check their free coop commanders. A couple reporst have come in indicating that it’s resolving.

Be sure to fully log out of the game and Battlenet before checking.

If you are still having problems with this particular issue, let them know in that thread.