[With the fixes in patch, I’m abandoning this thread and starting a new one that includes issues with achievements post- Some of the later issues that were added to the thread after the original post will be copied over to the new thread. The new thread is (Abandoned) Consolidated 10th Anniversary Achievement issues]
As of
Wings of Liberty
FIXED - Contract Saviors FIXED - Band of Brothers FIXED - Thanks for the Advice
Legacy of the Void
FIXED - Annihilation Now FIXED - Warp Incomplete FIXED - Expert Phase-Smith, Perfect Templar - *EDIT - There may be a new issue with some of the SoA abilities.
[Original Post]
The community has had some time to run through all the new 10th anniversary campaign achievements. Along the way, a handful of them have presented problems either in the achievements’ triggers or their descriptions. This post is a consolidated list of the problematic achievements with some explanation as to what is/may be wrong.
Props to Kyrie for their work to bring all the reports together and to all the contributors over in the Campaign Discussion forum! Using Kyrie’s list as a source, this post will only present the achievements that have technical/bug/clarity issues (not those that are working properly but are just more tricky to pull off).
This list adds some technical/trigger information to the items on Kyrie’s list. Note that I am not a map editor megasuper user; I just have a moderate understanding so apologies if I misinterpret any of it. If anyone comes along who is more knowledgeable of the editor and/or the triggers that I mention here, I’m open to corrections!
ADDED 8-6-2020:
Heart of the Swarm
So Many Banelings - Kill 200 enemy units with Banelings on the "Dominion" mission.
There is a mistake in the description text for “So Many Banelings”.
It names the mission as “Dominion”, however, the mission name is “Domination”
ADDED 8-4-2020:
Heart of the Swarm
We are the Swarm - Clear all entrenched positions in "The Reckoning" mission in less than 18 minutes
There is a report that the Polish translation of the description text is in accurate:
Wings of Liberty
I. The Quick and the Dead - Activate 2 Tendrils in the “Echoes of the Future” mission within 4 minutes on Normal difficulty.
The issue with this one is that the achievement description is misleading. It’s being interpreted as two tendrils within 4 minutes of each other, at any time during the mission.
Rewording it to indicate that the two tendrils need to be activated within 4 minutes of the start of the mission will eliminate the confusion.
Heart of the Swarm
Eat, Love, Then Pray - Destroy all Protoss structures before activating 4 Temples in the “Phantom of the Void” mission on Normal difficulty.
This is another where the achievement description is misleading. It’s being interpreted as killing all structures before activating 4 temples in a row.
Rewording it to say “Destroy all Protoss structures before activating the 4th Temple in the “Phantom of the Void” mission on Normal difficulty” will eliminate the confusion.
Legacy of the Void
I. Disintegration Doctrine - Destroy all enemy structures and complete the primary objective in the “Into the Void” mission in less than 28 minutes on Normal difficulty.
This one has been elusive but the community has a theory on what is wrong. The achievement trigger as written may inadvertently cause the achievement to fail even if the player meets all the conditions.
The issue lies in the trigger’s “Events”. It requires a unit to die in order to run. The problem is that Narud doesn’t actually die during the mission; he is “Paused” at low HP so that he can transition into the end-of-mission cinematic.
Meaning, that after the mission’s Primary objective (defeat Narud) is complete, the player must still seek out something… anything to kill in the very short interval between defeating Narud and the mission ending so that the trigger will run one last time.
If they don’t kill something in that couple seconds, the trigger will not run, and even if they are eligible for the achievement, it will not be awarded.
If this current theory is right, the trigger needs to be recoded to prevent erroneous fails. Perhaps having Narud’s defeat be the “Event” instead of a generic unit death?
II. Big Spear Diplomacy - Complete the “Salvation” mission without using the Spear of Adun on Normal difficulty.
This one I couldn’t find much in the triggers because it was a little beyond my level. However, there’s concerns that some of the automatic Spear of Adun’s abilities (those that happen without players activating them), may be causing the achievement to fail.
So all I have for this is could you check to see if any of the automatic abilities are causing fails?
EDIT: There seems to be concern about the automatic SoA ability “Reconstruction Beam” as a possible cause for the achievement failure.
Hopefully this helps both QA and anyone who stops by wondering if something is wrong with some of the achievements!
You are right, this is what triggers it. I did the mission around 7-8 times, and only after I tested what you say here was I able to get the achievement (I went full paranoid mode and got all the gas pick-ups as well and killed 2 times the void rifts in front of Narud)
Just as an example for the “Expert Phase-Smith, Perfect Templar” achievement:
I created a new variable PlayerDeaths, set it to 0.
I created a new Any Unit Dies trigger to count deaths by incrementing PlayerDeaths + 1 each time it runs. Added a conditions that only counts the player’s units. Added a condition that excludes Interceptors.
In the Victory trigger, I deleted the (Player PLAYER_01_USER Units Lost score) == 0 condition and replaced it with a new condition PlayerDeaths == 0
That allowed the achievement to run properly while also allowing only the player’s Interceptors to die.
In “Expert Phase-Smith, Perfect Templar”, for me this is not a problem if interceptors count. That change the mission if you don’t play carrier, but not more difficult and I like that. ^^
In the HotS anniversary achievement “We are the Swarm”, I’ve seen reports that there is a translation error in at least one language. The English version says to clear the three entrenched position by 18 minutes. However, there are translations that say to finish the mission in 18 minutes.
I saw another post that possibly the German one is mistranslated too (not for sure though).
Dunno. Literally just did Platform mission with Karax. First time i thought i literally missed something. Second time found i didn’t and and every unit was alive. Thought Interceptors are counted too. Third time did it without carriers (left withit start location) and done everything with voids (bot right building) and top with top panel and fast rush of our dignified pirates. Though it caused LITERALLY 0 deaths (units/buildings/probes) i didn’t get achievement anyway… That’s why i guess it’s too early to talk about FIX of this bug.
Back when it was broke, I used the editor fix the Interceptor issue and over several test runs I was able to get the achievement to award and fail properly. Looking at the fix that Bliz put in, it appears they made the same change I did.
I’ll run Bliz’s fix through the editor today with some notifications added to tell me when I earn or fail the achievement in real time.
Just as a side note, I’m not a Bliz employee. MVPs are community members that have been give some recognition by Bliz for being helpful/knowledgeable on certain topics.
With the fixes in patch, I’m abandoning this thread and starting a new one that includes issues with achievements post- New and unresolved issues (and some of the issues that were added later in this thread) will be copied over to the new thread. The new thread is (Abandoned) Consolidated 10th Anniversary Achievement issues