Wrecking ball is unplayable

This is a really cool idea

The patch notes didn’t really say anything apart from what was new, they were extremely basic with no reasoning to why any of the changes were made, so I assume the “spin2win” nerf must be an assumption made.

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This change is amazing.

At high Elo no one does spin to win and even if they wanted to 6 seconds it plenty of time.

Think of a low Elo lobby.
People can’t aim well in low elo.

But a low Elo ball player that can literally just grapple and spin with no other skill required can punish these players that can’t aim.

This actually improves low Elo games while not affecting games where players start to getting better across the board.

To think ball needs to be able to do this is uninformed.

-ball main.

I have a 3 min video of grappling the highest point on Nepal pillar and spinning for 3 min in a low Elo lobby. They actually can’t out damage adaptive shield when players are still at the skill level of low accuracy.

Too much value for nothing invested.

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He’s not unplayable, but you lose a lot of high-end plays with the nerf.

And to constantly worry about the 6 seconds every time you grapple is quite a mental drain (yes, we use it for stuff other than spin2win, believe it or not)


You mean like Bastion holding right-click in low elo?

This wasn’t a change that needed to be made. This was a change made to “start a discussion” as Blizzard have stated.

You have to aim still
But nice try

Not a great implementation, I agree, albeit it’s for a very just cause…

Many people have come up with ideas that address the collateral damage this latest change causes.

I enjoy the change because it means Hammond is forced to engage with teams every 6 sec. There are people who try to sit in grapple for way too long expecting teams to initiate. Its not even spinning. Its actively just waiting off the side or to roll out. Though the char has other options. Use it.

I wish they fixed spin to win without ruining the hero. They forked up so many techs and set up spots with this nerf.
Not only he keeps the grapple cooldown on respawn while other heroes can come out of spawn faster to “stagger”, but he also loses a wide variety of techs.

I don’t mind losing spin to win, but the way they handled it is terrible. We lost so much and I guarantee you people are still going to “Spin2Win” with 6 seconds. This did nothing to solve the real issue and instead made the hero less fun.

Possible solution

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That actually would have been better than losing control over the character.

None of this would be necessary if they just left balls grapple alone. The dumbest thing about this is the 6 second nerf was purely for lower ranks where spin to win was a problem. A while back they changed balls grapple to have aim assist so instead of missing anchor points because of lack of proper aim, it just snapped to the spot. This made spin to win WAY easier to do. Previously to attach to spin to win locations it required very precise aim cause the anchor points were so small. Nobody asked for the grapple aim assist, every good ball main hates it. Blizzard put it in to help lower rank players be able to play ball…and then they put in 6 second nerf because lower rank player could play ball. Everything the balance team has done in the past couple balance patches is a VERY bad sign. These guys have no idea what they’re doing.


He doesn’t even displace anymore. Its hard to call him a main tank these days

He’s fine. All he needs is a HUD indicator for how long he has left on his grapple.

There was no need for this nerf at all.

People should learn to shoot a giant ball that is moving in a predictable movepattern. Or use their heroabilities.

What´s next - Torb´s turret destroying by itself because it is too hard to shoot it?


This nerf probably wouldn’t even be that bad if you just got some indicator of when it was about to break.

They nerfed Wrecking Balls spin to win but refuse to tone down Roadhogs “Win Everything” by buffing him to be near unkillable with the 50% damage reduction and still buffing his damage to the point of one shotting everyone. Face it Blizzard only cares about Rein and Hog by giving them good buffs while destroying every other tank hero.

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The same with hanzo proj. speed change, you don’t know where your arrow ends up, same with widow scope charge, you don’t feel when to press left click, same with many things that has changed. Do 3 spins and you are good to go.

The most used tank in the game is unplayable :sweat_smile: