What Valkyrie really looks like

Going down with the team isn’t on my to-do list.


Valk has to be the only ultimate in the game that makes me cringe when using it because of stuff like this video lol

“heroes never die”

everyone dies

“okay” flies back to spawn


The shield value drops so quickly that it needs to be timed to release just prior a big damaging effect.

Well, it just proves, that Mercy is only actual hero :woman_shrugging:
Or you need really heroic players, who can dodge damage like crazy, to make it work.

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Regardless of the nanoboosted target being hard to kill, for example rein who will overextend to “go ham” on the enemy team, leaving flankers to have fun with the backline who were left behind.

Except it is more than just Ana dying, how did you bring value to the fight when you just traded the enemies lives for your teams lives? For example, you kill 2 as a boosted Rein, only to find the rest of your team has died especially your healers because like I said, you removed your shield the flankers on the enemy team have the chance to aim at the supports or the low health teammates.

If you’re D.VA, You’ve flown off to 1v1 the dps on the enemy team, only to leave your Ana who dies because you couldn’t peel for her, once the nano is over your mech gets melted down because her mech is easy to destroy, what value did you bring? That is not the case all the time, just like how Valkyrie isn’t great all the time but that doesn’t mean either are bad ultimates.

Well of course…? It’s single target making the target hard to kill and easy to get kills, if it was a mercy ult she would’ve helped the whole team fight not only the reaper but the rest of the enemy team that was left.

This sounds to me like a self-fulfilling prophecy

-team engages enemy
-Mercy decides not to support them with Valk so that she can use Valk to escape
-team dies due to lack of support from Mercy
-Mercy uses Valk to escape, saying “see? they all died”

I don’t notice any difference in supporting team with or without Valkyrie. With 50 hps on teammate, that is currently under fire, or 60, outcome is similar - teammate is going down.

In my opinion, this is untrue. There is impact if someone was to use it the ideal way.

If a Mercy player solely pockets a Pharah, I dont think said player would ever notice the difference

A mercy player who goes from juggling a single 50 HPs/s beam among many teammates to a 20 percent stronger beam operating on all of those same teammates (and maybe 1 or more others due to improved range) simultaneously will tend to notice the difference.

I know I do

But then again, I dont spend all of my time pocketing a Pharah, and I use my pistol to help bring down opponents to prevent some damage from ever occurring to my teammates

This is what a lot of people don’t get. Ana and Moira can do a lot of clutch healing/utility. Mercy on the other hand has to put 150% effort, usually including pistol use and most of the time you don’t get rewarded for it.


I still didn’t see any: teammates still die one by one. Clearly, 60 hps is just as insufficient to save them, as 50 hps were.

In my opinion, the issue here is what reward is the Mercy player expecting?


I want to win - all else (medals, cards, PotG, teammate praise, etc etc) is gravy, neither expected nor needed

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In my opinion, given the absence of support from a support character, I would say this is the expected result.

again, a self-fulfilling prophecy

Not really, since it’s with my healing, they still die.

So my point is this -

There should not be a scenario where your whole team is taking 60dps each and unable to mitigate the damage they’re taking. (Mei ice block, Reaper wraith to safety, Rein put his shield up, Cree moves behind a wall, etc. This all would mean you should have been able to heal them up separately without Valk)

Or if you’re using it to damage boost your whole team… How often is everyone taking a shot at the exact same time? Not reloading? Not backing off to regain health? Maybe the 1 hitscan is actually hitting shots during that time and the rest of the team is missing or just not engaged yet.

If the team is stuck in a grav combo or just getting wiped over and over by Pharah/Reaper ults… you should just have Zen/Lucio, right?

Juggling the heal/dmg beam is enough. Tapping heal on each person quickly for maybe 20hp is usually enough. Hopefully tanks are tanking the damage and others are using their abilities/positioning to mitigate damage.

Either your team is going to take a ton of burst damage and die regardless of using Valk, or your team is able to mitigate damage to where 60hps is enough. And if 60hps is enough, 50 hps is enough.

I don’t know how to explain it. I just think the main use of her ult is redundant and you could do almost all of the same things without using it.

Lucio, if he uses beat wrong, feeds the enemy a ton of ult charge and his team still dies. If he uses it properly, he wins a team fight and saves his whole team.

Mercy, if she uses Valk right or wrong, can feed the enemy a ton of ult charge without saving them.

This is why I liked your suggestions about possible changes to Valk. If you could identify who would benefit most from your “main beam” during Valk, it would be rewarding… And you wouldn’t have any “wasted/idle beams”


There is probably one such scenario, involving enemy Winston zapping everyone.

Factually, a team where the Mercy is exclusively pocketing a Pharah is not (except said Pharah) receiving Mercy’s healing, and a team where Mercy refuses to use her pistol is facing more living opponents over the course of the match and ergo taking more damage

How many times do I have to repeat it? I still heal everyone, and they still die. Pharah lives longer, thanks to difficulties with hitting airborne targets for many players.

By “pocketing” I mean using GA exclusively on Pharah, so I stay out of reach for most ground threats, but low enough to heal teammates on the ground.

there are many scenarios - this is not a game that consists of 3 players in a room standing still, player a shooting at player b who is in turn healed by player C (Mercy)

In a real OW scenario - Player B can move, dodge, get cover, use defensive abilities, shoot back at player A, and etc etc. Teammates might also be engaging player A, blocking player A’s LOS to player B, healing player B, or using defensive abilities on player B.




If player has to use defensive abilities with your support ultimate, you clearly aren’t healing them enough.

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