Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

And I told you, that I don’t repeat same mistake of trying to support teammate, that is clearly unable to make use of it.

Risk rez is reserved for that one player, that carries our team. As for everyone else, bringing them back won’t really do any good, so I won’t bother with them.

Moira misses at times

Moira runs out of juice

Moira cant heal through barriers

Moira has difficultly healing widely spread out and/or vertical teammates

Moira doesnt always have an orb ready, and sometimes, it is better to use the purple one

I like Moira a lot, but she isn’t innately a better healer than Mercy

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This doesnt sound like a Mercy problem

This sounds like a player problem


Pfff. I’m sorry this is a well written post and it touches on some key points that have been relentlessly debated to oblivion already but regardless, key points.

However that sentence above made me scoff.
What you’ve written is fiction, a romantic fantasy at best.
Call it what is is, waiting for you team to die so you can bring them all back and punishing your enemies for being better at the game.

And after that, being an unkillable god-moth-queen zipping around at incalculable speeds, 1v1 -ing dps with ease regardless of a mechanical skill gap, negating deaths one at a time with an ‘undo’ button that dissolved the fear of death so much it made the entire playerbase play like absolute pepegas for seasons to come.

Witch, please.


Moth was boring, compared to pre-rework, for those exact reasons. :woman_mage:

Not much thought left, when you could fly everywhere, rez same dying player 4 times in a row, and get away with it. It was powerful, but boring. Then power was nerfed as well.

You even saying specifically to megadodo you use it to escape in the past.

Should I continue? You can switch your story up now to save face, I don’t care honestly. The fact remains, you have said it in the past.


Keep trying. And yes, I use it as escape too. It’s quick to charge.

I don’t need to save face, it’s you being stupid.

You seem to forget that Mercy has 100% efficiency while healing while the other can miss and/or run out of resources. She is also super mobile, and provides 30% damage boost that converts into ult charge, and provides frequent undo’s when someone makes a mistake.

There’s no wonder you don’t feel you accomplish anything if all you do is left-click people next to you. Try learning to use the rest of her kit well, and you will feel like a million bucks quite often, every time your teams steamrolls over an entire round with 3 deaths, that you resurrected.

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I ask that the personal attacks cease


You started it, and it’s not me, who is going to end it. So far your attempts to insult me were very boring.

Lol well that’s uncalled for. I’m literally just quoting you, in context for that matter. If I’m being stupid it’s your own words your taking offense too.


You try to misrepresent my words, so yes, it’s you. My words don’t offend me, but people trying to use them that way make me lose any faith in humanity.

Hahahahaha… good joke mate. What all the Mercy’s did with mass ress was to hide and wait the whole team to die, and then ress as many as possible… if you call this “brains over brawn”… well, that’s actually braindead to me.


I mean, I literally said I’m quoting them in context, with links directly for anyone and everyone to go read the context in which it was said. So no. I’m not misrepresenting anything.

It’s represented exactly as you presented it in all cases.


You take them out of context, though.

Here is my confession, if you insist: I use Valkyrie for various things, but so far, best thing it does is escaping. It doesn’t keep teammates alive well, and it doesn’t boost them well, unless there is support ult from second support to keep them alive in the process.

again, this doesnt sound like a Mercy problem,. it sounds like a player problem

I work with what I got. Still, having only one player able to get things done with my buffs on them out of 5 is very low ratio.

No. I quoted them, with links in which the context is more then there. Do you really want me to go step by step in each individual conversation now and show exactly who you were replying to in what matter, that would make “it’s an escape button, as soon as you hear any ult” and “for me valkyrie is just that: ult you can easily throw away, and no one will even notice. Escape ability on charge, if you want” Sound any less like you saying you use valk to escape.


You didn’t quote what I were responding to, so again, you took them out of context.
And yes, I see Valkyrie as some weird “escape ability with charge”, that happens to have “lazy mode” for beams.

Judging by what it provides, it seems to be it’s main purpose, as most of benefits allow to stay away from fight or easily avoid attackers. But it doesn’t seem to benefit teammates that much, which I find odd for support ult.

dude you’re amazing.
Even with pictures you managed to not understand.

*graphic shows mass rez was one the worst ults in the game.
dude: “let’s balance it by adding cast time and los check and remove invulnerability”

And that is somehow not gonna hurt tempo rez.

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