What Valkyrie really looks like

Not really, it’s damageboost or go home, ana can save the team better than a valkyrie can with a nade and heal darts. It doesn’t come even close to the offensive power of nanoboost or the defensive clutch saves of beat drop, trans or both offensive and defensive capacity of coalescence.


This inevitable for any hero lol

“You try to harrass a widow since she’s a problem but they’re practically aimbot when it counts” The widow is most likely scoping in aiming at someone else, with valk simply fly over her head get easy shots that’ll catch her off guard and force her to reposition or spray you with her weapon unless she hits a nasty flick shot at you.

Let’s give an example of a “powerful” ultimate people know of, Nano.
You can nano reinhardt but most likely he’ll take off his shield and aimlessly swing at the enemy, he got little to no kills and because the shield was removed everyone behind it with low mobility was faced with enemy fire.
Does that mean that Nano is horrible? no.
Does that mean that Nano can reward tanks for overextending and poor positioning? Yes.
It’s the same with Valk, you can use it and it will reward your team if they use it correctly, if they do not it will be a burden for both Mercy and her team.

To sum up this thread:

Just an average #ReworkMercy Mercy main trying to convince others that Valkyrie is bad by providing us with clips that are mostly misplays.


Omg guys he said the thing I cant believe he said THE THING!!!


Honestly there’s so many simple tweaks that would make valk fun again. Increase HPS. Grant one rez without cast time. Increase damage on the blaster. Increase damage boosting.

Any single one of these would be an improvement.

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You asked what the point of the video was. It was to show the kind of casual perspective I felt was lacking representation. I just picked the worst valk footage I had on hand to represent the bad. It’s not unreasonable to hope that a support ultimate should be able to sustain teammates taking normal damage/fire. I also don’t expect valk to outheal grav, the point of showing that was to illustrate how powerless valk can be and theres nothing you can do about it (except attempt to frag out…?)
Quick play is a very different experience where you don’t have the freedom to play as aggressively as you could in comp where your team can support that playstyle.

Honestly was meant as a fun video otherwise id cherrypick moments where i put in 200% and still fell short. I spontaneously made this video with footage I already had.
Theres nothing overly impressive in your videos either…


Nano is very easy to get value from, you really just have to go ham on the enemy team and you will get some value because nanoboosted target is far more difficult to kill and they can get kills far easier, making nanoboosted a high priority target to eliminate. Even if Ana dies right after she nanos, the nano can bring value. Literally got hit by invisible junkrat grenades as Ana one time but nanoboosted a low hp rein to a teamwipe.

I only have few hours on ana, but it’s very simple to press Q, heal the nanotarget and watch the carnage. I’ve brought down a reaper as baby dva when he demeched me, I got nanod and then dueled Niandra’s mercy too and won. Mercy ulti would’ve done nothing in that scenario for me.


Woah, sounds like we need to bring Ana back down a Notch.

Future fake patch notes: Nano boosts is now canceled when Ana Dies.

True. Nano can turn “one suicidal idiot charging in to die from whole enemy team” into “one brave player solo ulting whole enemy team”.

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I like Valk. I like Mercy right now. I have fun with her because I’m good with her movement and make myself super hard to kill.

But I use Valk as another piece of movement. Much like how Doomfist uses his ult half of the time to reposition if he gets caught out. Both heroes don’t NEED to use their ults that way but sometimes it’s more valuable than using it for what’s “meant” for.

OP uses Valk just fine… in most clips. But the problem with it is that there is almost 0 major impact in using it wrong or using it ideally.

There could be. There doesn’t “need” to be. It’d just be nice.


Is it fun, when you can always press Q and fly away from nearly anything?
Or even better - avoid being shot at in the first place, because you conveniently buff team from safe distance, thanks to extended beam?

“Yay, I can fly!” “Aw, my team died again, well, back to spawn we go.”

Our experience differs

I find I spend most (but not all) of my time in Valkyrie healing - same as when i am not in Valkyrie

An Ana player with poor aim will generally not outperform a Mercy in healing

Coalescence exposes Moira to a lot more danger, and is generally only getting to 1-2 teammates

Zens ult lasts a very, very short time and at the end, Zen is is a much more exposed position that he generally is in his base play

Lucios ult has to be timed almost perfectly to get substantial value

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That’s like complaining that there’s 0 impact in throwing Ashe’s BOB off the map.

what. There is, though.

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yep it still holds true that mercy can dish out most heals in the whole duration of the match, but cant dish enough heals in the important moments of the match feelsbad


Even if you are healing just two members of your team in Valkyrie, thats 120HPs per second

Factually, that is not 0 impact

Our experience differs

I am generally able to sustain my team as Mercy throughout the match, and can also get to some teammates that other healers struggle to reach

Ult before you push. It’s not rocket science. Leave that to Pharah.

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In my opinion, good Mercy players support their team, rather than flying away from them

Going down with the team isn’t on my to-do list.


Valk has to be the only ultimate in the game that makes me cringe when using it because of stuff like this video lol

“heroes never die”

everyone dies

“okay” flies back to spawn