What Valkyrie really looks like

I loved your videos of mercy, hats off cause when I play her I always get focused down and my team wont peel so I switch to dps haha


xD and that is the ult some people try to say is fine / super strong. You ult and your targets all still die and you hide in a corner while doing it. Good times Lel.



Suggestion: While I prefer use GA to escape said focus, I recommend you give Moira a try. Pretty good at defending herself from flankers without help from other teammates


who are you replying to, Chiana?

Oh I will definitely play her , I tried a few times and you’re right she can take care of herself quite well.

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No one specifically. Video just reminded me / showed me of my experiences of her current state.


Moira is good pick wise currently. Ult wise specifically - heals and can kill / scare away enemy team. Then you have Lucio and Zen who can save their team with their ult. Lots more viable and better contributing support picks than Mercy.

(Mercy wise): For a single target healer, Mercy’s healing output is poor.

I’d rather have Moira doing simultaneous heal orb and heal spray frequently that the valk mess

I thought she would be a good choice to resolve the problem that the person I replied to mentioned - none of his teammates were coming to his aid when he played Mercy. Specifically, she is well equipped to defend herself from such attacks

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Yeah. GA is fine and well - but if none of your team mates are in sight or range then GA is useless. Just you and your little tickler gun xD

Moira’s mobility isn’t reliant on team mates and she can deal with flankers etc good.

that was a pretty good video, nice gameplay :slight_smile:
I have the exact same feelings when I play mercy.
a bit weak idk


I guess I’m in the minority. I think Valk is fine. I ask my team to group up and stick close together and I chain heal them all. That + the other healer is usually a good combo. :man_shrugging:


While I agree, that Valkyrie can be good in combo with other healer’s ult, spending both support ults isn’t a good strategy.

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you are far from alone, 'dough

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I should have been more clear, but I didn’t mean the other support used their ult. I mean the chain healing + their regular healing (no ult) is still pretty good IMO. I have a lot of success with using Valkyrie as the only support ult in a push.

But I also play with friends frequently and they listen to me lol

I think if your team doesn’t group up in that manner, it might not be as efficient.

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Sorry for being a bit off-topic, but I just saw a Mercy thread moved to the closed mega.

Way to get the feed-back going, am I right? :laughing:

More on topic, apparently main healers are not supposed to have defensive ults that can save teammates anymore… well, except Ana that can save at least one… and Moira with her 140 hps… and Brig’s ult isn’t anywhere near as good as Sound Barrier and Transcendence… but that’s beside the point!


This is part of why i think 60 hps would be balanced, you have 60 hps in valk and in these videos the enemies easily got picks as if valk didn’t even exist and that’s with 60 hps on ALL teammates


What Valkyrie also looks like is lifelines turtle drone! : )

Valkyrie was made that way(60 hps) so it would feel stronger, compared to 50 hps normally. But it doesn’t actually offer much strength.

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Factually, 20% more of any non-zero number is an actual and significant difference, regardless of how it may feel to a given individual

I dont remember the first version of valkyr so if im repeating something what was already done, please correct me.

How about when you activate valkyr you gain a lucio style healing aura passively and could go full battle mercy?