What if D.va ate AntiDive?

Except of course offtanks.

I’m suggesting if you run a composition without offtanks, you should be highly vulnerable to Dive.

So basically, elimate all counters except for Zarya and Roadhog? Your ideas here are terrible, you’re basically proposing the idea of launch Brig but in the tank slot instead.


Zarya, Roadhog, D.va, Hammond, Winston Ult, Lucio Boop, Lucio Speed, Doom Knockback, Mei Wall

But yeah mostly it’s a “if you have DoubleBarrierTank at high ELO, it’s basically throwing”

Although, as per usual, Mei should be a Tank.

Also now that I think about it, if they were being consistent, Matrix would also probably clear the stun competent of Doom punch, but not the knockback.

Mei should be a tank, if they do a ground up rework of her kit to make her nowhere near the same character she is now.

Which is to say, mei is not a tank.

Hell no. Dva should not be mandatory to make dive work. Tank balance already dictates most of the game, we don’t need it to get worse.

Even if they do zero changes to Mei, it would remove her as an option for highly durable bunker, and highly durable deathball.

She’d get her buffs eventually from that.

As if high ELO ever had any Tank variety after a meta had been “solved”.

And we don’t need to make it worse.

No, she wouldnt, because her kit wouldnt function as a tank. I like mei as she is now, as admittedly weak as she currently is, I dont want her fundamentally changed to arbitrarily make her a tank.

Making it better through balance isn’t really an option. It’s a lost cause.

I am working on a decent alternative to a Ban system though.

overwatch forums moment


Tank just needs 2 things

  1. Create a positioning advantage for your team. (Either by enabling or disabling positioning)
  2. Stand on the objective longer than DPS and Healers can while under attack

She’s got both of those in spades.

All your pro tank ideas are useless if tank players can’t play the tanks they want to play. They’re not magically more selfless than the rest of us.


You fail to understand what tanks and mei are actually doing. Tanks dont just make space, they need to also keep it, which is the REAL meaning behind making space. Mei folds under pressure, she can only deny the other team space.


I mean, the pros want to play Winston based Dive, so I’m not really seeing the issue here.

As if D.va, or Zarya aren’t Tanks because they can’t hold the line like a Reinhardt can?

Correct me if I’m wrong, the goal is to fix queue times right? Pros are simply too few in number to do anything. Their influence could do something, but I don’t think it’ll put a meaningful dent in things.


Plus there is a matter of pros disliking dva most in the og dive line up.

It wasn’t winston who got the nerf hammer to kill dive for a reason

The goal is to fix queue times.

Which for +95% of the playerbase means barrier tank alternatives to Rein.
And more Winston and D.va usage.

High tier however is never going to have substantial Tank variety outside of some system like a Ban system or a Pick system.

Solving high tier is mostly just a roadblock towards solving Tanks for that +95%.

Dva is the least tank of the tanks, and even she can hold her ground better than mei will ever be able to. Zarya zones out the other team with both her damage output and her ability to deny damage.