Keep Zarya on 2 universal charges

Just add a half cooldown so people don’t use 2 bubbles in a row into the same person, because imagine also bubbling Rein (while he’s on enemies’ faces swinging hammer) twice in a roll.

This entirely defeats how her kit is supposed to be use. It takes a very large amount of the skill out of it.

No. It requires more skill knowledge to be effective.

I’m cool with it, but as a piece of generally making other Tanks more popular.

Doing it now alone by itself, would be a mistake. Given how stale tank usage variety is.

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This literally would make Zarya win all the 1v1’s. No thank you.

Aka, a way to get a damage threat into close range without getting CC’ed to oblivion? Sounds good to me.

One angle of course they can always go with preventing DoubleBarrier is just merely making OffTanks provide a lot more value.

For instance,

Or heck, make it so ImmoField can get gobbled up during it’s projectile AND during it’s deploy animation.

The catch of course to all of this is that it enables close range attacks, but it also disables close range attacks.

I like the concept on paper, but with the way Zarya is currently tuned it would make her an unstoppable juggernaut, winning 1v1s against pretty much everyone with 0 initial charge.

Zarya is in a pretty good spot, so I’d rather they not break the universe to adjust a character that is already relatively fun to play.

Well devs gotta move a lot further beyond the status quo, if they want more Tank players.

And they gotta be appealing to players that like getting kills.

Nah that would be way too much. Zarya is already strong. As is, zarya has to at least frontline for part of the time to get energy. This change would give her too much leeway in choosing when she engages in close range fights. She’d be at max energy all the time with little effort and no risk to herself.

Zarya is one of the fraggiest tanks in the game, and arguably the one that most matches the strategy they’re already planning for OW2. She doesn’t need to also out-1v1 every character in the game.

If they need to go to those kinds of lengths to attract tank players, then the bigger question is whether tanks should exist at all.

Even at max charge she’s doing a tiny bit less damage than a Soldier.

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With double his health and possibly having an extra bubble in her pocket for triple. Zarya already kills almost everyone at max charge. She doesn’t need to do it at zero.

Seriously, Zarya is in a good spot. She’s a great target power level for the other tanks. She doesn’t need to be megabuffed.

I really hated that change to be honest… felt so awkward.

Well, we’ll have to see. As I said above, one of the ways devs may deal with DoubleBarrier is just making it more valuable to have an OffTank.

And they are going to have to deal with DoubleBarrier whenever they want to get out of this “Rein or Lose” scenario they got going.

“Making Orisa and Sigma suck” isn’t really a permanent solution for DoubleBarrier.

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If rein got two bubbles she’d have none.

I mean, who cares about 1v1s?
If so, we’d nerf hog into oblivion.

To OP: I agree, I really love the change, and she even got a compensation nerf (projected bubble cd increased to 10s up from 8). Hopefully they’ll consider making it a thing, If it was too much I’d be happy to trade a grav nerf c:

And keep in mind he can headshot and has helix rockets.
He’s also one of the worst DPS in the game right now.

You can’t just dismiss the fact that Zarya is a tank like that. Such a narrow view on things…

She’s an off tank. Her damage is supposed to be high, especially at the relatively limited range it has.

And she still has to charge up her weapon which has 41% average energy. Sure you need to take into account the times she’s walking back to fight, but you also need to take into account the times she’s not using her charge.

No no no, Falcon over here talking like Zarya’s slightly lower raw damage than Soldier’s is adequate reason for major buffs as if Zarya doesn’t have all the benefits of being a tank. A tad ridiculous if you ask me.

I don’t think he’s implying that at all from what he’s said.
You must be misinterpreting what he said, I think…
Let’s ask him.

Grey, do you think zarya needs major buffs?