I find 25+ health funny

yes you can make her work, she’s just SO SO SO much better played defensively and not dumping repair packs into everyone.

how does repair pack act like zarya bubbles? (genuine question, not a “how does repairpack even ACT alike bubble???!”)


It goes through barriers and defence matrix and when stacked with inspire, that’s 70hps of healing on a dive target.

It’s a strong anti-dive capability that a Winston and D.va cannot block.

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dang, do you think being able to eat repair pack and block it with shields will fix it? also congrats on 44k posts

Just played against a 4K player who swapped to Cree in qp to try and win smh…
I fisted him in the face


i’d take a doom over mccree. and i usually hate doomfist more then mccree

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It would help.

Additionally, Brig was unable to target repairpack healing through enemy barriers, and the projectile for repair pack got blocked by enemy barriers

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The 25hp buff is really annoying me, I can catch them off guard or rocket punch around flashbang and they will still survive a slam uppercut and 2 shots to the body it’s just a massive crutch.
I said “cool 25hp buff” and he responded with “you’re on doom” I got the last kill of the game on him via spawn camping :sunglasses:

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How? Mccree have almost no weaknessm. The enemy needs more skills to kill a mccree than the mccree needs to kill the enemy.


it’s what he deserves

i wouldn’t mind being unable to heal through enemy shields, only makes it fair :woman_shrugging:

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Rewrote that section.

Additionally, Brig was unable to target repairpack healing through enemy barriers, and the projectile for repair pack got blocked by enemy barriers.

Devs are unlikely to change mercy and Zen heals, which are small anyways

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like when she was released?? or on the ptr?? if so i can try and add that to my OG brig code, interesting, thanks!

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You have an OG Brig code?
What’s that exactly? :slight_smile:

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here, its an original/launch brigitte code i made from scratch

Brigitte OG code

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cree and brig at not at all the same thing this post is useless

never said they were, i’m saying it’s funny they would give a mid range hero extra health and not a melee range hero. though they should add restrictions to inspire and repair pack so she can have it back


no, still, they aren’t the same thing. cree doesn’t have a 200 health shield nor can he self region. very very very different instances that haven nothing to do with each other

cree also doesnt have armor…

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Because Brig isn’t short range :skull:

Repair Pack is her primary source of strong Mercy pocket healing and is 30m range. Reaper, Sym, and Mei don’t do their job very effectively from 30m range. Brig does.

Whipshot is a 20m range, 4 sec CD ability that procs 20m radius inspire for 6 seconds.

Brig can, literally, do her job as a main support effectively without being closer than 20-30m to people. And if people DO dive her or get her close range, she has 50 armor HP, a 250 HP personal shield, a 4 second CD knockback ability, a shield bash that acts as mobility and a stun, and a self heal that persists through combat that she can constantly have up. Pair that with a Zen orb or Mercy pocket or Bap heal and she’s literally never dying to anything except ults.

Then there’s the fact that those heroes have more HP because they need it to not die immediately. Sym is a glass canon who HAS to be 12m away from enemies to be useful. The HP buff was super strong for her tho and it may eventually be exchanged for a range buff to her beam. Idk why you use Mei as an example when she’s literally problematic and has had to be nerfed so hard bc of how tanky she is, and they literally are experimenting with making her a tank (Brig too, according to Geoff). Reaper is also a bad example because he needs to be ON TOP of people to be effective, unlike Brig, and even then he’s not a good hero.

Like it’s really not hard to understand if you understand the hero and the game and the history of balance over the last 5 years.

Also. She has been literally meta in GM and pro play with only 200 HP at various times this year. Clearly she’s strong enough without it. She was not played in low ranks even with 250 HP, higher healing Repair packs that also gave armor overheal, and higher healing inspire.

So stop acting like she needs 25 HP when all it does it make her broken in high ranks and still unplayed in low ones. That’s such a bad balance take.

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yeah, they need to add restrictions to repair pack and her ability’s

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omg, that is soooooo cool. I love it. :relaxed: :relaxed:

I forgot how much I miss old 1 burst repair pack.

I also forgot how terrible the AI is though lmao :rofl:

But it’s so cool you were able to make that. I tried workshop once before and it’s all sooooo confusing

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it was super confusing for me too, i still have trouble with variables :sob: thank you though! i would be 100% fine if you wanted to do it with me tho :eyes:

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