Welcome to Season 21 of Competitive Play

Season 21 of Competitive Play is here, introducing hero pools to the Competitive playlist.

Unlocked at level 25, Competitive Play is designed for those players who want to put their skills to the test, and offers a more serious experience than our Quick Play or Arcade Modes.


Before you can kick off your competitive career, every player will be required to complete five placement matches in a selected role to obtain their seasonal skill rating for that role. Players will earn separate skill ratings (SR) for each role in Competitive Play, for a total of three distinct SRs. This rating will be a number between 1 and 5000, with higher values indicating a greater skill level. Players will also be assigned a tier per role based on their rating—Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, or Grandmaster – and climbing into the next tier is possible as you improve.

Skill ratings and tier icons will be visible at the beginning of every match. As you compete, your selected role skill rating will increase or decrease with each win or loss based on a number of factors, including your own performance and the skill of the other players in the match.

A detailed breakdown of the skill tiers, along with icons and information about the corresponding skill ratings can be found by pressing the “Information” button under the Competitive Play menu.


In addition to experiencing the thrill of victory, players can also unlock unique rewards through Competitive Play. Anyone who completes their placement matches in any role during a Competitive Season will receive a special spray and player icon.

On top of that, as you complete competitive matches, you’ll earn a currency called Competitive Points. When the season concludes, you’ll also receive a number of Competitive Points based on the highest Skill Tier you obtained during the season per role to spend on golden versions of your favorite heroes’ weapons.

Here’s the Skill Rating (SR) to Competitive Point (CP) breakdown:

Skill Tier Per Role Max Total
Bronze 25 75
Silver 50 150
Gold 100 300
Platinum 200 600
Diamond 300 900
Master 450 1350
Grandmaster 650 1950


The best of the best players compete across four separate Top 500 Leaderboards—one for each role, along with an additional combined average leaderboard. The combined Top 500 Leaderboard will be based on the player’s average skill rating across all three roles. To be eligible for a role-specific leaderboard, players must complete at least 25 games in that role (down from 50 games). To qualify for the combined Top 500 Leaderboard, players must be eligible for all three role-specific leaderboards. At the end of the season, players who earn a spot within the Top 500 players for any of these leaderboards on their platform and region will receive an additional player icon and animated spray.


Hero Pools

Season 21 introduces Hero Pools to Competitive Play. Rather than having all heroes available for play at all times, a weekly changing list of heroes will be available. The list will include the vast majority of the hero roster, with only a few being excluded during any given week. We think this feature will help keep Competitive Play interesting, as team compositions will change more frequently during a season. To learn more, check out our interview with Scott Mercer.

It is important to note that Hero Pools is a new feature that may not last past this initial season. Throughout the season, we will be adjusting the types of Hero Pools available. In addition, it is possible we will also adjust the frequency with which they change.

Map Pool

Season 21 introduces a new pool of maps to Competitive Play. This season will feature the following maps:


  • Hanamura
  • Horizon Lunar Colony
  • Volskaya Industries


  • Blizzard World
  • Hollywood
  • King’s Row


  • Busan
  • Lijiang Tower
  • Oasis


  • Dorado
  • Junkertown
  • Watchpoint: Gibraltar

Season 21 is live RIGHT NOW on Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, so power up your favorite gaming machine and join the fight. We’ll see you in-game!


Thank god, now I can play the 2nd most hated map of the game every 3 or 4 of my games. I thought map pools were supposed to remove Paris and HLC from competitive for good since they are terrible designed? I don’t think I want to touch this season anymore, map pools are so bad…


hlc is good. its not the same map it was on release.


double sniper monkaW


Can you increase the CP we receive per match? There’s no incentive to play competitive right now.

In reality, it’s the most hated map.

Current banned heroes: Orisa, Hanzo, Mei and Baptiste.


Yeah true, now there are trees and 1 entrance on the first point, it’s not like even pros can barely cap first point or finish the game without drawing…

Paris is way worse because you can’t even get past the choke against spam comps, at least horizon has 3 entrances. Who the hell thought giving a map only 1 entrance was a good idea?


we/you are not the pros. horizon lunar colony doesn’t draw more than any 2cp map anyways.

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Why ban orisa when she is the lowest pick rate tank ? Why ban Baptiste if Mercy Moira Ana got 2.5x to 5x more pick rate? They try to dont ban the people hero one trick ??? (mercy moira ana rein dva zarya) For the dps this look legit


What are you talking about. Horizon Lunar Colony is a great map.



Hero Pools

Please remove it. There is no impact change .


You haven’t got the chance to play barely any! How do you know that, so?

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I want to know HOW TF they chose the bans. Orisa and Bap being banned make ZERO sense.

Who the hell is playing those heroes right now?!?!


No hanzo ? He banned

So why are map pools still in the game? Does blizzard not listen to their community? Remove Paris and HLC and keep all of the other maps. Stop releasing a map pool every two months. That’s way too long to play the same 12 maps. No, your player base is not asking for every season to feel “unique” and thus add restrictions to what maps we are, and are not allowed to play in competitive. Competitive players, including me are burnt out of the game because of this. Nobody is excited to play 6 “new” maps for the next two months. We want variety.


I’m quite confused, thought the point of Map Pools was to eliminate Horizon Lunar Colony and Paris from Competitive because of how hard it is to push on these maps

Why don’t u make the hero pool random per match ?? I mean its not fair for a hanzo main to play a week without his hero and lose alot of sr right ?? I think random per match is fair enough

No, it was never stated anywhere, by anyone, that map pools would permanently get rid of any particular maps


Learn to play other hero’s, stop one tricking.