(Updated) Jeff and Geoff finally responded to Mercy feedback

So , if you probably missed Fran’s stream:
She talked with Jeff and asked him about Mercy’s state in the game and how she got buffed after season of being Underpowered where Ana needed 6 season to get a buff.

Anyway , let’s get to the point.

What basically Jeff said is that The developer team doesn’t want Mercy to be the Best hero or the worst - they want her to be balanced.
Jeff feels like the latest buff to Valkyrie will do more for Mercy than people give it credit. He thinks that it will put her in line with the other healers.
He also stated that he reads our very emotional feedback and that people won’t be happy until Mercy is the best or the worst hero in the game.
They hope that Mercy will be in a good spot after the buff.
They feel like the Support Balance patch was very successful.

That’s all. Any thoughts?

Update to the topic:
So , yesterday , Emongg did a stream with Geoff Goodman and they , again, spoke about Mercy.

What Geoff had to say:
-Mercy isn’t getting any type of rework
-She isn’t getting any buffs until they see how she’ll perform with the Valkyrie buff
-They talked about Mass Rez and how unhealthy it was for the game and the “Hide and Rez” strategy that some Mercy mains liked to use
-They admit their mistake that Mercy’s balancing was too slow and the 1 year Mercy Meta could’ve been ended earlier than It actually did.

And I managed to get my question about Mercy:
What’s the state of Rez and any chance of it being removed?
Answer: Rez is a really powerful ability and they like it the way it is. Geoff compares it to CC abilities and how no one likes them but they are still in the game.

The Developer Team thinks that Ashe’s addition to the game may restore Mercy’s glory and it might show how strong Mercy really is.

That’s it for now.


In other words, there is not anything planned for Mercy after her PTR buffs/reverts hit live. Sounds fine to me, since the developers are in fact paying attention to the forums.


my smug grin after having sufficient evidence to prove that the dev team is not ignoring the forums


Cool, atleast i can finally move on with Mercy and stop hoping she’ll be fun again.

I’ll just be an Ana/Ashe main from now on x3


i hate to be rude, but…he has a point, but really…this goes past just mercy


support patch was really good

mercy’s weak in ladder since people play her as a main healer whereas pros have never played her as one except for mercy meta

60 hps valk is perfectly fine in power level


They are definitely not ignoring the feedback , after all they are humans like us , they can’t sit all day and answer our questions. (Although I’d like to see them more active on the forums)


I guess I am giving up on Mercy and becoming an Ashe main. Thanks devs, for making such a fun character unfun and underpowered <3


That’s asking for trouble. When you’re part of a business, people can use every syllable you utter as a weapon against you. You have to be EXTREMELY careful and craft your words with precision if you don’t want the whole forums to turn against you, wth their own interpretations of something you said that was a bit unclear


I’m gonna post it on every revert mercy thread with blissful smiling


Well to me this proves he hasn’t read what people have been saying.
What I see from Mercy mains is statements like this : “We want to have fun playing Mercy, doesn’t matter if she’s F-tier, as long as we have fun”

and Jeff says

Well clearly there’s something wrong.
When it comes to worst hero, I’d say he’s not wrong, clearly a lot of people would want that.


This was my observation, as well. Jeff seems focused on balance, the feedback has primarily been focused on making her fun, and then folks want to say that his response proves they’ve been listening when clearly it doesn’t support that notion


oh wow. So that’s it then? Finally…Can someone link us to this stream so we can make it official?

I’d be fine with Mercy being the worst hero if she was still fun to play.

Unfortunately Blizzard only cares about balance, and while balance is great and a requirement for fun in the eyes of many it is not what has so many people upset about Mercy’s current state in the game. That said, people who are currently not enjoying Mercy will never enjoy Mercy again, because reading between the lines of what Jeff says they are satisfied with the rework of Mercy, with her current kit, and are set on just tweaking numbers to get her a little better balanced from here on. Tweaking numbers will not make her fun for the people who currently do not find her fun.


Sources or any form of links?

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Mercy doesn’t need to be the best hero in the game.
Mercy DOES need to be fun though.

Her ultimate is the literal weakest of all the support ults. I’d prefer to trade some strength of her Resurrect to give more strength to the ultimate. Because it is STILL is a spectator cam that doesn’t save a team whatsoever. Or it’s a weaker Orisa ult. Either way, it is horrible.



Proof that Blizzard IS IGNORING FEEDBACK since the majority of complaints is not about making Mercy the best or the worst, but about making her fun? Anyone who spends 1 or 2 hours per week on the forum would easily be able to come to that conclusion from reading threads.


LOL, good one, Jeff.


Having watched the world cup, the balance of Mercy significantly affects Pharah, Zen and hitscans. What we’re seeing is that the dev team made a deliberate decision to not care about how fun Mercy is to protect overall game balance.

I really hope that this isn’t a long term plan.


Support Balance patch was great and so is the last mercy buff/fix.

However, I just wish Moira’s Fade was 5 seconds.