Tutorial: Forcing which server you want to play (Blocking IP addresses)

So this tutorial is for those people who are interested on playing on a certain server without using any paid service or VPN. For example, if you are from East NA, you won’t get West games or viceversa.

First, you may need to enable your Firewall on Windows:

  1. Go to the search bar, type “Windows Defender Firewall” and open the program.
  2. At the left, click on “Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off” and turn on the Firewall on Public network settings.
  3. Click on OK and close the window.

Now, I’ll show you how to blacklist all the servers that you need:

  1. Use Windows-R to open the Run command box.
  2. Type wf.msc and hit the enter key.
  3. Now you should be on the “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security” window.
  4. At the left, click on “Outbound Rules” and select “New rule”.
  5. Select “Custom rule” and click on next.
  6. Select “All programs” and click on next.
  7. Leave everything as is on the ports and protocols screen and click next.
  8. Under “Which remote IP addresses does this rule apply to”, select "These IP addresses and click on “Add”.
  9. Select “This IP address range” and type the servers you want to block. The ranges are:
  • USA-West (West Coast): From: To:
  • USA-Central (East Coast): From: To:
  • Bahrain (Middle East): From: To:; and From: To: (add these two ranges).
  1. Click on OK and “Next”.
  2. Select “Block the connection”.
  3. On the “When does this rule apply” screen click next.
  4. Give it a name and a description if you want to.
  5. Do the same thing on the “Inbound rules” section.
  6. If you want to unblock the servers, press right click on the rule and click on “Disable rule”. If you want to enable it again, press right click on it and click on “Enable rule”.

As I said, by doing this you are blocking the servers that you don’t want to play in. Hope this will help you.

IMPORTANT: if you get one of this servers, don’t type in the game chat or click “Rejoin”.


Thanks, I’ll make sure to send this to people who don’t like the Middle East server.


Which is everyone I think :wink:


Middle East servers range are to
and to
(I have them blocked cause im from eu)



Because I was speculating on a server location for ME servers…then about a month later they start hints about it.

I was pretty close.

I was thinking Doha, Qatar on Google Cloud.
But they went with Bahrain on AWS.

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What are the brazil server IPs?

We are currently finding them, because apparently Brazilian servers are Amazon’s property

How does amazon own the Brazilian servers?

Probably Blizzard payed to Amazon for the servers

I’ll have to remember this next time I play on the ptr, it likes putting me on eu servers when I wait for too long. I’m sure it’s a ton of fun for the enemy team to play against someone at 150+ms but it’s not fun for me :laughing:

Thanks a lot! I’ll make sure to block unwanted servers once I start up comp again :slight_smile:

What do you mean by this?

I second the question above me but also want to know:

If I play with friends and am the only one that blocked the connection to ME, will we not be able to find a game on those servers because of me or is that still a possibility but I get disconnected or whatever…?

I have no knowledge in that field whatsoever, please forgive me

If you spam Rejoin the game tries to reconnect to the game and you will lose sr

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Any update on this? Trying to block South America servers currently

Does anyone know Singapore’s ip range?


Bumping this thread since it’s relevant now more than ever.

If you want to block EU servers look at this tweet https://twitter.com/flankana/status/1407484430978097158


Thank you for this :smiley:

Also if someone tries this please let everyone know whether it works or not.

Thank you.

I could’ve sworn I saw a post a couple of days ago from someone saying they were getting servers that they had blocked on their system…so I’m not sure but I wonder if this still works

Most useful necro I’ve ever seen, you deserve a medal