Stop putting EU players on ME servers with 150+ping!

Same. I would rather not play or wait longer than lag the whole game, thanks…


its in the middle of the day, no F-ing chance we dont have enough players on EU. And i get qeued in comp into ME. Tilting af !

It’s extremely frustrating. I tend to get them in the evening and just today’s experience:

Match starts and two people are already racist. Somehow using the n word is cool. Did I miss the memo or something?

5 out of 7 matches had someone deliberately throwing. Either in my team or the other team. I haven’t had a balanced match over this week.

It’s competitive btw. Not to mention some of the people from the region are extremely loud. Like imagine how bad it has to be for 3 people to leave vc after 20s.

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Um…we are discussing lags here, not people. Every region has it´s own toxic people.

This also happens in Asia. I’m in Japan and I often get into chinese/korean servers. It’s not as bad but I do get about 120ping.

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This is for everyone who want’s to block specific servers. Use at your own risk. Not sure what the side effects are if you queue with someone who didn’t block the respective ip’s


‘A friend’ had to block one more than the ones listed there for ME servers.
From to

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It is annoying, but you clearly had more ME players in your lobby than not. So, what do you want them to do.

Yeah you are disadvantaged… but most of the lobby won’t be.

Little bit of give and take seeing as they will mostly get CDG or AMS, so have high ping, so an occasional low ping game for someone in ME is fine.

I stop playing pvp OverWatch because of that for months now, the famous day they introduce ME servers, the game was unplayable and I see it’s still here meh. Results shots lag teleport team ennemy teleport sounds after animation …

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The thing is, it would be understandable if i play at 3am in the morning, but not at 8pm EU prime time. Absolutely not acceptable.

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What do you want them to do. Put most of the lobby on high ping just to keep 1 or 2 happy.

I get that it is annoying, but it isn’t unplayable.

And this is why we are getting crossplay.

Yes try to play projectile heroes and say that again with 150 ms.
Oh I bet you’r from US so you probably know nothing about that.

If you play Pharah, the high ping player has an advantage. Same with Echo (until you use beam or ult)

It should be impossible to get onto ME servers when you’ve been playing on European servers all day.

ME should be a separate region entirely. I get lower ping playing on American servers from Europe than on ME servers.

Or, and hear me out, let ME players be put on their servers and Europeans can be put on their own. If ME servers don’t have enough players to support that then your argument falls apart. In that case we’d be punishing the majority just to keep a tiny number of players happy.

Spoken as someone who doesn’t play on those servers. They are completely unplayable. The lag is awful. The delay is enormous, there’s rubberbanding and frequent disconnections. Then add on that you can’t communicate the issues to your team due to language barriers. It’s unplayable.


I should try east cost server from France one day, I bet I could also have less ping than ME, but I didn’t really want to lose my skins sad dilemna.

The ME server is one of the 3 servers on the EU region.

So it should be very possible if that is the lobby you’ve been matched into.

I do occasionally. I also play on NA from the UK. If you play high ping, play Pharah. The netcode for her is such that she has the advantage in high ping games.

Which is the entire problem. It shouldn’t be on the European region as the servers are unplayable for a huge chunk of the European playerbase.

It’s often not viable to play Pharah or one particular hero. That isnt a solution. Especially when you cant communicate your strategy or why you’re not swapping to your team.

The situation is unacceptable and we shouldn’t be punishing European players with almost guaranteed losses just to shorten queue times for ME players.

Communication has nothing to do with the server. Even on CDG or AMS you aren’t going to communicate with everyone. Or even anyone most of the time.

The situation was unacceptable, they shouldn’t of been punishing ME players with guaranteed losses just to shorten the queue times to EU players.

Here my report on the tech forum:

ADDERALL - If you believe there’s a potential issue with the matchmaker that may be causing you to play on MSE1 servers after leaving party please report that in the #bug-report section. We don’t have the ability to investigate or fix bugs here on the Tech Support forums.

i don’t really care that much and i know how long it takes until someone really looks into it, so i didn’t report it to the bug-forum