Top 500 Tank Pick Rates

I think the pick rate of T500 doesn’t mean much about the post-patch impact right? Since most of the games are played before the patch.

I’m looking forwards to Overbuff stats, but it seems you need to wait for a whole month to get the pure post-patch data

Depends on who’s on his team. I mean, playing range against a Rein Poke Comp when his DPS and supports can do full damage to your team while half of your shots get blocked by a shield isn’t my idea of an effective strategy. Some maps make this tactic too effective, IMO.

Sometimes, you have to mirror, but with role lock and tanks that insist on staying on the same pick all match, that can get a bit toxic.

Doesn’t work in a game where you are expected to be at certain point to win (especially in overtime)

Yeah, I am thinking along the same lines. This is with only 5 days on the new patch. So, this isn’t heavily effected by the changes yet.

I’m cautious with Overbuff these days. It used to be a good resource, but I’m concerned that the site isn’t being properly maintained.

please do. It’s very necessary.

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Range and high ground doesn’t exist in bronze. Everyone must play point at all times.

We need this for DPS and support

Blizzard, we need this for metal rank, AND an another one for master and GM, for each role

The data’s been looking odd to me lately on Overbuff- the upper ranks tend to have net positive win-rates for the roster (even after weighting by pick rate), which really shouldn’t happen unless they aren’t, on average, being matched against players of the same rank. 50% of players in every lobby lose, after all, barring leavers/backfills skewing that slightly. Makes me more skeptical than usual of what’s being presented on Overbuff; it usually stay this skewed this far into a season, I think. Normalization of pick rates in GM is frequently a problem at any point in a season though…

Regardless, thanks for collecting and posting the T500 data. It’s neat to see.

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I think top 500 in tank starting at Masters is very telling when they’ve introduced a new rank above GM.

Lot of people aren’t queing for tank even if it is just mid season.

I feel map pool plays a huge part in it too. Maps with more verticallity Rammatra, Queen, and Mauga (even Hog) struggle over using a dive tank. Less so with Zarya because she can bubble dive dps, but that’s if you play dive dps with her.

Otherwise you go tanks with a beefy defensive nature which those 3 heroes mostly don’t have. Orisa and Sigma do great in that regard.

Also this ^

Zarya is more of a Sombra case hero. In uncoordinated environments they thrive, with teamwork and proper counterpicks they get bodied.


If you take OW1 data you’d see every tank being one tricked. Cause in OW1 tanks could actually play what they want.

The team comp for pro, will waft.

Depends on the other tank, the timing of the respawn, and the team decision on what tank to play next.

This is not fun,

But Orisa is still a beast, depending on DPS and supports.

Rein may have some room, but zarya is more used lately.

It is all counter swapping yet.

I’m not surprised. Rein and Doom players seem to want to be the character, and I think its due to the in-your-face gameplay they provide. Hero fantasy and what not. You see the same for Genji and Mercy mains.


D.Va mains too. We are very dedicated to the hero. But no one-tricks in top 500. :frowning:

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Reins mains eat in bronze.

I apologize not much can be helped there and nerfung him won’t help that.

Lol. This is absolutely wrong.

First no one played tank and you definitely could not play whatever. Thats why ots like flats was forced to play ball, zar, sig, and ect.

I have 2k OW1 tank hours. I know what I’m talking about.

Not surprised to see monké and hog at the top considering they’re the only tanks remaining with survivability and decent damage (and mobility for winston).

I put it together for supports. DPS is coming soon. It just takes some time. Here’s the link to the support one.

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I put this together for all regions in the post below. D.Va did actually have the highest representation in EU, even more so than Asia actually. NA and EU both had Winston and Hog as the top 2. Asia had Winston and Doom as the top 2. Orisa was played more than D.Va in both NA and Asia, but it was reversed in EU.

Yeah that was like 1-2 days after the patch released. Good ol ChiefWamBam was a contrarian, saying DVA is strong. Argued profusely in a thread with Lumin and I believe yourself somewhat, about how strong DVA is even after the armour changes.