Top 500 Tank Pick Rates

I know right?
Dm so powerful it single handedly carries her winrate.
:skull: :skull:

Funny guy.

Please play her you will find that the only thing you can face tank is a poor reaper :joy: :pray:t6:


D.Va players are pretty vocal on the forums.


And I stand by that, she’s far from the only tank to suffer from the change and she also benefits more than most in the situations where it is beneficial since she has so much armor.

Meanwhile, her damage only went down versus tanks and three squishy characters, only notably against armored tanks, which isn’t that big of a deal given the number of tanks whose damage against her also went down including most of those armored tanks. is completely fine

Uh yeah, the point was that face tanking isn’t what you should be doing most of the time

Eh, her numbers in Top500 aren’t that far apart from D.Va’s. Co-incidence?

Seriously though, at higher ranks you can’t just pick Zarya to insta-win against D.Va. It’s more map and team-composition dependent.


Keep in mind that a majority of the playtime these stats are reflecting is before the recent patch. People who are big D.Va players have been struggling on her. I even saw Emongg playing Hog and he hates Hog.

Expect D.Va’s pick rate to fall and for Hog’s to actually increase if we revisit this in a few weeks towards the end of the season.


The thing is, different tanks thrive in different ranks. And DPS, and supports.

So, unless you are top 500, this doesn’t matter.

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Thank You.

Can you do this for dps and supports please.

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I disagree. It’s very useful to know what is being played at the top level. It’s literally the skill ceiling for the game.

Also, these stats are just cool to see. Saying these stats don’t matter because it’s just for the top level is the same as saying that stats in professional sports doesn’t matter because it’s the top level play. For those who care, it most certainly matters.

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Nice work, OP! I hope it wasn’t too much of a drag assembling all of this data.

I’m not too shocked about Ram but I didn’t realise that JQ had fallen so far from grace. Not that I had much of an opinion about it but I guess those buffs were well deserved, then.

I can already feel in my bones what they’re going to do with Ram; they’re going to buff the damage of Nem punches, something that they did for Rein and Winston to compensate for the universal season nine health increases but didn’t for everyone’s favourite genocidal robot.

I wish they’d make him more flexible instead. I’d like to be able to somehow cash in Nem to get a discount on barrier’s CD. This would allow him to opt for a pokier playstyle along the lines of OW1 Orisa, but he wouldn’t be able to immediately pop into punchbot mode if he makes the wrong call. But this sort of thing will never happen. Oh well.

Eh, not really. There are better picks for pub stomping and it kinda shows. Since season nine at the very least, Zarya’s been a tank with a decent pick rate in lower ranks, but also low win rates. She’s not good against Rein, for example, who rules the roost in metal ranks.


It’s only the US stats, too.

D.Va is a lot more popular to play in Asia for example.

Yes, It’s Americas. But it isn’t just US. This includes Canada, Mexico, and all of South America too. I considered doing this for all regions, but it’s super time consuming to do correctly. Also, I play in this region. So, it’s the most relevant one to me personally.

Winston is also more popular in Asia, and Doomfist too. D.Va is still less popular than they are even in Asia.


“Do you want to see my muscles?”

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Why? He’s not the best tank in top 500 and bellow that everyone likes Rein, he’s considered the best designed tank since launch.

and that is exactly the issue. he is too good compared to any other tank.

A good bar chart would be to take your first one and then split each bar into 3 colour coded regions showing the number of times they are top-played, 2nd top and 3rd for each hero. That would add a nice bit of information for a single chart.

On EU, currently, season10, Top10 shows 6 slots with diva the most picked tank, 3 slots with orisa most played and 1 slot with a ball mainer.
Then going down to top50 - top100, I see 2/10 slots filled with DvA as the most played tank consistently (almost on each page). Not one out of three, but the 1st - most played on each page.

Well, I guess NA is an easy climb, considering low ground Andys here persist.

How does that help me, when other characters are stronger at my level of gameplay?

That’s not the same thing at all, lol. Like, not even a little bit. lol

That’s fair…

Zarya is a pubstomper at lower ranks until you get lobbies with people who can aim and hit her surprisingly easy to abuse head - even with the 25% headshot reduction. Same issue as Junker Queen.

A lot of the people who complain about Zarya aren’t in the demographic these charts are using to calculate those numbers.


Why? Jusy play range and avoid him. :man_shrugging:t6: