Top 500 Tank Pick Rates

I went through and compiled all the top 500 data for tanks in NA. And What I found was very interesting. I’ll post graphs of all the pick rates, number of 1-tricks, etc. below. Let me know what you think! What is the most interesting piece of data to you?

  1. There are only 5 Champion rank tank players. None are higher than Champion 5.
  2. GM stops at the top 145.
  3. Top 500 starts at Masters 3.
  4. Rein is by far the most 1-tricked tank, with Doom coming in second place.
  5. Half the tanks do not have any 1-tricks in top 500
  6. Ram is the least played tank in Top 500 followed by Queen.
  7. Winston, Hog, and Orisa are the most represented in top 500.
  8. D.Va is indeed very mid like I predicted LOL - I mean right at position 7 of 12

Here are the full stats.

Overall Pick rates for Tanks
If you only look at one graph, it should be this one.

Pick rates only considering the most played hero for each player

Number of 1-tricks for each tank in top 500


This is awesome

Can you make one for Supports?

And I’m sure DPS are gonna like another one xD


You predicted mid? Nah, you predicted unusable my guy


He predicted barely usable. And that under specific situations.


Dude, this is really well done. Thanks!


So when are we finally going to nerf rein then.

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Surprised Zarya is so under-picked given how much people complain about her.


You can see that almost no one plays Ramattra, Junkerqueen, or Mauga. This is of course, due to the meta, but also because the new tank design in OW2 is less broadly appealing. Tanks have lost their identity as protectors/disruptors and have instead become slow clunky DPS.


I’m not, she’s a great pub-stomper at the low and mid ranks but falls off hard as people learn to play against her.

  • Don’t shoot her bubbles unless you’re 100% going to burn her down
  • Go after her team and she loses (aka play Winston)


Certainly not the vibe I got

Either way dva isn’t a top tank like you claim she is

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After the patch? No, not anymore. Before the patch she absolutely was. Post patch still isn’t looking bad at all.

The patch has only been out for a week. The majority of the play time that the stats this data is from happened during the first half of season 10. Also, I thought you didn’t think this patch made dva worse.


Yeah before the patch in s9-10 she was in her best state since s1 lmao. Ofc now that her armor is non existent after like 3 shots from cass she is horrible.


Hell yeah, brother. Stop! Hammer Time!

I am glad that the world has something right about it.


The patch obviously made her worse, both of her prinary damage sources were hit. I just don’t think she’s gonna be nearly as bad as y’all want to make her out to be since her damage is mostly worse cersus armor.

The only particularly popular and high tier armored tanks that aren’t are Winston and Orisa, and can certainly mess Orisa’s mojo up with just matrix. Winston is her main pain point post patch since he mostly benefited from the changes. is far from the only tank to suffer that and she’s in the best position to deny it.

Yeah deny her team a win xd.
She is so opressed rn than if you fly at the wrong time in those 2 seconds you get killed.

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That’s any character, you do the wrong thing at the wrong time and you get killed

What do you expect? To face tank everything?

Last I recall you thought she was not negatively impacted much at all since she has a lot of armor.