Top 500 Tank Pick Rates

Psh. You’re parroting what you’ve heard someone else say. 99% of players weren’t in Masters let alone top 500. You could play whatever tank you wanted to where the majority of the playerbase is.

I played Reinhardt in OW1. I enjoyed playing Rein. Win or lose, it was fun. I enjoyed playing Rein regardless of my Roadhog main, tank counterpart. It was fun.

I do not play tank in OW2. It is not fun. Win or lose. It is not fun.

You can check my profile here on the forum. Reinhardt is still my 4th most played hero. And that is 95% OW1 playtime, I have barely touched tank in 5 v 5. I only do placements at the start of season in comp, and play one tank game in QP every 2 months to remind myself why I no longer play it.

I’m honestly surprised I still have more playtime on Rein than Zenyatta, since Zen is one of my support mains since OW1, and he has upgraded to my primary support main in OW2.

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who is this mauga 1 trick in top 500?

also thanks op for compiling, very interesting and it keeps me up to date

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I personally refuse to allow my Mercy hours to surpass my Dva hours as painful as solo tanking may be. Dva has been fun in season 9, but before then I was forcing myself to queue tank in qp until I remembered open queue was an option.

Youre amazing, thanks a lot!

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One thing I see is that tank is by far the most one tricked role which is weird (or actually makes a lot of sense) with all the complaints about counter swapping by tank players. Guess a lot of tank players don’t care and will just feed and lose games rather than swap.

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Well I mean they’re in the Top 500 so they’re not exactly losing are they?

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Then guess we don’t have the counter swap problem that everyone thinks we have. Maybe more people should start to one trick their favorite tanks. (Specifically rein for honor)