Reinhardt is unkillable

Hog is no different from any hero. Orisa by far more easier over Hog. No Tank is really hard to pick up than Doom or Ball.

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No arguments on that but on the other hand, if it takes all 5 people to gun Reinhardt down, maybe he’s just a little bit too strong. Im not saying gut him. He just needs to be pulled back slightly.

I don’t have to take you seriously if you still think Hog and especially Orisa are broken. You are straight up biased and if you cant see why that’s unhealthy for the game, i can’t help you.

Don’t even bother conversing with Midway. He’s one of the unsavables. He’s deep rooted in his ways.

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Rein isn’t op though :joy:

Neither was hog.

People are less likely to cry for nerfs on a likeable accepted hero as long as they are not too op.

People are more likely to cry for nerfs to heroes they hate even if they are marginally better than good

The difference is that not only were most top tie tanks frustrated by Hog, the devs own data agreed with them that he was over performing. While I don’t think Rein is as weak as some say, I don’t think he’s even close to unkillable.


Have we seen the devs data cause the data we had said that Hog was slightly underperforming and that this has been a steady trend for a good while

We haven’t seen their data. But we don’t have accurate data. They said he was over performing. In fact it was significant enough for an emergency nerf which they almost never do.

Edit we do actually have Top 500 pick rates. He was performing well here.

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Yes he is. He’s easier than any tank other than Orisa, has incredible survivability and a one shot. Obviously he needed to be nerfed when he became meta

So post them. Or what are we doing here?

If someone say water is dry and I say water is wet, am I being biased in favor of the wetness of the water?

Factually incorrect. Play an entire day of comp, you will find out real quick. If you still come out thinking he’s not unkillable and able to play hyper aggressive, you’re plain biased

No. You’re talking complete nonsense

Alrighty then. R5303A New Junk City, J41X2K Hollywood. Me and my duo Tyreese are well agreed on Reinhardt being rather unkillable. The proof is laid out in front of you. Anything other than, “wow, you’re right” carries a whiff of bias. We tried out absolute best to put him down and tried countering him and it wasn’t enough

The part I love is they put him in the dumpster for 6months + and then released a garbage “rework” that still didn’t work awesome but was passable, … but the moment he’s doing slightly too good… emergency nerf.



It was more than slightly. It was stifling as a tank player. It was basically Roadhog or lose for a week. He needed those nerfs.

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I’m 5 minutes in, Rein has died 3 times. I do see he smushed you himself several times though. Did you expect to win a Moira Vs Rein AND his support?

Gotta give his supports credit though… they are ON THE BALL.

I think people didn’t run his counters enough. But hey… I’m not a dev.

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I know your main focus here is to talk about Hog, but slandering Rein, a character that is already struggling, is not the way to go about it. They are both very old tanks that got lost somewere in the middle of the game, but Rein is not hated because he feels fairer than other tanks, and the reason of that is because he has to rely too much on his team, and, again, it was nothing out of the expected with this pityful excuse of a “fix” for the role. Again, if you couldn’t kill a Rein, his supports are playing well and he’s not being incompetent. He has very limited ways to survive by himself and denying damage, unlike characters like Mauga, Hog and Queen that have sustain, Ball, Doomfist and Winston that have high mobility,, Sigma and Orisa that have ways to deny damage and Zarya that punishes players that shoot her bubble.

Hog is not easier than Orisa or even Mauga. Other tanks than Doom or Ball are not hard to pick up. Winston, Sigma, DVA, and JQ are hard to pick up and play

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Rein gets ripped apart in comp, I don’t see how that helps your argument

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Hey do you remember 60%+ winrate Hog meta like 3 seasons ago? Or the one-shot Hog meta before that?

I remember.

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You played junk and venture. Play something with range and either go after the supports first, or just burst down his shield out of his range.

Your DPS were junk/venture and torb. You didn’t try a whole lot to beat the rein. You started out with a sig as a tank, but played junk/torb with sig. Why not go sojourn, ash, cass, hanzo, anything where you can just hang out and poke with sig?

You spent a huge chunk of second point on low ground, and your tank kept trying to brawl with rein…as sig.

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

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Well, respect for posting them. And I have to admit, while I was expecting to see you dropping the ball, you and your friend actually played pretty well for the most part – at least in the first replay, as I only watched part of the second. However, I think this is simply a case of your team not playing in such a way as to make him a priority target.

On NJC you were Moira, whose beam weapons are not great against armour. Even Moira’s ult only tickles him if he’s at full health. Might have been okay if your dps were helping burn down his shield and his armour, but they weren’t (and your Mercy obviously wasn’t going to help with that either). They were busy picking off backline targets, which ended up working out for you.

On Hollywood, again, you as Junkrat are the only one really equipped to bring down Rein’s shield, and then eventually your friend switches to Orisa and then Mauga, who can help in principle. But your support comp isn’t great to sustain Orisa, and certainly not Mauga, which limits your effectiveness. Meanwhile they have a Bastion drawing your team’s attention, and the enemy Rein has strong support from Ana and Mercy.

Rein is definitely stronger after the recent balance changes, but he’s not OP. Either pick heroes that can pump out a lot of raw damage, or pick off his back line first and watch him crumble thereafter.

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