D.Va feels absolutely horrible to play

she’s honestly not that bad

her surviviability has been gutted pretty much shes been mistreated while ther other tanks have had changes to make them survive longer or possibly not even die


Then don’t play her.

The games I played yesterday felt like she didn’t even have armor.

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Don’t agree. 4 second DM is kinda massive. She can absolutely dive. You have to be smart about it though.

It’s three seconds though…


Really? My bad if so then. I thought it was 4 but wasn’t completely sure.

Yea, if you dont believe me you can go in the practice range right now and test for yourself. Just use missiles and press matrix when theres 3 seconds left. It runs out just as the cooldown comes back up


Top tank on the ladder, but whatever :person_facepalming:

It is the Mandela effect.

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I got demoted 4 times in the past week. I was just toughing it out to finish my challenges, but that’s right. And the sad thing is that she’d be fine if she had a little more HP, and an extra 4 pellets in each arm of her primary fire.

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Weird, why is everyone complaining about D.va?
Her damage is fine, try boop + melee + shoot neck, enemies all dies instantly.
And matrix is insane in eating valuable cooldowns.

Shes one of my most played tank, I reached Diamond 2 with ease.

Because bad habits haven’t been unlearned. So instead of adapting, they whine.

She’s not. I’m currently putting together the top 500 numbers and y’all are going to be surprised.


Have you played her after the patch? She was fine before the mid season patch.


Should be fine because she was never a big offender for burst damage. There’s definitely room to bump her numbers up safely. The challenge is making her better against other tanks without making her overbearing against squishies.

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Pretty much. Her damage had never been all that threatening against other tanks (at least compared to what they can output). But she isn’t exactly a full dive tank either so she does need to be able to apply some pressure on the tank. However, we don’t want her diving the backline and being an unstoppable force.

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When you are D.va you are your matrix and your pressure. You aren’t your micro missiles nor your primary fire nor your ability to dive. You stand where your opponents the least like it regardless of the state of the environment that you can easily overcome with your boosters. That is your strength within the tank roster

Old off-tank D.va style made you a bulky DPS that would eat the most harmful projectiles coming your team’s way while comboing and diving squishies. That is no longer what you do since the format is 5v5. They can’t really change that without changing the format or reworking micro missiles off the kit

Yeah, these people don’t play the character at any meaningful capacity and then relies on old data for talking points. No way she’s going to be the highest used tank while being D-Tier.

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I actually did compile that data for NA. It took some time. I’m considering doing it for EU and Asia too because I’ve already had a couple people just flat dismiss it because I didn’t include those initially. I just didn’t because it’s a lot of manual data entry required.

Check it out though. It’s interesting. Ram is actually doing really bad. And Winston and Hog are kings.