This Forum is an Echo Chamber

The developers do not read this forum. They listen to streamers and OWL players-- the moneymakers, the head-turners. This is understandable, as many of the posts here are man-children whining about some hero being OP or some other character needing a rework while completely ignoring their own shortcomings and the other two can generate a profit. However, I’ve seen plenty of posts that definitely warrant some kind of response from Blizz and yet-- nothing.

Before you say that I’m wrong because Jeff et. al. respond to some posts-- Be aware of the timing, the behavior. It’s done in waves-- when THEY feel it’s needed. Where’s SMS integration for ranked? Where are more support/tank heroes? Where are new maps? Where are any of the (extremely basic) game features most people have been begging for for years, e.g. KDA scoreboard that tracks stats that matter? Why is the inherently toxic/misleading medal system still a thing 4 years later?

Devs, if you’re going to leave us hanging, at least let us know WHY you’re leaving us hanging. What is the pipeline like at Blizzard? Why do these features take [seemingly] years to develop with nothing to show?

Not trolling, genuinely concerned. I love this game. I want to see it get bigger and better.


I don’t think you know what an echo chamber is.


I do, but thanks for your contribution.

Have you heard of metaphor?

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You figure I’m just really really good at guessing?

So, you know those low win rate heroes which people say are OP? - #11 by GreyFalcon-11737

GreyFalcon Topic Codex


No idea who you are, so maybe!


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Yep you’re right




A victim to your own post

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the forum prophet…

Because it would be a mess if they listened to forums, and OWL players have the highest understanding of the game.

If they went with Forum balancing:

Every hero would be nerfed and buffed every week.

Everyone would get the same SR regardless of win or loss so there won’t be forced losses anymore.

There wouldn’t be roles anymore. Every hero is now DPS.

Mercy can now Res her entire team every 5 seconds and has 2000 health.

Rein would now have no shield, no hammer, and 150 health.

All flankers would be deleted from the game.

Crossplay is now a thing, but we balance for Switch and everyone now has to use Gyro controls, including PC.

Insert all the other dumb ideas


Not implementing unreasonable/unneeded demands doesn’t mean they aren’t reading. It seems to me like they read a lot and find it better not to respond to most things.

I agree with you. Completely. Gyro controls on PC would be dope though, ngl.

I’m a guy who’s hobby it is to make class based shooter video game devs listen to my change ideas. :slight_smile:

Probably got about 40 changes into another game by the Everquest devs called PlanetSide. Including how about 60 warp gates connect across 10 massive map zones.
Also wrote a mini installer for the game that was downloaded 30,000 times before it was copied by the devs.

Also way back in the day I worked on a server modification for a class based shooter called TRIBES. Had about 40 servers running it, 20 teams playing it in tournament for about a year and a half.

Anyways, I’m usually Gold/Plat depending on how hard I feel like trying. Sometimes briefly Diamond.


That’s cool man, I can dig it. Definitely trying to get onto your level of realm of influence, you feel me?

They do read forum from time to time, but wait it’s like there is nobody to read it for them here… only if they hired someone else to do it.

I prefer developer to develop and not fight with fanbase on the forum, because one want nerf and other want buff to the same hero at the same time.

Some of us are just Witches :wink:

I feel like Jeff takes a whole bunch of drugs once every few months and dives in to the forum for half a day before he has had enough.

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Or wizards… as the case is :wink:

According from what ive seen Male witches do exist, its a unisex word