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This is true, but the promise of RoleQueue is not having to Fill.

And you can bet there are a lot of Tank/Healer players that would pick DPS 100% of the time, if there wasn’t any downsides.

And there are some who moved to DPS, who WOULD Tank / support if they didn’t have to solo, and had people who wanted to be in the role being their other tanks/supports.

No one is telling you to flex… If you take the amount of healers and amount of dps heroes as well and take in the factor of people playing, you would get the same amount roughly. This could have changed but last I checked it was true.

I don’t like games with NO healers - so I have 600 hours on support.

I could not flex, but we would have worse games for it. I SHOULD NOT be punished for doing so.

but… lets get back to OP’s post.

Their system is worse than what we have now people who would rather DPS, but are flexing, because it will EXPECT them to flex. They WILL end up in the support / tank roles.

Because the matchmaker is TRYING for 2-2-2 , and it is the only way it will manage it.

So the only way to avoid having to tank / support every game, is to buy a new account, and ONLY play DPS on it.

Which is an AWFUL design.

Well, I like my RoleQueue design, because it works for both Comp and Quickplay.

The excess DPS players would just queue 6AnyHero queue. (Or sit through really long queue times, but that’s unlikely, given how easily they could queue for without role lock).

I’m not sure you thought that one through - it has a funny as all hell feedback loop. But that is for another thread :wink:

Or maybe you did, and you are evil, and I tip my hat to you for it :slight_smile:

Might affect some but the large majority wouldn’t care if they had 2 tanks. It’s miserable to play tank. I should know as a former tank main. I still tank though because I like flexing. I like being a team player.

I have good faith that the devs want to make the game fun for ALL players.

Well, the feedback loop is that you get less and less tanks/healers in the 6Flex queue. Until the point where you have almost two distinct populations.

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You DID think it though you evil evil person :slight_smile:

I love it.

Sure you have a choice, but, you get to wear the results of that choice to the face :slight_smile:

I like it, but it is evil.

The forum posts of “why do I only get DPS only players in the freeQ” would make it all worth while.

seriously though, you can’t do that…

I’ve always advocated for an even softer role queue as a bare minimum for matchmaking:

Don’t put multiple people with the same main on the same team.

That’d be a decent start and ultra easy to implement.

That being said I’m all for soft role queue matchmaking in general.

IF you got to select your mains. yes… I do NOT want the matchmaker guessing my main. It has changed - and it will get it wrong.


Well, the thought process is that Quickplay essentially has two distinct playerbases.

One seeking a low consequences quick “lol it’s only Quickplay” experience.

And those looking for an “Unranked semi-serious” experience.

Trying to force either population into a “one size fits all” is just going to make them angry and possibly quit.

With this, everybody gets what they want. And higher MMR solo queuer can go against lower MMR role queuers. So you don’t suffer a queue speed penalty, by actually splitting the populations.

Totally, yeah. Especially at the start of season, sometimes I won’t even have gotten to pick Sym yet, and it’d be a travesty if the game thought I was a healer main or something.

With this, everybody gets what they want deserve.

I am SURE the casuals don’t want to play in only DPS games vs proper comps all day, every day.

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If they ever get the itch for something less causal, the role queue button is right there. :slight_smile:

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evil, I tell you. evil since the dawn of time.

The troll in me wants to do this to them, but, the game designer in me is like “no stop that…”

That is the call of the dark side, and it IS a strong call.

If Blizzard DID implement it, I would laugh, and laugh, and laugh.

Do you know what I am starting to worry about? Overwatch 2, and WHICH part of the playerbase which will leave here, and play it.

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Like Jeff put it. LFG was supposed to let players control their experience. This just does that better, without the queue time problems.

This just keeps the Casuals with the Casuals, and the Tryhards with the Tryhards.

Such that expectations aren’t being violated by having these two populations mingle together.

Because violated expectations are the root of most unhappiness in the world.

And you think the casuals won’t expect a team comp with is in ANY way good?

so overwatch 2, are you worried about which part of the playerbase will leave for it?

I think after a while they will know what they are getting into when they pick RoleQueue or CasualQueue. And even if they might not like it, it won’t feel like something they didn’t expect.

And there will definitely be those that alternate back and forth, depending on their desire for freedom, or to avoid frustration.

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And they won’t.

That IS true, but, it is evil as hell, and you know it.

depending on their desire for good team comps, or to avoid queue lengths. - lets call it what it is :slight_smile:

I give it a month before the feedback system winds up into full swing.

I mean, it is evil, but I love every bit of it :wink: