The patch went back live again

Yeah, that’s the good one, I guess. Even then I question what happens if Bap/Brig are addressed.

One good change in 12 months. Same exact problems as 2020.

We should have know that “aggressive balancing” meant aggressively stupid.


The solution is to give Moira IF


Moira’s ult should instantly focus Baptiste and send him off Team Rocket style

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I love that they think adding yet another ******* one shot to the game is a good idea.


So I tried doom into cass to see how bad it was. Its bad, he just kinda flopped away floating before I could do any meaningful damage.


I personally don’t think much would change, it would just make Ana become meta

Remember a while ago a streamer claimed Moira is gonna be meta again after Bap got a nerf and all that happened was… Ana became meta lol then later he got a buff or something and became meta again

These people are dishonest about how strong Moira is, and the only time she’s actual been proper meta she got nerfed out of it with Doomfist oh and the only reason she was meta same as doomfist is because she worked well with double shield, so basically wasn’t even Moira’s fault, they just released a very OP tank into the game that caused one of the worst meta.

Every other time she was replaced once they figured out a better way to perform the meta
Goats replaced by Zen
quad replaced by Ana


They aren’t ALL bad, but they don’t really address anything. They’re just changes for the sake of changing something.

Moira will still underperform until they give her back some of the linger OR they gut baptits so he stops taking EVERY supports niche in borderline EVERY comp.

Cree is already a top 5 dps in most situations, and is already strong at close range. Buffing his close range utility and giving him the ability to parkour to unintended locations might be fun on paper, but it’s not fun to play against.

Hanzos storm arrow? weird, but sure I guess. Probably needs a nerf to compensate.

Torb buff? tanks will feel worse to play because of it, he’s already pretty good, and he will further take reapers supposed niche.

ball nerf? sure, this one makes sense.

Rein buff? rein needs survivability, and maybe the stun time back on his ult- not more damage.

Addressing the broken heroes: hog, sig, brig, bap, echo etc was the path everyone was expecting. When you get a bunch of stupid or meaningless changes its understandable that people are upset about it- especially when a few of the changes are buffing already really strong heroes.


Well I’m interested as to what Andy has to say to this. Hopefully some changes can be looked at again!


Oh well, future balance changes are in a weird state anyways since most of them are going to be made irrelevant once OW2 releases tbh. I wish we’d get news about OW2 soon.

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What really pissed me off is that they acknowledge the negative feedback but pushes it to live anyway.


I think it would have been OKish if they at least just put it on experimental. But the fact that they just put it on live just adds salt to the wound.


Bugs not withstanding (sorry about that), we knew some of these changes would drive a lot of conversation. We also knew that the patch would shake up the meta a bit, something we’ll be closely monitoring this week. As usual, we’ll be summarizing your feedback and sending that along to Geoff and co.

Your measured feedback about your play experience once you’ve tried out the patch is going to be super helpful in said summary. If you don’t care for the experience, let us know what frustrated you about it. Try to be specific, avoid hyperbole, and just speak to your experience. If you like it, tell us what you enjoyed about it. Again, be specific, and try to avoid hyperbole (this is especially important in how you title your feedback threads).

Thanks folks


Could you explain why this patch was decided to be pushed straight to live rather than it go through experimental?


Thanks for the balance changes. I’ll come back and respond with my feedback on the changes. Right now, just rumor I’ve heard, Moira’s Fade is gonna be insane now.


I just don’t understand why we aren’t nerfing anything?

The game was fun back in September - October 2020 because there were massive changes to multiple heroes that caused problems for a while, then we just added powercreep to said characters agian. (Bap buffs, Health nerf/buff patch…) those are a few examples of what started to make the game drop to being unfun again. This game does have it’s moments… I will admit.

But I feel like I shouldn’t be HUGGING a wall to get value out of the larger characters because of the amount of damage in the air.

Please please, look at the CC changes, and Aoe healing that this game has and come back with an actual experimental and not meme changes that will 100% not shake up the meta, but instead add onto the fact that the meta we are in sucks.

Some characters are indirectly affected by those changes. Moira isn’t a bad character; she’s outshined because there’s heroes that do her job better and more effectively and you could say this about more characters.


I’ve seen some pretty cool clips on the Tweeter


For me the Moira one was fun


Thank you AndyB. I just hope it leads to something because overwatch’s history has had this sort of “we’re listening” approach in the past without so much as a community response afterwards (the infamous mercy rework thread)

Still no response


I’m happy to share feedback. I hope you can pardon my skepticism in feeling that my feedback just…doesn’t matter. These were already implemented before. Is there a reason we’re doing a second round and on live?

I try to hit ~10+ hours of playtime before I make up my mind on the changes. I’m less than 2 hours in, and the Cole changes feel bad to go against. He rolls out of boops now. It feels like a complete waste to even try to boop him anymore when he can just roll and then Fan the Hammer me to my immediate death.

Everything else will require me to play more before I feel comfortable with how I feel about them and can figure out what is frustrating me exactly.


Uh you guys really don’t know the game very well then. This won’t change the meta at all… It’s just making the game more annoying to play with more power to heroes that don’t need it