The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1) - #17996 by Akaras-1659.

Previous discussions:

Welcome to the new world


“Hi!” :>

im still here for some reason, just want to be a part of a club.

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The Official Mei fanclub (v 3.0) - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

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I have never seen this happen with a thread before :eyes: Accomplishments were made


I was thinking the exact same thing!


Breaking news!
We killed the club

Too many replies as it turns out, if one reads through everything it was mostly Hotaru and I fighting about the superior Final Fantasy

Poortaru, not recognizing that ff7 is best ff.

Are you guys down to try to get the new thread to 18,000 (or 5000 or before the mods close it i guess)?

I definitely would be, unfortunate that taru will jot be joining us.
Seren is missing dodo could probably do without taru.
Tbh you all should become helldivers Super Earth needs you.

I saw that they are bringing back archives(i didn’t know they got rid of it) a wise move on their part give everyone a cool event themed skin.

Is this the blogging thread?

I got some new running shoes today and put down 5 miles on them. Very nice, cushy. I hope they don’t get worn down too fast but they weren’t that pricey so if they last a year or two I’ll be happy.

It’s 3rd person though. :frowning: No hate, just can’t brain it personally.

Guys, is there any chance you could hang out in the 3.0 Mei thread that I made? There’s a link in this thread, in one of the posts I made. The reason I ask is because this thread is an auto-generated continuation of the Mei thread that was locked, so if you guys stay here, I won’t be able to track things or alter the OP. Your choice, of course.