The Official Mei fanclub (v 3.0)

Ladies and gentlemen, the ice-pocalypse is upon us.

In the ninth level of Overwatch Hell, we learn the true meaning of “hell frozen over.”

Our dear Mei has opened an ice cream parlor where all of humanity is on ice. Whether your favorite flavor is vanilla, chocolate, or human soul, you will find flavory goodness that is right for YOU!

Of course, some folks believe that Mei is sweet like ice cream, and totally unlike the Satan that her detractors portray her to be. And you’re totally entitled to your opinion on that. The general public IS divided.

Don’t forget to be nice to other people, because Mei’s friend Snowball is guarding the place with the threats of multiple Blizzards upon troublemakers.

Welcome, have fun and be merry!


quick question to the moderators/admins

and I am not angry, its all fine, just trying to understand the new deal

the 2.0 thread that was just closed says “This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 5000 replies”

so I guess thats a new policy, since this thread hit 5000 posts years ago :slight_smile:

again, all fine and good. Rules/policies change over time. np.

but…if the 2.0 thread was closed automatically for being over 5000 replies, why are other threads like the following still open?


Question: if I eat Snowball, does the ice cream shop become a lawless wasteland of unfettered, hedonistic anarchy?


Well, if you eat Snowball, then your tummi will become VERY cold and you’ll end up at the spawn room and people will be screaming for you to change to Winston because he has the most fur and presumably doesn’t need a snow jacket.

How are you doing today?

In fairness, the set-up of the Overwatch forums seems to have been made for shorter threads than the Mei Fanclub.

I remember people tried to make a Brig fanclub, a Doomfist fanclub, etc. They didn’t last. Because there ARE no Doomfist fans. Everybody hates him, and how can they not? He is proof positive that chivalry isn’t dead.

Don’t worry, my fine Dodo, we will continue to the tradition of the Satanic or non-Satanic ice cream parlor.

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So far today, I’ve learned that God is definitely a trinity, but knowing what that means is heresy, hippies smell really bad, volunteer organizations work slowly and have no schedule, Lisa Frank’s husband ruined her brand, the corium is the part of the cow’s hoof that produces new hoof horn and can form painful cavities in the hoof if infected, the presence of a great spotted cuckoo chick in the nest of a European carrion crow can actually increase nest success but the crows might accidentally feed the cuckoo chick poop, and when Lucio uses crossfade, his fingers become really long for a split second.


I did not know any of this. Thank you for telling me. :slight_smile: Not being sarcastic.

Have you played Overwatch at all today, yet?

Also, here, have an e-cookie. :slight_smile:

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I played it yesterday.

I won two games in a row because the entire enemy team left.
I lost another because our tank got tilted and left.

And I got yelled at for not healing by the Soldier I was healbotting.
But in that same game I had an unbroken streak of sleeping every High Noon.

So that was fun.


I hope you weren’t stressed out. Overwatch can get to people sometimes.

What if they came out with Jetpack Cat to assist Mercy as she flutters through the skies in an effort to provide both healing and damage boosting? Everybody who’s anybody knows that puppies and kittens make this more fun. As long as they have a jet pack, of course!

I don’t think anybody wants to shoot jetpack cat… :cry:


That’s what makes the cat so successful, no one wants to hurt it.
Maybe it could be a bonus objective, but claimable like the flag in ctf. Maybe it would assist whoever claimed it? It hides onto the map again if it’s holder is eliminated and needs to be found again.

Definitely sounds like an april mode now if nothing else.


I mean, Brig has a cat and the cat has a helmet. If the scumbags of the world didn’t think of attacking Kitty, that helmet simply wouldn’t be needed.

What I love about the current Season is that you can get good-aligned Doomfist, good-aligned Widowmaker and good-aligned Sombra.

That spray of good Widowmaker and good Sombra having a girls’ night out is my new favorite spray.

So, basically, you get the evil versions of the three versus the good versions of the three.

And we can speculate who the mirror Widowmaker will marry, since she is beautiful AND not homicidal. But, then, maybe that means her husband is still alive.

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So why was the last mei fanclub locked?
It says it was for reaching 5000 posts, but it was at 18000. Weird.

Whats up serenicus, megadodo, hana, and Akaras?
Did you guys know that snow in the middle east isnt common.
But, ice is.

I think they made a new rule restricting threads to 5k posts. Before that, the maximum was WAY bigger. So, that’s why the Mei club was locked.

Hi widowmei!!! I hope you’re doing well. I am doing well, and thank you for asking!

There is a country in the Middle East where the billionaires vacation, and that country has INDOOR SKI SLOPES. The whole freaking ski slope, with artificially kept snow, in the middle of a desert. I don’t remember the name of the country, though.

You NEVER reply anyway.
I do to keep up with you all.
Overwatch stopped being a talking point for me when they put a “2” in it
Currently im obsessed with HellDivers2 we must preserve Liberty for Super Earth!

Akaras, I tried to talk to you on Bnet app, you immediately unfriended me. x_x I’d gladly talk to you there if you don’t mind putting me back on.

I sometimes go AWOL because these forums can get pretty toxic. I remember I made a thread on how to easily get Endorsement lvl 5 by being nice and all the comments were that there’s no point in being nice because Endorsement Levels don’t do anything. Couple weeks, I got into it with some jerk and he got under my skin and it was like a sewage plant in that thread.

There ARE nice people on forums, but yeah.

My new theory is that the forum mods are out to get Mei because they want her Satan… errr… ice cream shop closed down.

Ice cream is delicious and sugary. The mods probably want us to eat broccoli instead of ice cream. That’s my theory, anyway. I am going to throw them for a loop by suggesting that we eat broccoli and cheese soup.

I did?
That doesn’t sound much like me, unfriending and blocking does not lead to a path of conflict resolution.
I suspect that was when my phone unalived it self and i had to get a new one.

Oh, I am really sorry I misunderstood you. x_X I hope you’ll forgive me for that. What happened was, I saw you online, sent a message, and on your side it logged out and I hadn’t seen you online since. I am very sorry for misunderstanding.

What are you up to? How is your week going so far?

something got adjusted in TotalMayhem with her I’ve noticed.
Seems cryo got bumped up in its cd… boo.

I mean, her gun looks like a hair dryer. But it shoots icicles.

I am not sure if that’s worthy of kudos for creativity or maybe it’s “OMG that is one crazy gal!”

Why is there only a Mei fanclub