The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I dont think the date with gramma is much of a spoiler, to be honest

I think you are wrong about Mini’s gender preference. The only person she seems to be attached to is…the main character

her striped hair for some reason fascinates me, and I cant put a finger on why that is

why is her hair striped, oh learned one?

finally, who would you say - aside from the two main characters - are the second tier characters in this manga? Early on, I’d say Mami would be on that list but she’s barely a part of the story at this point. Same with the chick who feels SHE is the main characters girlfriend, when nothing could be further from the truth. Mini-chan is absolutely on that 2nd tier list at this point, like Sakura in Naruto or Rukia in Bleach. Are you aware of her current living arrangements? (trying to avoid spoilers, as requested)

I am 100% certain that Mini told Kazuya she has a girlfriend. I think the point of this was so he’d have a wingman that the reader doesn’t need to worry about competing for him with Chizuru. She might have been altered to be bisexual to find Kaz attractive, but she’s definitely not heterosexual.

I hate Mami not because she’s the bad guy, I hate Mami because there are disgusting readers who think she’s sexy and they drool over pics of her like she’s Arianna Grande or Taylor Swift. Mami is a concentration camp guard who pees sitting down. She has no redeeming qualities other than looking hot. It’s sad that our society has so lost sight of ethics and morality that men can find that sack of expletive to be attractive.

I don’t think Sakura was a 2nd tier character, actually. She was 2nd tier in the original Naruto series, but once she became Tsunade’s heir, she grew up a lot and became much more complicated – and much more important – in Shippuden. Her stubborn love for Sasuke means a lot more when he’s a despicable criminal and everybody but her and Naruto hates him, than when EVERY chick was after him. There’s also a Naruto movie, The Last, where Hinata and Naruto finally get together, Sakura plays a pivotal role in helping with that.

However, I am not aware of anything in Rent-a-Girlfriend. My patience with the series finally went away in the arc where Umi comes uninvited and tries to take Chizuru away from Kazuya, by THAT point Chizuru shouldn’t have even agreed to talk to him without Kazuya in the room, and a lot of the dumber fans, prior to that point, believed that Umi was some sort of “nice friend” who wanted to help Kaz and Chizuru get together. That arc beat that out of them, but to me, the situation seemed forced and it really seemed like the mangaka was just trying to stretch the manga out more to sell more copies.

I’ll read it from the Umi arc to the very end when the manga concludes. But I don’t want to repeat the Hawaiians arc, where that scene where Mami tries to destroy Chizuru and Kaz in front of their families and friends literally dragged out for one year.

I look at anyone aside from the two main characters as 2nd tier. Still quite important and or involved, but not a mc. The fish got close to second tier at one point :slight_smile:

The wiki makes it VERY unclear what Mini’s gender preference is. But ok.

Umi seems like a complete non factor. Just another event to send the mc into his wackyworld of doubt and anxiety yet again

The pink haired girl makes no sense to me. You cant be extremely shy AND actually take a job as a rental gf (a concept I am still trying to wrap my brain around. Does this exist in countries other than Japan? The closest thing in the US that I am aware of is the worlds oldest profession, and o course there are some very very distinct differences between the two

Btw I only read the manga. I do not watch the anime

Sumi is the most beloved character in the manga, completely altruistic and she’ll do anything for a person in trouble. She is the series’ guardian angel, coming in the narrative very rarely, but every time she does, Kaz and Chizuru are at a difficult juncture and Sumi shows them the way to go. She was formally shown as the guardian angel in Ch. 255, where she was drawn as a chibi angel with the white robe, wings, and a little cupid-like bow and arrow.

The reason Sumi became a rental girlfriend was because she is extremely shy and wanted to try and come out of her shell. One of her clients described in a review that when she smiled at him, “it was as if I saw the face of G-d.”

She has her own manga, though while I was following the series, it kept going on hiatus. Ironically, it has a much higher rating on Mangadex than the actual Rent-a-Girlfriend does.

Mini tells Kazuya that she has a girlfriend shortly after meeting him. It’s only mentioned once, but I remember it because it’s the reason she’s always on his side but not trying to grab him from Chizuru.

Umi is a wealthy, powerful expletivehole. Typical alpha male BS thing. I’d describe in detail what he did at that “party” of his, but let’s just say Chizuru took Kazuya and left the party and to the reader’s knowledge she never had contact with Umi after that. Good judgment on her part.

I did not know there was a spinoff manga for this one

I’ll have to see if I can find it

You can easily find it, go to mangadex. org and search for Kanojo, Hitomishirimasu . That is the manga, and sadly it’s STILL on hiatus since two years ago.

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Their plan to make all the new heroes available to everyone at release sounds good so far.

Balder’s gate 3?
Madden 2024?
Fallout 4 on next gen?

Haven’t been interested in any FF since i finished 10 with good reason because the next one i played was the underwhelming FF13

First off she uses a staff, second we have no idea what’s going to happen. I told you it is not a page by page remake.

In this time I’ve been excitedly thinking of whats to come. It’s different when you know you can’t just get the answers online. Currently no one but the devs know what’s in store.

Final Fantasy VII was released in 1997 whats three years compared to the 20+ years this project has taken for anything to be done with. Before we start crying about more deserving entries in the Final Fantasy universe you should be reminded that of every FF released 7 is by far the most ugly but also the most beloved.
Remake is as it’s title describes, a REMAKE the characters are the same with a hint of something else brewing underneath. If they needed to sell a few million copies of a “incomplete” game to know the fans really wanted this they know now.
Listening to fans has actually been helping pull Square out of the billion dollar hole they dug themselves. Maybe Blizzard will catch on

And your journey towards becoming Elden lord?

No progress currently…

Serenicus! I remember you. Back in 2017-18 good old forums days.

havent played since beating Godrick. I dont even have his greatrune active yet.

That’s a bummer, I won’t say it gets more easy but its nice to have someone going through the experience as well. Fire Giant is a proper giant and is no joke.

i pretty much hate caelid

how does one deal with the giant crows who are as fast on foot as torrent?

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Im not the best person to ask for advice from.
In my case i just kept going until they turned around.
Running away is usually my go to choice on video games.
Unless I put myself into the fight in that case it’s all trial and error

I recall when i first started Overwatch and did not know how anyone’s ults worked

I count on Torrent’s speed as one of my primary outdoor combat assets

but these Crows landspeed equals Torrents at full gallop

That clip i shared is the strongest boss on FF7 Remakes hardest boss on the DLC. I eventually beat it after seven hours of trial and error you can see i die on that clip a few times.

I hear ya
But i don’t recall having any issue except dieing in one shot evey now and then

Glad to see this is still going.

Alas, Mei seems to have been unseated from her throne in Hell. I’ve heard Ana called the devil on at least two occasions recently and no reference to Mei. How times change…

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The frozen witch menace is no more, Blizzard(ironically) saw to her end.
It’s good that other games stepped up to fill the void.

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I don’t understand this post but I am giving it a bump anyway.

I LOVE snow.

and i do use slowblower.
i enjoy playing in it.

When I was a tiny tiny child I remember the snow being so stacked it was like 8ft high and me and friends use to dig tunnels through it.

now-a-days we get less snow usually but i still enjoy playing it in, making snowmen, snowballs, etc.

Very sorry about the ultra-late reply.

Yeah, the lack of availability of ALL heroes unless you BP or unlock them is straying from the whole “we only sell cosmetics in Overwatch” thing. Which is not good.

I want Fallout 5, 6, AND 7 all at the same time. :slight_smile:

FF14 is super old, but remains one of the most successful MMORPGs. It’s ultra cutesy, has lots of classes, lots of cosmetics, and the story would take literally months to finish. Content ranges from casual to “only top 500 Overwatch players would be able to complete.”

Can’t you put a huge sword at the end of a staff and then it becomes a polearm? :slight_smile:

Your patience is different from my patience. I can leave things be, but when actually in them, I want to be able to complete the story.

I think the part of FF7 that’s really immortal is how cute Tifa looks. All the hot girls in gaming such as Lara Croft come and go, but Tifa remains a horny poster on gamers’ room walls.

Hi there! Sorry for the ultra late reply. I was thinking of making a Sigma goofy story, but a lot of humorless ppl will say it’s awful. xD

You should spend your free time building additional pylons, Dodo. When you have 200 supply, you can build a lot of carriers with it.

They locked the Mercy thread because I couldn’t keep it going, but this has been active enough to survive. Probably because Mei forgot to murder us. I don’t think you should underestimate her like that.

I am pretty sure she’s just trying to lull us into a false sense of ice creamcurity.

Mei. The Satan of ice cream.

I personally love snow in theory. In practice, I’d rather live somewhere where I don’t need to shovel 8 feet of it to get the car out of the drive way. xD

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This and her back story really make me wish I could give a hug and a big mug of hot coco for her troubles and a big external hard drive for the data she’s gathered.