This can be applied to any “Main” community. It just seems to be more relevant right now to the Mercy community. Who knows, seems like this bug may hit the sym community soon. The signs are there.
Well, to start this post off, I have occasionally come to the forums from time to time, but have never actively read posts until recently. I was scrolling on my Youtube, and I came across a video by a youtuber, whom I will not name, but many of you will know of whom I speak of. This video made me take a look at the forums a little more closely at the mercy main community. This community is very vocal as many who will read this are already aware of. I am going to take the time to describe what I have seen and why it’s a problem. Understand, I am not addressing every Mercy main. This is specifically talking about those who engage in the behavior that is about to be described. If you are someone who is a mercy main who is respectful, this does not apply to you. I have a habit of being abrasive and hyperbolic, for this topic, I am going to attempt to refrain from engaging in such behavior. Let’s begin.
-Constant topics spamming the general thread about how mercy is being ignored.*@
-Frequent attacks against developers and Jeff, usually in accusations of neglect.*
-Attacking other communities for getting a rework before Mercy.*
-Vitriolic responses to those who disagree with the state of Mercy.*
-Attempting to be a gatekeeper of who and who can not criticize Mercy by claiming they do not have the appropriate amount of hours on Mercy to have an opinion. I have seen more often than not, if you don’t have most of your hours on Mercy, you will be disregarded.* #
-Using weak arguments usually claiming that Mercy is not “fun” or “impactful”.#
Now, one of the overarching problems you are going to notice here, is the constant lashing out at developers and the overall community at large through the interactions they have on the forums (I have marked these with a *). This is by far the worst part. It’s the story as old as time. That one kid, that no other kids want to want to be friends with, and you almost feel bad for the kid, until you see the kid hurling rocks at the other children. These sort of behaviors are going to lessen the community push for a mercy rework, because these sort of actions are constantly making people hostile towards you AND your cause. And frankly, as a dev, I wouldn’t be all that excited to help a community or be very receptive with constant hostility coming from the group asking me for my time.
@ .With the constant Mercy posts in general, not only are you essentially spamming the forums, annoying most of the forum users, but you are hurting yourself in another way. While I make fun of the sheer amount of Mercy Mega threads, I just find it absurd, They do serve in fact 2 purposes. They consolidate any ideas when it comes to ideas for a possible rework, and it keeps the constant mercy spam over general down to a minimum. You should seek out the mercy mega threads to voice your complaints. It makes it easier for your concerns to be seen by the developers instead of them having to go over the too many to count mercy topics. And… the growing amount of disdain you get from fellow forum users will diminish.
#. These are some of the worst responses in the posts. Trying to tell people they can not have an opinion because they do not have enough hours on mercy is absolutely absurd. Someone honestly may just have inherent knowledge with mechanics to have a very good understanding without maining that character. Also, we all payed for this game. And while some of us do not play Mercy, or very little, we all have to interact with mercy in our games. The change of a character changes the game for every single person. This dismissive behavior is not constructive and makes it hard for people to sympathize with you.
“Fun and Impactful” Now I understand the devs have used this as a reason to change a character. HOWEVER. When addressing your fellow forum users, this argument is not going to go over well with someone you are trying to convince. Fun is subjective. I like playing Mercy as she is right now (Maybe knock her heals up to 55/s) But overall, I enjoy her. For someone like me, telling me that she isn’t fun or impactful falls flat. I enjoy her in her current state. Fun isn’t even quantifiable. I can’t grab my trusty FUN-o-meter from my cabinet and put it next to my PC while playing Mercy on OW to get the fun rating. You need to be concise with your problem with Mercy and be ready for disagreement.
All right, so there it is, and chances are this is the last thing I will post about Mercy or its community. I apologize to all the grammar and spelling dictators whom, I am sure, I have affected with this post. I corrected problems as I saw them, but I know I did not catch them all. All feedback is welcome.
And one last thing directed at “that youtuber” In case you come across this topic. I had some friends who responded to you in the comment section of one of your recent videos. They were respectful, but critical of the things you said in your video. And you muted them. Which is very strange, considering how concerned you seem to be about people being suspended in OW forums. (If you know about the youtuber that I am speaking of, I ask that you refrain from any sort of harassment.)