Hey mercy mains, please understand this

If you want respect from other people on this forums, spamming threads constantly for months on end isn’t a really good way to do it.

If you have a commentary, you don’t need to make the thread that has already been made 4684532 time before. It makes it harder for people like me to find actual posts worth reading.


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-Doesn’t like posts overshadowing good posts

-makes a post that also overshadows good posts


Says the poster who posted a new thread about a topic already discussed in dozens of other threads.


We’re tired of being ignored. Really tired. The garbage dump couldn’t contain us for long. They’ll take their heads out of the sand at some point. Maybe they’ll even listen to our feedback for once. We’re not backing down. I’m tired of people thinking it’s okay to just lie back and take things. Fight back against changes you don’t like.


Hey devs, please understand this.

If you want respect from your community, doing nothing but ignoring the fanbase of the most popular hero for a year isn’t a really good way to do it.

If you want to change her you could’ve taken an idea from the 4684532 topics that were made before. It makes it a lot easier for people to start liking the hero they want to play.



Sigh. Not spam.

Alright, where’s the next post that says this exact thing almost word for word with very little change?


It’s not my fault there isn’t a better filter option.

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Then maybe give them what they’re actually asking for instead of throwing out garbage buffs that don’t change a thing LOL

The irony in this response.

-quotes person stating about overshadowing posts about overshadowing posts while OP complaining about overshadowing

(Sorry had to do that lol)

Most of them dont seem to care. Check this post out. See the responses.