Having Mercy be non meta is okay

This forum really needs to chill about Mercy getting a buff because she isn’t good right now. I mean Mercy was not meta for seasons 1-3 so that must mean she must be good! No, please stop acting like Mercy must be good in this game as she already had more than one year of being meta. If you really like this game you should want changes like the Mercy one because it changes the game. People don’t want to play the same meta or same hero for ever. It gets boring otherwise if you are doing the same exact thing forever.
Its fine if you are saying Mercy is boring that’s fine but saying she needs a buff no you are wrong. Something also to keep in mind is that other heroes exist in this game. I would rather have a hero that is playable or has been playable in this game than a hero who has never seen play time in regards of the meta for ever or a long time.
Since all of you are using such broken arguments and are literally saying the same thing. This actually shows how most of your arguments that she isn’t impactful or isn’t fun truly don’t mean anything. The Mercy Community Problem


For goodness sake…

After Mercy was suddenly thrust into an OP must-pick, which everyone was against, we’re supposed to just lie back and take it? We don’t want her to be OP, we want her to be fun and balanced again!

Mercy’s rework ruined everything about her.


We don’t want her to REMAIN in this boring, unfun state! Quite a few of us want pre-Valkyrie Mercy back! Before she was a must-pick.



Mercy was meta so she deserves to be f tier now after being meta for a long time. We should ignore there’s enough evidence she’s under performing in just about everywhere.

No hero deserves to be left behind. An hero doesn’t need to be part of the meta to be viable and that’s what happening to Mercy right now.


Wow, this is… all over the place. Hm… well!

Mercy is in a bad place right now! Like, underpowered, Ana is seeing way more use. So, logically, you would buff the underperforming characters.
And, just because she was powerful for a year doesn’t automatically exclude her from balance changes…?

And I’m not sure why the mention of Seasons 1-3 was thrown in there.

That’s why they add new heroes, new game modes, new maps… if the game is balanced in a certain state, why just change it for the sake of ”Spicing things up”? It makes no sense. Especially since a lot of players had fun with Mercy before the rework (which is what I assume you’re reffering to.)

Again, other heroes being trash or other heroes being more powerful than Mercy shouldn’t exclude her from balancing.


Um… no one has repeated the same thing, actually. Not sure where that came from.

And that thread literally says:

Which is actually exactly what’s happening here. XP

Our arguments do mean something. You just want to discredit them, so that they don’t mean anything.


Non-meta is one thing; a darn near playable mess of a clunky kit and terrible ult are different things entirely. Just make her fun again and give her an ult that can have an impact.


No offense, but that is a terribly stupid mindset to have. All heroes should be equally viable and successful; whether they were op or meta should have nothing to do with their current state, EVER. You don’t want to lose your players, you want to satisfy them and keep them playing. Thank God you’re not running this game and over any executive or major decisions, especially balance.


My thoughts exactly, I played mainly Mercy out of the main healers but I welcomed each of them to be viable. At this point, it’s clear Blizzard doesn’t understand how to balance Mercy with rez as an ability.


We don’t want her to dominate the meta. We want her to have a place in the meta.

As it stands, her niche is too specific and not useful enough to warrant playing her in most situations, hence the .9% pickrate in GM compared to Ana’s 14%.


We don’t want her to be meta we want her to be viable. We never wanted her to be a must pick and we certainly don’t want to go through another period of her being op. Also Mercy was meta seasons 1-2 because she was considered superior to Ana until people found out how op she was being played by people with good aim and with tanky comps. Then after triple tank was over people played Mercy even though she wasn’t meta because Moira hadn’t been added yet and she was a solid support to play if you didn’t want to play Zen or Lucio.


But some people don’t want mass rez back either.


She’s still viable.


No. We don’t want her to be overpowered.

We didn’t ask for this rework. We asked for an E ability that gave mobility and some of us wanted an AOE heal instead on the E button that was left unused in her kit. We didn’t ask for the rework, this was forced onto us.

Furthermore: This same reasoning would mean that we should destroy Genji Tracer D’va and Winston for all being top tier picks for the dive meta that went BEFORE and during mercy’s rework.


If only these players were THIS loud when Ana was in F-tier. And Mercy in this state is still viable and 10000000000x better than how Ana was.


She may still be playable but in my experiences why would you play Mercy when you could just play Moira or Ana. I mean unless you have a dps to pocket there’s really no reason to play her over any other support who can do what she does way better. Also her on fire rate is currently 2-3% and her winrate above low-mid tier is under 50%. Her pickrate is also not great.


When Mercy Mains complain about how boring the hero is after playing the hero for like 9 seasons… Guess it wasn’t boring enough to have 500+ hrs on a hero.

Just saying.


Statistically she isn’t.

Read this post, it has stats, dev comments, etc. to back it up and has almost 2k upvotes



Nor all heros are going to have a 50% winrate and naturally someone is going to have the lowest pick rate. That being said if a hero has a low winrate/pick rate it’s not always indicative of a problem or balancing issue. Just pointing it out I’m not against a slight bump to Mercy.

Mercy is still really playable shes just not ubiquitous at least in competitive like she used to be. Which is fine, she has her niches and on maps with a lot of high ground I can see her being more useful than Moira because her mobility is better.
Think Genji to Tracer. They have the same role being a “Flanker” but picking Tracer is far better on maps with less high ground cause Genjis verticle mobility is much higher.

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How else is anyone going to believe you when you say “Listen, I’ve played this hero, she’s not in a good place.” XP

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Last I checked, we were complaining because Mercy is most definitely not balanced. It is completely fine to complain about an underpowered hero. Also, the thread you linked is supposedly only about the Mercy community but in the first few lines, it say something along the lines of, “this can be applied to any hero’s main”.


Not according to Overbuff and other third-party data websites atleast.