Dear Toxic Ana Players/Supporters

Well, according to overbuff which the only source I’ve got, winrate for Mercy is better than the winrate for Ana up until gold (gold included). Platinum and beyond Ana winrate goes higher and higher, while mercy still grows but not as fast and peaks around 50% in GM, which is not the best.

But sure, go ahead and buff mercy if you want, I don´t care, as long as Ana does not get nerfed, because I don’t want season 3 all over again (nerfs after nerfs to Ana, until mercy got reworked).


too late for that, ana has been severly nerfed before and guess what? we didnt whine like mercy mains did

because this will never happen and has never happened in any videogame ever

exactly, mercy mains should go back to playing candy crush or something

these are skillful heroes (not as much as widow or tracer tho) and torb is getting a rework so hell be ok in our book

well be civil, like before

geoff back then: lets make bionade, ana’s only sustain on a 10 sec cooldown heal only for 50 hp bc people whine

ana mains back then: that sucks but ok, lol


But Ana Mains are not Toxics, Mercy mains are pretty toxic these days.


Oh okay, it’s because toxic Ana player are called toxic because they actually lie or or act out greedy in nasty ways. I don’t care about stereotype, but accountability. But that’s excusable exception because Ana player is the one doing it out of malice. Make up your mind.

That’s a poor excuse with mental gymnastics. As you said you were against being arbitrary “you on including irrelevant information to a very specific discussion.”

That just discredits them even more. A toxic ana player can’t insist know everything about Ana then unwarrantedly crap Mercy player to validate themselves and think that’s okay. Then turn around mouth off and desperately cover up the reality they were oblivious of Ana’s actual kit for over a year. They put themselves in that toxic position.

That’s being willfully ignorant considering the dates and updated were already posted to refute their lie. Rather than concede a point and people double down of other being “ignorant” and attack labels when they continue to ignore facts themselves. That’s petty. Shades thanks for sharing your thoughts, however mental gymnastics to make excuses for that toxic behavior or lies, probably isn’t very constructive for the forums.

It’s not really about perception. I mean, technically it is, but let’s not kid ourselves. Ana requires all of the positioning that Mercy does and she requires a very high level of aim and she doesn’t have a low-cooldown and very powerful movement ability.

And while this doesn’t mean that Mercy should be unviable, by any means, it is strictly uncompetitive for players to be able to get more value from 1 hour on Mercy than 10 hours on Ana. It also hurst Mercy the one part of her kit that requires a lot of gamesense and is situational (Rez) people complain about, because some people want to be handed everything for free.

Not saying that that’s how it was, or is, but it does, by extension encapsulate the major rift between Ana and Mercy, and such a situation can not exist in a competitive game.

This character requires a lot more aim than people give him credit for.

These heroes are exceptions in that they require significantly more awareness than… pretty much anyone else. Also tanks especially are pretty comp dependant. Sure, you will get some that are used more than others, but very rarely do tanks define meta in the same way that a support or DPS can, they are mere results of a meta.

People do complain about these two. Not so much anymore, because they are played a lot less, but when they were meta, they were constantly being complained about.

They should be.

I don’t think they would be justified to, but your reasoning is pretty poor. People shouldn’t cry about nerfs because that’s just being self-entitled. Blizzard doesn’t owe you anything, you don’t deserve anything from them.

But Mercy has been oppressive for the past, what, 6 season? Ana has only been meta for a few weeks. So… no the same thing.

But again, complaining about mega nerfs on either side is unjustified.

Gotta agree with this. No defence for people saying that Mercy deserves her current state because of how game-breaking she was for the majority of this game’s life.

These people are equally wrong.


This is a Mercy post disguised as an Ana post The Mercy Community Problem . This is the kind of behavior I am calling out. It is incredibly toxic and it’s why I addressed mercy in particular with my topic. Stop.

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Why include an FFA mode only buff like like nano boosting herself to make your point? That had zero impact on actual match play - qp, comp, tourney. It’s practically a “doesn’t count” buff for a good portion of the game.

They also mentioned a post thanking the devs because they felt that no support was a “must pick”. Lmfao. Which only tells me they feel that mercy should be a must pick.

The problem with this statement is that Ana-Mains have dealt with this before, back in Season 3 when her entire kit barring Sleep Dart was nerfed almost every patch.

We’ve been through the cycle of being on top only to get hit with the sledgehammer.

Not to mention that we’ve also been through the era where everyone and their mom hated our hero pick and wanted nothing more to see her burn, Mercy-Mains and forum users alike.

We’ve been through this song and dance before and it’s because of our initial dance that Mercy is going through the current dance that she’s going through.

We’ve made the threads, we’ve faced the silence, we’ve faced the derision and what not from Support-Mains, Tank-Mains, & DPS-Mains alike.

…but we endured it.

"They did not revert it because of whiny Ana mains.

They reverted it because they want Ana to stay OP, and this nerf threatened that.

The Ana mains could have said nothing at all and it still would have been reverted."

"Don’t want to sound cynical, but everything does point to it been a knee jerk reaction from the rage of the Ana-Mains, been on the PTR for so little time, how much testing could they have seriously done? _

I was really hoping they would be brave enough to ignore it, or at least give it some time to make a proper, informed and unbiased decision, surely they know how dominate Ana has been for ages now, but meh, turns out not."

These are just some of the comments from the old forum around the time of Ana was getting her nerfs.

She got one nerf reverted (one that would have halved her self-healing) and everybody flipped out.

So believe me when I say, that we understand completely.

Do I condone a lot of the toxicity surrounding Mercy-Mains? No.

That said, I also don’t condone the toxicity being spewed from the Mercy-Mains who feel the need to attack and shame the devs or anyone who disagrees with them.

We all need to stop trying to tear one another down and just try to enjoy the game.

Regardless, I can’t speak for all of the other Ana-Mains but I do hope that Mercy’s state does get better for you lot.


No need to be rude, my man.

Just make your point and go on without any disparaging remarks.

That’s just one of many buffs Ana buff received, self nano death match, more ammo, better heals, more damage etc. It all adds up.

I understand people enjoy different modes. They did have a deathmatch comp for SR ranking. Dev introduce the Ana self nano in deathmatch as testing ground to see how much more they could buff nano in normal comps. It’s relevant. If you took away the self nano in deathmatch, along with all the benefits of testing from it, you are going to have a lot player complaining. Ana is good at dueling 1vs1 as well. She’ll murder any player in their sleep or walk away from any danger or ult with good aim.

I think it’s absurd that greedy people would claim Ana didn’t get buffs for over two years, when in fact she did. Rather than admit their mistake, lie some more, or go full toxic an attack person for playing different main than them. It’s petty. All those buff made Ana sky rocket to the high pick rate has a lot of powerful utility.

I find it’a strange they removed instant Resurrect from Valkyrie and put it on Nanoboost instead, Blizzard is like the only company that repeatedly refuses to learn from its own mistakes.

Nanoboost doesn’t resurrect a dead person.


Ana’s pick-rate skyrocketed because she got buffed at the same time Mercy got nerfed.

Beforehand Mercy was clearly the stronger option for about 6 Seasons now, and even with the incremental buffs that she received Ana’s pick rate remained constant.

Sure that person might have denied Ana getting buffs (though I believe their point was that Ana’s buffs didn’t do anything to change her situation), but their point remained in that Ana was statistically a worse pick than Mercy and all of the other Supports during that time…aside from Symmetra.

…at this point I feel like you might have some personal-bias against Ana-Mains, which if caused by negative experiences is expected, but you can’t make one experience define the rest.

It’s virtually the same mechanic, you save a character from dying and basically enable them to over extend - it’s kind of better if you get to bait the enemy with it as well.

I understand your point. I think they were implying that it can bring back a player from the brink of death. With full HP and damage/defense buff. It’s a lot more reliable than a slow resurrection that sets up the caster to be killed or very exposed.

Yes, it’s not the exact same as bringing back someone who actually died. It’s the next best thing or better. (At the expense of an ult)

*mercy main tells ana mains to play csgo instead (which happens quite a lot)

“lol nothing wrong here”

*ana main tells mercy main to play candy crush instead

“pwease no hurty feelins respek murcy mains :sob::sob::sob:


You’re right it’s way better. Ana can use it from a futher distance, it adds attack/defense buffs and cast time is nearly instant.

Plus after playing around with Ana she gets her ult very quickly especially with multiple tanks. Keeping someone in the fight is way more beneficial than bringing them back after the fact.

You don’t do Ana-Mains any favors when you act like a jerk.

There’s no need to stoop down to someone’s level if they’re clearly in the wrong, that’s why I called you out.

Also, NOBODY said anything about Ana-Mains sticking to CS: GO on this thread so there was no point in making that statement.

In this scenario, you’re the main instigator…and this is coming from a fellow Ana-Main.

  • Joined 1 hour ago
  • Has only commented on Mercy posts
