🛡️ Tank Main's Pub: Food, Drink, Spirits [MEGATHREAD]

Of late I feel like when I walk out the door with my team I am hurting them more then helping. SOOOOOOOO many people just say fudged it and just go for me and it is pissing me off. Reaper right off the bat just goes for me, somb had 3 or 4 just today say I got to kill this hog and right when they kill me my team kills them. There is Mei as well that I feel like she just says look I can freeze you forever and does it. Has anyone els had these same problems after all these heros buffs or am I just bad. I am almost to the point of saying nope I am done with this game, I told one of my friends the other day ( it is just the same thing each game ) Reaper + mei + somb or spamzo and I do not find it fun to say look I have 600 hp oh look I have 0 in the matter of 1 sec. I hope you all are having much more fun then I am right now. I just seems between these heros and the amount of hackers that I find when I am playing is just telling me to stop playing. I will see how I feel in a little but I really have stopped play OW in all. Have not got into comp for like 2 or 3 weeks and really have not played the game till the last two days very much. I really need a :beer:

I’ve been enjoying Hammond.
Now to just wait for the hubba baloo to cool down. So we can play against and as him without people acting funny over it.
Like going out of their way to hard counter him or insta-locking him just to try him.

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It’s just this “mid-range” renaissance definitely hurts tanks, possibly even more so than Widow-Hanzo(?) DPS meta, and Queen Crowd Control Brig. McCree, Soldier, Mei, and Widowmaker’s primary (Who even uses that?) buffs as well as the huge Hanzo rework can help them shred us while we dive in, or destroy our barriers even faster than usual. It’s becoming harder, and harder to play a impactful tank anymore. Damage makes ultimates, and as all of us know, ults can mean everything in a team fight.

Or I may just be over-reacting, I am a dirty D.va main. ;-;

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No you are right I feel the same way. I have stopped making videos on overwatch because of how bad I rage when I play tank. Also has anyone els played Hog of late I feel he has no damage anymore, like they nerfed his damage when the ball of fun came out. They did this kind of thing 2 or 3 patches ago with old Hog damage or old doomfist damage I can not remember what it was. I shoot some one and then hook them in and walk into them shoot and then hit them and they are still alive like woooooot. Maybe I just got really trash at Hog but before ptr went live he was really good then after ptr he does nothing to say. Overall tanks need a buff, with all the dps buffs the tanks have been nerfed and nerfed over and over because this became dpswatch and not overwatch. I told my mom the other day I feel I would be better off not playing tank and just leave the game because some one els could do a better job on a 4 or 5th dps.

How is everyone of late have not seen you guys on here a lot

Thought you lot would like to know.

ya I saw that, it is BS. As a rein main it will be up to your team who gets to use his alt first

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I just want to play Orisa but Hanzo shreds my barrier more than a nanoboosted Junkrat ever could :sob:

Adding my post here since us Reinhardt-mains have spent 2 years dealing with bugs and it’s only getting worse.

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Anyone else disturbed by the new Ana buffs?

Now D.va’s really gonna need that Defense Matrix to eat that Stun cough, cough Sleep* Dart, and the Bionade that revokes healing for a good 4 seconds. :slightly_frowning_face:

Consistent damage is getting nerfed with that burst healing. Possibly meaning D.va, Rein, and Winston are indirectly nerfed. ;-;

I remember a time when there were enough tank mains to keep this topic on the front page for weeks straight.

Walks inside dusty old bar

Hello? Anyone still alive?

What do you want stranger, this was once a safe heaven for Tanks… may they rest in peace.


comes out of a barrel “Is the stun meta over…?”

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A humble support / tank flex main. I come to seek if the legends are true. Are tanks truly dead?

For I do not believe them to be. But they merely need to be rallied, and made strong again.

I would like the hog wings

The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

As you can see, true Tank mains went extinct. Only few remain, and not for long…


What could have caused such a tragedy?

Bugs, nerfs, everything counters tanks now, damage got buffed, and so on. Ask Jeff, he knows…

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Everything you say?

Do tell.