šŸ›”ļø Tank Main's Pub: Food, Drink, Spirits [MEGATHREAD]

Try going against Brig stunning you, Mccree stunning you right after, and then getting stun comboed by Doom while discorded by Zen and Hanzo taking half your health. I was honestly just tired after that.

Sounds like one of the lothed Triple-DPS comps. I had no idea McCree was even considered viable in this age.

Heā€™s kinda rare but used sometimes. Just his stun is still lethal and used in a combo with other stuns makes you want to switch.

Have you ever gotten Bashed, then Hooked then slept and see the enemy standing on top of you waiting to strike you at the same time then die as Reinhardt? Happened to me in competitive, I left the matchā€¦


Same for me except itā€™s with baby Dva. Your mech gets melted and their whole team thirstily waits for your ejectā€¦

That was after a long string of cc too.

cough, cough Mr. Goldenhardt, I donā€™t feel so good.

Between the addition of the stun meta into the game, the anti-tank buffs, and the overwhelming renaissance of mid-range to Snipers deemed as skill, tanks are a nightmare to play compared to earlier when no real tank counter was established. The death of tanks continues onward, only spurred by metas like GravDragon and Goatsā€¦ May Jeff have mercy on us. x-x

Merely Zarya and D.va mains remain now, and they too are dispersing with DPSwatch becoming more prevalent in future patches. (Torb included)

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Is this a Mean Girls reference?

Donā€™t expect much from him, he got lots of hours on tanks which means theyā€™re fine!

Honestly, this community is easily impressedā€¦

Well, I guess we had a good run. History may not remember us, but at least we were the foundation of a good team comp, and we could hard-carry games for a while. :broken_heart:


We tanks are not dead, we have merely went into exile. Cast aside by a community and Dev team who care nothing for our well being. If they did why would they ever create another tank that does nothing put boop us all over the place.

We are a relic of the past and shall fade into obscurity, remembered only through stories of glory that will soon turn to legend, then myth, then nothing more than an old wise tale told around campfires.

While all of this may be so, I say to you all my fellow tanks, my Comrades, My friends! It has been my Honor to hold the line beside you, or to my support and the appreciative to hold the line in front of you.


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Well I see that this freed is not dead. How has everyone els life as a tank main been?

Well, to put it mildlyā€¦ ABSOLUTE HELL.
Stuns everywhere. Iā€™ve basically moved on from Overwatch though, and not being stunned every few seconds is very nice.

-Sing to the tune of ā€œPiano Manā€ by Billy Joel-

Itā€™s Season 12 or it used to be
It still seems so long ago
When it was Season 3 and we used to believe
Tanking was a fun and decent role

If you had known way back when it was then
Please tell me youā€™ve recalled
How these metas and nerfs have only made tanks worse
Feeding DPS more of their ults.

Help us we need you. Be the hero we need. Help us out here, please.
Cause getting rolled by 6 Torbs, Brigittes, or Genjis
Makes us shudder and thank itā€™s Arcade Mode.
Help us we need you. Be the hero we need. Or get rid of the Icicle Mage.
Cause Overwatch isnā€™t what it used to be.
Like when this thread was on the first pageā€¦

(Sad Harmonica Solo) :cry:


So my friends and i laugh at this clip but it really is the perfect example of what Rein goes through these days but amped up to 11!


Come on folks get to work, we need this place clean and shiny. Our Tank brothers and sisters on the forums needs some positivity to cheer ā€˜em up!

Tanks ainā€™t done yet.


We been hit hard lol.

But i wont chicken out just yet.


Thatā€™s the spirit.

We will see how long we last, I do not know how long I can hold up.

Thankfully my main was spared but I feel for others that werenā€™t so lucky.

We all will hurt together for as long as we last.

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Itā€™ll be even harder to get rein mains to pair with me so I guess itā€™s true