Symmetra's beam is not strong enough, but doesn't need much to make it good

Symmetra’s beam needs some minor tweaks, because it’s just not strong enough to constitute using it that often.
All it truthfully needs, is for the damage to scale linearly from 60 to 180 instead of the 3 stages system, and increased range to 16 meters.

These two things would make symmetra’s primary fire actually good without drastically overhauling it.

The real question is, who would it be good against, and are those the heroes it needs to be good against?

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Make it longer. That might actually help her

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You mean like 18 or 20 meters? I would think 16 meters is enough myself.

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Make it 16 and a half.

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Good against shield tanks and targets that can actually provide charge for it, but as is one of the main things that needs addressing is how useless it can feel without max charge, and considering it takes twice as long now to get to max charge, it can feel pretty weak. Making it gain 3 damage per 0.1 seconds would significantly help it out.

But really though, if you’re playing symmetra right now, you’re better off using her orbs more often than not.

Majority of the time if you try to use her beam instead you won’t get value for it.

I’d like to get value from all of her kit

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Exactly why I think the beam needs buffing. You almost never have a reason to use it over the orbs.

At least it would on par with the orbs outside of the 180 dps zone as a result of these suggested changes.

Things they could do to improve her primary fire:

•Reduce charge time.
•Increase the range, again.
•Increase base damage.
•Linear ramp
•Give her an animation centre lock on first charge

Bug fixes they could do.
•You guessed it, fix the tick rate.

Let me take you back to a little time I like to call mid September, because that’s when this was first created.

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Her current beam is meant to be used less than her secondary.

They see it as Meis primary. Something you only use against certain heroes, at certain times.

Making it too good would be a huge problem.

Remember that she doesn’t only do 60 dps currently.
She does 210.

She also has the best mobility ability in the game.

It’s actually 180, where did you get 210?

I don’t think Sym is overall bad rightnow. Her left click however, does not fit her current playstyle, that is the problem.

She does not and should not engage 99% of the time unless the fight is already won. I just don’t see why she need a tank busting primary what so ever.

I would like to see her old primary back so she can be better off protecting herself from the flankers, and also I personally enjoyed killing people when they are already out of the sight and around the corner ; ) It was super fun.


He added 3 turrets of damage to the primary when it has no charge.

It was a tongue in cheek way of saying “don’t forget she has turrets”.

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Already on the list :ok_hand:

150 dps from turrets, 60 from the beam.
This goes up to 120 then 180.
Giving her 210, 270 and 330 dps.

Realistically this isn’t going to happen because anyone with sense will disengage and shoot out her turrets.

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If the enemy disengage, you have gained the lead in that fight.
This lets you set up for the next fight faster than the enemy.

I don’t see the point of Symmetra since the torb rework.

I have shared this idea several times already. Most people seem opposed to the idea for some reason.

I don’t play Symm so forgive me, Isn’t 180 dps nearly the same as a fully charged Zarya?