Every anti-Sym buff comment summed up

Welcome to my reality. As an advocate of Symmetra this is a compilation of my favourite comments from people who think Symmetra is in a good place right now. We all have our opinions. I disagree.

• git gud, learn to aim, no more ez kills
• no aim, no brain Symmetra main, bet you just want a revert ( actually number buffs would be fine :ok_hand:)
• despite its name being primary fire, it’s situational
•You seen Seagull pop off with her? It’s unreal.
• her turrets are auto aim and OP
• what about [insert name here]? They’ve been waiting longer
• you need to have good team communication for her to be effective
• take some of the damage from her turrets if you want a viable primary fire
• you’re a one trick, learn the game
• she has four sources of damage at once, it’s okay if her primary fire sucks
• just swap her primary and secondary, problem solved :tipping_hand_man:t2:
• she’s meant to work as a team, you don’t need survivability, even if the rest of the DPS roster has a quick escape or stun or heal
• Dude, she’s great, like a ground Pharah (with orbs that travel slower and need charge time)
• dude! You need to be able to see into the future and plan when you’re using her TP accordingly
• just use that TP for a quick escape. In two seconds you’re good to go!
• her TP is great, you must not be using voice chat
• you need to play her more, what?! Only 150 hours with 3.0. You need at least 1,000.
• she’s way better than Sym 2.0 ( who needs autolock with reliable damage, or piercing orbs or 180 DPS car wash or 2 ULTS or god forbid that crummy old Photon Barrier.

Have I missed any?


Don’t forget the people that think that her tp is equivalent to an escape / defensive ability and justifies her 200hp no escape / no panic button state.


Surely SOMEBODY stated that she is better as 3.0 than 2.0.

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Added them in for you

But she is. Not necessarily good yet, but better than before.


Ok but is nobody going to mention the fact that both Sym and Torb have never been meta, I swear no other heroes has been so hated like these two poor F-tier best friends.

I mean at least Bastion and Reaper had their own metas, but the other two were the absolute bottom ever since this game was released.


Torb goes into comp tomorrow. Guaranteed he will be a must pick against GOATS.


Poor Sym she just lost his best friend in the dark, lonely places of the forgotten lands of F-tier.

Now she only has Bastion :frowning:


Sym was meta in the beta.

2 Sym, 2 Zen, and either 2 Tracers, 2 Genjis, or Genji and Tracer.

Give the flankers perma harmony orb and perma 50 shield health and let em run rampant.

The beta doesnt count (dont disagree with me how dare you)

Also, they will never be meta because Blizzard doesn’t want them to be.

At least not Sym. I’m unsure about what they want for Torb.

If you use the teleporter to engage, then logically it can also be used to disengage, however.

if it stayed around it would be reliable for you and your team to do that but in its current form, not so much


Lmao trust me they all say that but they do not understand that she was never suppose to be this way. They pretty much made a new hero not a rework she is 100% different in the ways of how she works.

That’s why I’d suggest an infinite duration for the teleporter, perhaps coupled with a buff to the deploy time.
(The only real problem I can see with an infinite duration is it would basically shorten the time it takes to get back from spawn for your team, which on gamemodes like Control Point it can be quite impractical for the enemy to have to search for it)

Literally the definition of rework.


and reaper…
Hoggy is there too but he is being pulled out of the dumps by 2 guys with a rope (Geoff, Jeff)

I think if the TP was on the payload for example it would destroy when it got to the next checkpoint. Why would it be an issue in control?

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That’s a fair proposition.
I feel like it could potentially cause an issue on control because for the enemy to destroy the teleporter they’d have to overextend which can be impractical. But perhaps one could argue that that’s a good thing.

I don’t think so. No Torb’s reword hasn’t changed everything of his. He’s primary fire is practically the same if not better. He’s old ult is the same in ways of how it works besides it being dulled down. Hes turret is fundamentally the same. The majority of his kit is the same but better. All of symms kit was changed, everything. As for Symm, her turrets are still there thats about it. Torb has majority of his kit still there.

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I dont count Reaper, nobody reports you for playing him, or blame you if the team loses, or think your trolling just because you are playing him

I do think he is pretty bad and needs some buffs ASAP, but people dont get tilted when they see him in the select hero screen