In the Developer’s comment for the beam buff from 10m to 12m they gave the reasoning for the buff as: “Symmetra’s Primary fire has huge damage potential but it is too difficult to charge because if its low range and slow charge rate. We’re increasing the range to see how it plays out, giving her more opportunities to use it, especially against enemy barriers.”
This came into effect in the game on August 9. Enough time has passed. How is it playing out? Not great.
The time to address the slow charge rate is now. Other factors effecting it is the accuracy you need, the lack of ammo, and the tick rate.
This is very much a player issue, not a character issue. Let’s not go making more character super impactful and maddeningly easy to play.
The tick rate is the biggest issue. I have no problems with tracking. Check out my Twitch stream. Same name.
I mean I use the beam as a shieldbusting/tankbusting utility and honestly I love this new implementation. You can punish heroes like Brigitte, Rein, Winston, Orisa, and D.Va really hard with it. I don’t feel as though the beam is bad, just that the best utility for it has changed.
You still can’t do that though because Symmetra has no protection. The only way you can do that is if you have a shield in front of you or you’re being healed.
She didn’t exactly have protection before, unless you’re talking about that piddly little parachute shield which you just walked past to immediately invalidate. This is why you engage using her teleporters. If they engage back on you, you back out into the teleporter, if they engage the teleporter they’ve left themselves wide open.
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You’ll be shield bashed before you’re full ramp to cut through Brig and her armour. Unless you have a pocket healer to support you because she has zero survivability and a TP that you’ll be dead before you can deploy.
Photon barrier did a lot so I don’t know what you’re talking about and shield generator helped too. It gave Symmetra an actual chance when fighting against high damage heroes.
You are forgeting she had lock on.
Jumping around randomly was good “protection” at least up to a certain rank.
Not having to worry about aiming made it possible to move in odd ways to survive.
Now she has to aim (or track) so you cant do it anymore.
Not saying getting rid of the lock on was a bad thing though.
- Symm beam range = 12 meters
- Shield bash range = 6 meters
Space yourself properly and you should have no problem.
You could literally walk by photon barrier as it approached you.
And as I was saying, that’s not the application for the beam anymore.
The slow chargeup has to go.
And her armour? If she’s rallied that’s 150 armour to cut through and she’s closing in on you…and you’re dead.
Yeah you could, which is why you needed to time it correctly to line up with the fight. After enough practice, it’s not that hard to do.
I’ve been having this awkward interaction with DVas a lot where i would laser them, they hesitate due to muscle memory but quickly realize i’ve barely put a scratch on their mech and then just fly in my face to kill me easily.
I have also yet to figure out how to keep the damn thing charged after killing a big target, so i can microwave a Gengu.
You can’t keep it charged cause reloading takes away one level 
Symm 3.0 is worse than 2.0!
Admit it!
One of my favourite POTG in Deathmatch was destroying 2 DVas with 2.0 then negating one of their ULTs with the old Photon Barrier. I don’t know why people think her new beam would be OP if they let her autolock in the first two charges.
Not to mention if we’re going to be talking Brigitte…Syms old shield did literally nothing in that fight
Her orbs did though, they were able to pierce through her shield.
Yup, Brigitte got kited by old symmetra’s orbs till brig was too low to engage the fight and symmetra won if she tried.