Symmetra was nerfed within 9 days for being 4th picked DPS

Can i just say though, when i’ve seen Symmetra being played in OWL and the way she was played by BQB in one match, it amazed me more than the several blades. lol

Wow thats rare.

Was there like any gameplay or it was just taxibotting + MLB while being team pocketed?

i know right, 9 days its so funny to think off. and she was only good because players didnt know what to do when she was in there face, genji is broken atm and he is still its about time they nerf his damage and ult charge, cause its taking to long.

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No no real even casters and obs were happy he didn’t immediately switch lmao.

Ok I might check it out out of pure curiosity.

>only used for tp to either skip choke or get out of spawn faster in 1st second of the match on certain points of certain maps
>that’s “reLAtIVeLy nICHe”

sure I guess that’s “relatively niche” rather than just “niche” just like how -(10^10) is a “relatively [lower]” number than 10^100 rather than “just being [low]” :roll_eyes:

as a kamikaze taxi push which sym seeing as she gives up her way into effective range and her way to disengage when doing a skip choke tp. before infinite tp can often get tp back soon enough after the initial choke skip for her to use it in the actual team fight (assuming the fight isn’t a landslide) and back then that wasn’t OP nor oppressive at all.

Her orbs are 25m/s slow. When fired even at 15m it gives enemies 0.6s to reactively dodge in which most heroes can move 3.3m (her orbs have 2m splash radius), i.e. not hard to dodge or as least ensure you take fall off damage from them i.e. aim matters little to making them land in most ranges. and this is at 15m away.

For a comparison, for other hero projectiles to achieve such a time to dodge:

  • mei icicles: 69m (much past where ashe’s scoped falloff range hits bottom which is 50m)
  • echo primary: 45m
  • genji shurikens: 36m (just longer than tp range)
  • pharah rockets: 21m (just longer than mccree’s falloff start range)

“reliable” is the last thing to describe it. it has a sniper-like charge cost for none of the range nor reliability to land —> even if it does 140 damage max charge, doesn’t mean much if you can’t aim it to land in most ranges because people can just reactively dodge it just like old orbs.

her kit would be on the direction to make sense if both

  • her orbs were actually midranged (i.e. balanced to have faster projectiles while still burst-y) and
  • her tp was actually frequent enough for her to engage and disengage her effective range often enough.

enforcing primary as the core of her gameplay is just a lost cause as that’d never work unless she’s moved to tank and balanced that way. being passive is also another dead end as we’ve seen in sym<=2.0 hence people flanking with sym back then (and now) to climb.

orbs and tp are the 2 things sym uses most, has the most agency over and has the least conditions to use (as opposed to primary) whilst also very clearly having room to buff. those 2 things are where she should be improved.


She’s also used for brawling now with her new ult and higher potential damage output that also feeds off barriers and the ability to actually re-deploy turrets mid-fight without having to run up to surfaces or throwing them at her feet.

Her orbs move faster than they used to and deal more damage per shot now, right? The only downside is that they don’t go through things anymore. I don’t understand talking about how easy they are to dodge like it’s not faster than it used to be.

Which is absolute bs. It makes no sense & lets Sym spam turrets. Making them never really counterable.

Which will never happen because those throwable turrerrs are put on walls, ceilings & doorways. Rarely are they thrown on the ground, unless its a really good spot. And if you do melee them you’ll still take damage prior.

As long as rework Sym is unbalanced, those turrets have no weaknesses. A cooldown after a turret’s destruction would be enough, but nope, Sym’s a broken DPS. Heck, she was always a broken DPS. Blizzard will never give her real nerfs.

You have to be a troll right? Tell me I’m being punked

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I’m sick of that typical crap happening every time a broken DPS is called out. There is nothing balanced about Sym, and you know it. How is it balanced that she gets a damage increase for nothing? She doesnt earn it like Zarya does. And there’s certainly nothing balanced about her turrets.

and old sym wasn’t? like you had to pocket her the same way: same conditions of use, same problem, same high down time. all because of this misconception that she’s all about her primary in terms of dps capability.

like I’ve asked you this before:
compare how narrow of a niche sym has with that if other heroes, is sym proportionally strong for how narrow her niche is compared to other heroes?

even if she is, is it healthy for the game to have a hero that has an extremely narrow niche but is extremely strong in that narrow niche?

going from like 10m/s to 25m/s doesn’t mean it’s all reliable and good. if a dps hero with their damage capability only being 10dps but is now buffed to 20dps, are you going to call that acceptable/fine too?

I even directly gave you the math showing you that it isn’t at an acceptable speed esp for a charged shot (low fire rate).

also I like how you’re trying to frame it as though I’m against the 3.0 rework yet quite clearly I’ve shown my stance is that her problem is the rework being poorly balanced (i.e poor execution). if i was against the 3.0 rework I wouldn’t have said the buff orb speed + tp cast frequency.

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Right the fact that she has to charge up a beam in short range to then start doing the same dps that other heroes start with instantly is soooo broken.

It’s absolutely easier for Zarya to charge than Sym… Unless you’re playing with and against plebs


Charge what? She’s doesnt have to use abilities to earn a damage increase like Zarya. You literally just hold down R2, and thats it. Zarya has to throw shields to teammates or shield herself first, which hasnt been easy since her damage buff. Ever since then, defense comes first for Zarya. Her beam is only good now when its 100% charged.

Oh, and Sym’s ammo is infinite when firing at a barrier. Something Zarya never did. Sure, thats balanced.

Dude you’re not even being reasonable or logical. I’m not replying anymore.

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Says the person that thinks Zarya’s damage increase is easier to gain than Sym’s, even though Zarya has to actually earn it, while Sym doesnt. Ignore the truth if you want.

Not quite. She has to hit a target for the ramp-up to occur, she doesn’t just “hold fire”.

I play both, I’d say its a bit easier to get charge by position with Zarya because you can feed off your teams being targeted and yourself. With Sym you risk more to get in position to leverage the damage. Not to mention Sym’s shorter beam IIRC.

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Correct, 12m vs 15m.

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You’re acting as if the damage increase isnt quick & unearned. Its easy af to just point the beam at someone, especially a Tank. Meanwhile, Zarya has to defend herself or a teammate to get her 100% charge. If not, her beam is crap.

Zarya has three times the effective health pool of Sym and its easy to get charge given the

-amount of spam / projectiles in this game
-human reaction times
-buff where her charge decays slower

Now here’s an exercise for you, can you tell me the dps Symmetra does at max charge? Can you then tell me the dps Soldier 76 does with bodyshots?



Are the devs ever going to respond to posts like these? Judging from the number of responses you would think it would be worth a comment…

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