Why do Sym mains get so salty over her beam?

Saying that Symm mains always complain and exaggerate is an unfair generalization. Symmetra has literally never been competitively viable. That isn’t an exaggeration. She came close to being a solid pick during Double Barrier, but was immediately hammer nerfed into the ground repeatedly. She’s had 2 major reworks that have resulted in absolutely zero success.

She’s statistically a bad hero, so the community of her followers request buffing and changing her. That isn’t so unreasonable.


Symmetra sees a lot of use on control maps because she’s good at controlling space with her current kit. Unfortunately, if the gambit fails and the team running her fails to take first capture, they switch off because she’s junk at re-taking an objective.


Her Orb is Burst Damage. Not Good Burat Damage because of how slow it is but burst none the less

Hmmm, so you’re saying she’s good on 2CP defense… and is swapped off after first or second team fight.

Same old story for the entirety of Overwatch’s existence

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2CP is Not Control. She Usually Sucks one any mal for 2cp besides Maybe Volskaya Industries and Hanamura.

I for one have often proclaimed that her primary is a lost cause for buffs because she simply cannot have the tools to have a gameplay revolving around her beam (this literally requires tank-level sustain as proven by zarya; can’t have gameplay focused on a shorter ranged sustain damage weapon without giving high enough sustain to live long enough to utilise the sustain nature).
Does sym primary need buffs? QoL-like ones maybe like higher lvl 1 dps.
But that’s basically the level of things you can add onto her primary without making sym oppressive. too much range on it or too much sustain on sym —> easy charging for w+m1.

Sym’s primary will always be situational. As long as people focus on her primary, sym will always be too team dependent, too niche. We need to move on guys.

her gameplay should primarily revolve around combining tp with orbs + turrets.

her orbs are extremely slow in both charge time and projectile speed.

this is why her orbs are trash:

i.e. orbs have low effective range. —> sym as a whole has low effective range.

the sniper-like charge time on orbs doesn’t even make sense.

  • if having charge time to encourage aiming them, why do the move so slow that you practically can’t aim them (see above)?
  • if mean to be spam, why have a sniper-like charge time causing her fire rate to be like half of pharah rockets and junkrat bombs which deal similar damage per shot?

The healthy and most viable way forward for sym is to:

  • buff her tp to be as frequent as old finite 3.0 tp
    • this lets her get herself into effective range more often and be able to adapt to the pace of the game better. heck everything active sym does rides on a tp cast so putting this back to it’s peak fluidity is crucial
  • balance her orbs to be actually midranged and aimed (i.e. improve projectile speed, reduce projectile size or aoe radius depending on how fast they become)
    • this is so that orbs have a justification for charge time and the benefits of this is aim dependent (i.e. lower ranked players less affected)
    • tp change above will never be as dynamic as say tracer blinks, and is simply more static mobility than the rest of the mobility abilities in nature i.e. there will be periods where sym hangs back. midranged orbs make sym’s contribution during her down time not so trash.

Moira beam is 20 meters

Zarya is 15 meters

Sym is 12 meters


idk why you’re replying to me about that ._.

woops was supposed to be for op

Damn it’s shorter than Focusing Beam?

Because people don’t want to accept she’s a utility hero and not a DPS and they think that nuance isn’t viable.


Symmetra’s problem is not the damage power (who says otherwise, maybe he doesn’t really play she as he should) but her kit which is not functional just like Bastion without E key. Basically her problem is only the TP, it is still a tool that undermines the identity of Symmetra: in theory it is a support tool but it is often ignored or used for the “taximetra” that you see at OWL (a real crap ). And of course turret bombing is not a functional tactic.

it’s a tool that needs serious experimentation in evocation and terms of use (even a TP that only works on Symmetra is a valid alternative to test.)

Why even compare Moira and Symmetra?

Sym’s kit is complicated and doesn’t center around her “primary” fire, which is contrary to how her kit used to work, when her beam was a super easy lock-on, which is when she gained most of her fans. Her kit is way stronger now but much harder to use correctly so they want to go back to easy time where Sym didn’t need as much teamwork to be effective.

Ya by quite a bit unfortunately

As a symmetra main, its just the fact on her primary fire being basically useless with a shield on your team to protect you. I shouldn’t have to rely just on my secondary fire to actually get something done when characters like Genji get it done better.

Also while her orbs are really good for spam, what happens when a Winston/hammond dives on you? Or a doomfist? Or a hitscan? The secondary fire can’t do everything


Because they’re both heroes who have a weird “primary” and “secondary” fire

With Sym you can easily get damage and zone enemies with your alt fire, while getting in close with your beam is more situational

With Moira, your primary is a heal and your secondary is your damage

Not a lot of heroes who have a “better” secondary than primary (in terms of being in a fight, secondary is way safer)

It’s like the reverse of Torbjorn

Moira is like a main healer, her primary being healing makes sense… (unless ur a dps moira it makes perfect sense imo)

i dont get what ur trying to say tbh


Erm I was in the camp of “the beam needs a faster charge rate” (which blizzard actually implemented hooray!) and I’ve always been in the camp of “as a close range hero with a relatively large hitbox she needs 250 hp.”

Beam is fine as is.

Question for you-

I like to advocate for Sym too, but it strikes me as odd that everyone seems okay with keeping orbs on a charge. Why is that? Other DPS’ secondary fire (scoped excluded) aren’t nearly as handicapped and I don’t think hers should be either. Why not take out the AOE portion of it, up the speed, put it on a two-second cooldown, and just forego the “charge-up” entirely? It’ll give her a solid first punch in situations where she comes face-to-face with other, more capable DPS. She’d still be at a disadvantage, but not nearly as bad as now.