Symmetra was nerfed within 9 days for being 4th picked DPS

Are the devs ever going to respond to posts like these? Judging from the number of responses you would think it would be worth a comment…

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Its not fast, 1 second just for level 2 is a long time. And the risk of time and positioning is the price. It’s earned.


1.3 seconds per level so about 2.6 seconds before max charge… In a game with ttk like this that can be ages

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Yeah forgot, its 1.3 actually. On paper it looks like Sym will just nail it, but it doesn’t work out like that in real play, certainly not at higher tiers.

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Which goes down quick because all Blizzard cares about is DPS, mainly because of the OWL.

That’s exactly the reason why its not easy for Zarya to get her damage increase. So much DPS that wrecks tanks. But if Zarya does get her charge, she earned it.

And if Sym’s unearned charged beam was weak, I wouldnt say otherwise.

In fact, comparing it to Soldier is a compliment. Soldier’s a pain because he’s the only one in the game that sprints, and his damage always hits hard. Sym doesnt have to aim for anyone’s head, she just points the beam. She doesnt have to go for headshots with her op secondary fire either.

How tf is 1 second not fast to you? And again, that damage increase isnt earned.

You have to understand that this quite literally doesn’t make sense. You think Zarya is somehow more susceptible to damage than Sym?

And you know how the charge mechanic works right? Damage shields she gets charge… That’s literally how it works.

So again, your homework, what is Sym level 3 dps and what is Soldier’s bodyshot dps? Come on, you can figure out out!

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1 second is very long in OW… I mean if you think it’s not that kind of explains why you think what you do… and your definition of “earned” is a bit… limited.

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I’m just gonna flat out say it’s a kid or a troll. There is no baseline comprehension here. They do not make sense.


It’s pretty clear, and even ridiculous at this point, you have no clue how the patching process works.

They knew ahead of time that Symmetra and Zarya were going to be game breaking the moment the bug(s) were fixed and were prepping patches ahead of time to address the issues. It was clear as day.

The same people who released mercy 2.0 brig 1.0 and these absurd Genji buffs knew?

That’s a good one m8

No they just tremble at the thought of Symmetra not being in the pits. Oh god Sym is over 1% pickrate! Delete!

Genji sitting at 9% pickrate: y’all hear sumn?

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when is sym picked in owl lmao?
i keep seeing people spreading this lie and like… dude sym is used to teleport someone at the start of the match and then they switch off
like its even before the match starts

That’s kind of the point…


Look you can play victim and entitled as much as you want, the upcoming patch this Tuesday is obviously going to contain tweaks to Genji, if it is necessary.

for her to throw a tp then inmediately switch off at the start of a match?

what kind of hero design is that?
doubt it
when its a hero they personally like (brig, hanzo, mercy) they take ages to adress it

You’re getting warmer to what we are talking about…

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Entitled, imagine describing a person who mains such a weak and abused hero entitled. Yikes!

Proof in pudding. All evidence points to bias against Sym. Every thing. Always. You just don’t want to see it because there’s always going to be an anti Sym narrative from people who still can’t get over noodle beam ptsd.


I’ll bet you money there’s no Genji tweak Tuesday.


and honestly… genji is a popular guy, unlike sym.
i bet it’ll take MONTHS for him to get any kinda change, mercy and brig are clear examples of that? people will just think, oh, its genji. ill just have to get gud.
just like they did with mercy “lol, nah mercy is fine, i like her. i just have to kill her before rez.”
or brig “lol haha i just have to stay away from her range xD”

it doesnt matter what this forum thinks about genji, this site literally thought he was op pre buff thats enough reason to not take that group seriously

open your eyes peeps, some heroes will get special treatment.
mercy mains can pretend the devs hated them during moth meta all they want, but i dont think ive EVER seen developers being so forgiving with nerfs like they did with mercy, and brigitte. hell brig even gets buffs inadevertedly after her so “lethal” nerfs. their fanbases are inmense too. doesnt matter how much “haters” these heroes have, brig, mercy, genji and many other heroes have much more love than hate.

on the other hand nobody likes symmetra, healers, tanks, dps. the whole community despises the hero. only sym players really like the character, and thats barely saying anything because we are like, what? the 1% of the playerbase?

i still remember stevo predicting a long time ago the orisa meta and nobody believed him, because apparently his opinion as a sym player didnt matter


How does it not? Zarya has to put up with so much enemy fire. Sym doesnt.

More like you have to. You try comparing Sym’s damage to Soldier’s, when Sym is better in that regard because she doesnt need to go for headshots. So, has Soldier’s best damage all the time.

And keep throwing the troll term to shrug off my words. In fact, you have some nerve calling me that when you’re a Private Profile. Fortunately, you people cant hide from that Overbuff site. You’re a Sym main, yet you’re saying Sym isnt op? Her being at your number 1 spot, shows that you know how op she is.

If 1 second was long in OW then Tracer’s Blinks wouldnt cool down so fast that she can always wait for 1 blink to cooldown before moving again, making it pointless to count the 3 blinks.

There’s no risk & reward when when it comes to Sym’s damage increase, unlike Zarya’s. You seem to not know what earn means. Sym just firing a beam at a target & getting more damage isnt that.


Oh you’re right. I forgot about the thing where people can magically attack Zarya but somehow lose this capability against Symmetra.


All I am going to say to this are two things:

  1. 1 second is a long time in this game if you think its not, talk to the coaches, streamers, GM’s and Pros.

  2. Sym risks positioning as a squishy DPS in order to raise her damage up, it does take time. I can’t think of anyone but Zarya who does this and she has 400 health and shields. If you cannot see the difference and relative risks, I cannot help you. 2.6 or nearly 3 seconds to bring a weapon to full power and burning through ammo unless its a shield is risky.