Symmetra players please understand that this game isn't about you

You’re acting like every single character but her can be played on every single map. That’s just not eh case. Also most characters aren’t anywhere near as boring honestly.

give me the data or something that back sup everything you say. I’m legitimately interested in who scraped this together.

Can you quote where I said this?

Saying Sym shouldn’t be a troll pick on most maps isn’t the same thing as what you suggested.


It really isnt. Their character has been bad for 2+ years, blizzard never listens to the proposed changes and instead make stupid ones that dont help, in fact symm is the only hero in this entire game that I’d consider completely unviable in high tier play.


You’re pretending like viability is tied to use “outside of three maps” so what do you want? Her to be good on 4 maps? To one shot people? What do you add now that would suddenly make her good outside of 3 maps? Maybe give her gun a slow too?

It sounds like you want her good on every single map and you shouldn’t have to think about who you pick. Nope, just Sym 100% winrate time baby.

Dont be silly. I want her to not be a troll pick.

This kind of strawmanning is exactly why heroes are left to rot in F tier for years. Sym being viable isn’t the same as “100% WiNrAtE tImE BabY!!!”



ok. remember you’re the one that asked so don’t complain about length.

How sym has low Effective range:

  • primary is a hard 12m limit. you have a vast majority of heroes whose effective ranges are >=15m
    • heck even mercy beam and moira heals are 15m range,
    • pretty much the things that 12m outrange are like the really melee range heroes like brig and rein
  • her orbs are low effective range as shown by the below quote from another post:

How sym has low sustain:
her only sustain options are

  • a wall which is her ult that needs to be charged, and
  • a shield regen passive which she herself doesn’t have any active abilities to forcibly allow her to conveniently get out into cover and back in the engagement to utilise it.
    • one may argue tp can be the ability for this but it’s on too high of a down time to be available for this as we see later on in this post

that’s it for sustain. evidently much lower than the various other heroes with self heal, on ability shields/walls/barriers/etc., deflect, higher hp or recall etc.

How sym has low burst and low mobility due to infinite tp cd mechanic:

  • the only bursty thing in her kit is her orbs, everything else is sustain damage. and as seen above, her orbs have a low effective range. esp her orb-melee burst combo. how can this combo be more available to execute? tp.
  • how is tp less available with infinite tp cd mechanic? because the long cd now has to start AFTER you’re done with it rather than DURING you getting use out of it like most abilities.
    • here’s the math on this below
  • low availability of tp → low mobility and low access to burst combo (i.e. low burst)

Old finite 3.0 tp:

  • time to next cast = 12s from placement, fixed
  • experienced down time = (10s - usage time) + 2s
    • where usage time is in [0s,10s] which represents time spent actually using it and the last 2s is the remaining cd when tp duration is spent.
    • 2s <= experienced down time <= 12s
    • realistically around 6s on average. uses cases that utilised the entirety of the 10s uptime were rare (which still is the case). even when using for flanking you’d spend around 3s at bare minimum to get the tp-orb-melee combo off and back. if you can fit another engage, you’d hit that average down time mark.

infinite tp :face_vomiting: :

  • time to next cast = uptime + 10s
  • experienced down time = 10s + (uptime - usage time)
    • which is unbounded above
    • 10 <= experienced down time < infinity
      • i.e. the minimum is already longer than the average experienced down time of the old finite tp.

I can’t imagine the type of “person” who makes a topic like this. Like what’s the goal here


Winrate means almost nothing if barely anyone plays her. The only reason her winrate is high is because 90% of the time she’s only useable and played on Lijiang, Nepal, and sometimes but barely the first point of 2CP maps, she’s almost never used anywhere else.


It never really was.


we can’t even get a victory pose with her gun. We know this game doesn’t revolve around us. It’s not even in our orbit.


Listen OP, even I want buffs to Bastion ultimate but I believe Symmetra deserves a buff first

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It isn’t too much to ask for a favorite character to be somewhat viable


Your number one in comp is still Rein…

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This thread I swear to God. We never want for her to be in the center of every balance patch. DON’T put words into our mouths.

Is it wrong for us to want our main to be actually v i a b l e?


A low elo Tank main trying to keep certain heroes from being viable, nothing to see here folks.


Inflated win %

.9% pickrate yet high win percent


Winrates don’t matter when the pickrate is low, it’s like saying Bastion isn’t garbage because he has a 52% winrate even though his pickrate is literally the lowest in the game at 0.27%, you have to look at both statistics, not just one.


Same could be said for any hero Sym’s just been bad the longest (RIP Bastion) so the people who play her are always going to want changes for their hero… that isn’t good…


Low pick rate = inflated win rate. The bait is super strong. Did you just want confrontation with the Symmetra community this bad? Yikes, got too much time on your hands

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bro i dont want her to be the center of attention i want her bugs that have been in the game since she was changed to be fixed and want her to not blow over at the smallest fart