Symmetra Sup Rework Idea

Shift: Photon Matrix

  • Photon matrix can switch’s sym’s weapon from healing photon lights to burning photon lights.

LMB: Photon Projector (has amo Charge)
Shift toggle – healing photon

  • Symmetra’s weapon emits healing light particle waves in front of her, traveling a short distance. These waves can bounce off walls for an extra length (like stigma’s auto)
    • The wave particles heal allies
    • Can phase through shields
    • wave bounces have reduce healing potency.
    • Maybe waves healing potency weakens drops after a certain range.

Shift toggle – Burning photons (has amo Charge)

  • Sym’s weapon emits burning light particle waves in front of her, traveling a short distance. These waves can bounce off walls for an extra length (like stigma’s auto)
    • Cannot Pass through shields, but does increase damage to barriers, melting them over time.
    • slightly damages enemy players, doing burn DoT (Damage over time) to them.
    • if too weak, maybe have it do a stacking dot that caps to a point.

Shift toggle – RMB: Burning Photon Orb

  • Syms weapon creates a photon orb that travels slowly across the field. Does high damage to shields, but cannot pierce them.
    • There is a cap to how many orbs can be on the field – prob 4-6 orbs.
    • Cannot be used/cast while in healing Photon mode.
    • Charging the orb increase the distance of which it will travel
      • upon reaching the max distance, if it has yet to impact an enemy, it will stand in place, acting like a mine /trap
      • They cannot stack upon each other, must be a small distance apart
      • Can be placed in front of sym if you do not charge the weapon.

Shift toggle – RMB: Healing Photon Orb

  • If there are Burning Photon orbs laying around the field, Sym can transform them into healing photon orbs. Players who walk over these orbs gain a burst of flat healing (like health packs)
    • There is a cap to how many orbs can be on the field – prob 4-6 orbs.

Option One:
Ultimate: Photon Barrier

  • Symmetra Encapsulates her allies in a dome /cube of light that blocks projectiles only and healing units inside overtime.
    • Enemies can enter and exit the dome


Ultimate: Photonic Illusions

  • Symmetra creates light clones of herself (1-4) that assist in healing her allies. These clones will cast LMB and RMB-- creating burning orbs and healing orbs.
    • Enemies can tell which sym is the real one.
    • clones cannot be killed.
    • Maybe remove RMB casting, and make it so when they disappear… they shatter, causing a burst of healing to allies nearby the explosion.

Option Two:
E: Photon Barrier

    • Symmetra Encapsulates one ally unit in a dome /cube of light that makes them immune to damage. (Think of mei’s Ice Block)
    • Heals allies inside overtime
    • Ally units inside cannot attack or do any further action until the orb/cube shatters.
    • Once the orb shatters, the allies gain a decaying shield. This will help them against enemy players who are waiting for it to end etc.


E: Photonic Illusion

  • Symmetra creates a light clone of herself that assist in healing her allies. These clones will cast LMB and RMB-- creating burning orbs and healing orbs (Or healing orbs only).
    • Enemies can tell which sym is the real one.
    • Illusions can be killed/ shattered.
    • Shattered illusions create a burst of healing to ally units nearby.
    • Maybe remove them casting RMB if too much healing.

Shift Photonic rift

  • Symmetra creates a temporary rift between two connected points. Allowing all units to pass through, in and out, instantly.
    • can make passages through walls
    • Projectiles can go through the walls.
      *slight cd between use.

Passive: Photonic emission

  • Enemy Sym’s light glows red/orange, Ally sym light glows Blue.

Bridge rework Idea. Bridge Rework Idea


I prefer they bring in a mix of 2.0 concepts with 3.0, but

Should be her ultimate.

Overall I wish they bring her back to support and quit being lazy on perfecting shield support. Her being dps just makes zero since considering on what she did before. Her dps kit still has her doing supportive concepts meaning she’s hardly being improved, but endlessly regressing.

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Yeah I feel the same way about their laziness to their approach to her. I’ve been saying it since pre 3.0.

That’s why i keep creating Idea concepts for her and bridge too. To show that its not hard to come up with stuff. Like i don’t understand why she went as a offensive char. I wouldn’t mind much if it wasn’t for the fact that, as u said, she still gets supportive concept shoved down her throat.

Like no one asked for the 3.0 bs, people just wanted certain things like… Flying/ throwable sentries for starters. 2.0 so far the best version of her imo. We lost a support char for no reason and gain none to compensate for the loss.


You know that passion was fine with me until they did 3.0. All that constructive feedback from 2016 - mid 2018. Nothing went through and pretty forces a support hero to support because lack of concepts to help shield support. Players saw that horrid potential rework while the nerfs on Brigitte made it worst for them to play since feedback doesn’t matter anymore nor on ptr.

Only time it matters is when it’s on a favorable hero gets it or OWL players announces it.


What you feel is totally understandable and true. I too was shocked even when bridge’s incomplete rework went live; it was such a rushed, poor, and unprofessional release.

But even if sym doesn’t get anything correctly done on her, i also want this ot be an example of what support chars can have in their kit as well.

I still hope sym gets fixed cuze frankly, she was the main reason i bought the game and the main reason iplay. Now i find it hard to keep playing… especially with the lack of supports we have and supports that we can actually use.

Seems more like adding a new hero. Some of these ideas are cool though.

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Glad you liked it regardless :].

My goal is just to keep her aesthetic and theme design in play. I was Aiming for a full rework. Maybe blizz can use these concepts as inspiration for more unique supports too.

You say this is a Symmetra rework, but I don’t see a lot of Symmetra.

This removes every single ability she currently has. No turret nests, no steamroll damage ramp, no mid-fight TP, no sightline blocking ultimate, and no managable ranged options.

It’s the very reason people complained about the Sym 3.0 rework x5.

Neat ideas, but neat ideas for a new hero.

I would love an illusionist hero though. I think there’s a lot of interesting ways they could go about implementing it.

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Yes, the goal for this was a full rework, not an half done rework. We’ve gotten plenty of those and they did not work out as well as we would of all hoped. I just wanted to aim for something brand new that still fits her aesthetic and theme design still.

Her weapon and abilities all deal with photons, so i made sure everything follows that.

  • I did keep her RMB Orbs, I just changed how they work.
  • I also kept her current 3.0 Teleporter, just changed it to fit better the photon theme of her kit.
  • Photon barrier is still there, just reworked into a different kind of shield that can heal.

LMB, Shift, and illusions are complete additions :].
Removed sentries – wanted to get away from the builder idea.

But regardless, I am glad you like the ideas ether way. I do agree that if sym can’t have these, i would love to see a support char with these ideas as well :]

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Illusionists/Summoners have been a highly requested hero type for a long time now.

If Blizz isn’t at least looking into it, I’m going to be quite disappointed.

I just want to play as Maximillien, spending some cash to summon a bunch of bodyguards to clear the point for me.


ugh, a illusionist / summoner is ideal for support. My heart just melts away thinking about it T_T. ugh you got me all in the feels atm now lmao.

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I’m praying for a summoner tank, myself.

A squishy that creates space with an army of underlings, World War Z style.

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That can fit as well.

Summoner is a diverse term – known as spiritual mediums/ psychics / spiritualist/ Spirit Master.

A tanky version of this is a Necromancer very well – probably a melee off tank hero who uses some weird equipment or science to summon the dead or reanimate entities from the other side spiritually or into weapon/ machines.

like honestly, A summoner caster is very diverse and can fit multiple spectrums. Same for Witch.

Well sym is currently hurdling back to f tier with 4 nerfs put on top so might as well just change her. Call her Ananya

You mean like the other two times she got reworked?

Overwatch has had no idea what to do with her design from start to finish, I don’t think any form of rework would be seen positively though I appreciate the time you spent thinking about the design.

What you are suggesting reminds me heavily from Ying (Paladins) who is actually an incredibly fun healer / illusionist if you haven’t tried Paladins. You idea in general is pretty good, but it should really be used for a brand new character, not to confuse sym mains even more.

Yes i am familiar with yin. She is an illusionist healer though, sym only has the ulti with illusions or the E, whichever you prefer. But nevertheless, Yin is a really fun character to use in paladins :].

Glad you liked the design regardless. :]

Even Though humans do not like change by nature. This will be a healthy one that is long overdo. I rather have sym with a good rework than a half azz one. But thats just personal opinion :].

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