The Support Riot explanation

The Support riot is not really targeting DPS players – as a support main, sorry if I made it sound like that at any point in advance.

From my end, its from blizzard poor decisions for us support mains.

  • Lowest support roster
  • We lost a support – Sym
  • Blizzard decided to ignore us and not rework Symmetra as a healer.
  • Our current supports need to be adjusted or reworked
    • This further limits our options.
  • Echo was designed as a support originally – read link bellow.
    • – A dps was released instead of a support

Whether you count her or not. Sym was a support and she was taken from us.
They could of reworked her to be a healer. We support mains were pushing for this for years, but instead she was removed and given to dps role.

(h ttps://

Geoff Goodman, one of the lead game designers on Overwatch, told [GameSpot] in an interview that developers had originally planned on making her a support hero."

Support Concept Ideas for sym:
Idea For New Support Hero and Symmetra Sup Rework Idea

New: New Healer Ideas: Easy to make new healer


I’m a Support main and a better explanation for this outrage is entitled kids setting their own expectations and blaming Blizzard for not catering to them.

It’ll pass and be forgotten just like every other forum outrage.


It’s entitled to want to play a new hero for you’re favorite role when you only have seven to chose from? While the other role has sixteen? Oh ok my bad


That’s true when something else comes along to take peoples’ minds off it. But there’s literally nothing coming up that will do that for a LONG time so idk about it this time.

This is the new genji main vs average moira player


I agree, but ill still share my voice for us.

i’ve been sharing my voice because thats all i can do in my end. If the community cannot empathize or does not care. then thats that. But i will still share my voice and i would have done it and have done it when the other shoe fits. Blizz is better than this and i don’t want them to fully turn into NCSOFT.


You might not have targeted DPS players, but a whole lot of people did. It was such an embarrassing display of entitlement from those who did.

There’s nothing wrong with voicing criticism about Blizzard’s choice to release a dps, honestly. Posts like yours that aren’t trying to stoke the fire with silly arguments like “dps catering” are respectable and honestly I agree that it was a strange decision to release her as a dps, rather than prioritizing a support or tank (preferably tank). They’ve had quite some time to prepare with the knowledge that they might release role queue, and that it might decimate the queue times.

But sadly to me it felt like these respectable posts were the minority over the past few days. I say days as if it hasn’t literally been only one day :laughing:


Perhaps… I can empathize with their feelings. Theres a lot of intense emotions ove the air for years over our role, so its natural for humans to blow up at a certain point for things they are passionate about.

I probably have had my fare shares about this too even if not intended. It doesnt help with the amount of apathy people were giving us. And if i did … i definately take it back and apologize for it… this post was to explain this and bring more awareness on my end at least, as well as to the real reason behinde the events.

As for sym… i am glad others a few agree with the way they are treating her.

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sym should remain a dps hero, she never had that support vibe. she was always a dps hero tbh. just wait for new support heros to come out


Thats unfortunately 2021+

And whether people believe that or not, they should have just reworked her as a healer.

And even if they made her a dps. They should of put more consideration into her design.


Uhhh no lmao Kaplan clearly said she was never meant to heal. It wasnt their design for her so they should not have changed her into something she was never meant to be.


OW was meant to be a casual game and it was changed.

Echo was meant to be a support and was changed.
I’ll stop there.

Thats not a valid reason sir.

  • Supports got back to back hero releases (Moira & Brig) likely to compensate for the loss of Sym
  • Dps was up next to receive a hero, after Supports & Tanks got Baps & Sigma last year
  • the three roles in the community equally deserve the distribution of free dlc… favoring one role over another because of the imbalance of old content doesn’t justify neglecting one role for the other two
  • releasing a bunch of heroes at once with the launch of OW2 will be best for the community, where they can release quite possibly more Tanks & Supports than Dps as long as Dps get something new as well. Hopefully OW2’s roster will help to correct OW1’s roster numbers.
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Some reactions didn’t help though. “Oh get over it.” “You’re so entitled to want another hero.”

Etc etc. The wording isn’t so great and treating peoples’ disappointment like that is no better.


Yeah it is. Blizzards vision for their heroes comes before yours.

shes never had a healing ability, shes always been more of a dps hero, so its makes sense she was added to the dps hero rooster. shes never been a true support hero

We need to keep posting and showing them our negative feedback! (Great post btw Diamond)

Nothing is unchanged. If people kept giving up so easily … we wouldn’t have all these in the 21 century. Plus a company can do waaaaay more drastic changes than just change a dps to support if they see their numbers following.
Thas is why we should keep posting (at least the people who disagree with that) and showing them our view.


trolling i c – moved on.

just to correct.

release orders:
2016: Ana, sombra
2017: orisa, Doomfist, Moria
2018: birdge, hamster, ashe, + (Sym DPS) -Sym Sup
2019: Baptiste, Sigma
2020: nothing


I’m okay with the fact echo is a dps, but as a support main I wish she was a support :fearful:


Yes, its is fine for her to be a dps. I enjoy her design a lot tbh, but they should of hold her off if that was so and given us a support until OW2 releases.

She ad a ton of utlity – 2.0 was her best design yet. Supports arent just healers. She was a support, she just didnt have what people want – healing. A rework would of fixed that.