How to fix DPS que timers & Hero Rosters?

“Toxic Comments”
Now that we have posted our toxic comments above.

Here are all the solutions I’ve found/gather, as well as suggested on my end. Feel free to add and or discuss. Does anyone have any other ideas as to what can be done to save OW and fix these issues currently going on?

Player suggestion links:
:white_check_mark: 1x Barrier Tank per team
:white_check_mark: Buff Barrier Tanks, less Regen if 2xBarrier
:white_check_mark: [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

Thank you in advance for the feedbacks, Hopefully, all this data helps blizzard.

Well all of those 1 tank ideas can go straight to the garbage bin lol


Any reasons why you feel that way?

Any solutions on your end?

Which is probably the most plausible option

people can still play 2-2-2 by grouping (if they so choose) or they can just… get filled
The biggest issues with this is…

  1. Harder to balance
  2. People don’t want to group, and will complain

People have tried this and generally disliked it IF they were a tank or support
I’d imagine that adding this would probably be followed with a loss of tank and support players

Basically just worse 1-3-2. effects are amplified

Definently the BEST option, but also the slowest and hardest to get done

Probably the second best option, you could easily make 4-6 dps heros into supports or tanks

Everything else is a no. But you can also add, just deal with a 10 min wait.


lmao ill ad it for the lulz.
Any reason on the no though?

Curious, why you feel this way specifically. Can you share more on this?

What if they rework the sups and tank heros to better handle the new role compisition? Improvign their potency due to the increase amount of dps coming in and the more pressure on both roles end. My posts describes it a bit more.

MMORPGS that follow the trinity normally make tanks and Healers much more able to handle scenerios on thier own without the need of a second tank or support as example.

132 sucks and will cause the loss of tank players.
It is not optimized at all. Many dps need hard nerfs and many supports and tanks need reworks it’s not worth it changing the whole game just to make it better for dps

Best current option.
Only solution is to find a way to make tanks and supports that match the play style the DPS want to play (hitscan etc.)

This is true, we are not optimized for all these changes currently going on.

With the introduction of the experimental card, what if they introduced

With somewhat optimizable drafts for these roles so we can test out? That way we will have a better outlook on the possibility of it really working or not.

When 132 came out, they only reworked some heros. and although some changes were good, others were bad, and some where meh. One thing is for certain, more could of been done for sure.

Question: Wouldnt adjusting everything affect all roles as a whole, not just sdps?

How would you suggest that?

New heroes (which looks like won’t be until OW2) , right now there is no solution except for players to play more Tank or Support heroes and solve their own queue problem.

People love RQ, it’s a huge success and by far people prefer the game with it.

The other versions such as 132 people didn’t like. I didn’t even from a dps player.

The heros are actually pretty well balanced. It’s just player mentality that is wrong.

And making dps into supports and tanks, must might as well add new heros at that point.

new Heroes over all or for specific roles -tanks, supports?
That is true, players should switch roles more often.
the question for this is, how can we encourage this?
Some say by again, adding more heroes to tanks and supports
other have said by making these two rosters with chars more diverse/unique.

What is your take on this?

I do like role que as well, it does help with a lot of issue and only leave us now with a few critical ones.

It seems like most players are favoring adding more heros to the tank and support roster. Do you agree with this statement? I don’t want to put words in anyone’s mouth

My goal is to have kind of like a survy thing for blizzard so they can see what we want as a player base from what i’ve gathered from you all.

Is role que the issue, should it be removed?
Are the heroes themself the issue – gameplay balane?
Are the roster themselves the issue – should we drastically add more options to the none dps roles?

So far i’m seeing players favor the idea of adding more to Sup and tank roster.

The solution to queue times is to add heroes that people want to play in the less played roles, yes that would be tanks and healers.

That is the only solution that Blizzard can do to help with queue times, rest is up to the playerbase to stop hardlocking DPS

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Thank you for your feedback. Hopefully this post can help blizzard see and decide for themselves!

I also encourage everyone else to post their views, whether they’re normally accepted or not. But please give your reasoning to why! Eventually we can see a common pattern of solution.

i’d like to see more tanks and supports being added, but they have to be careful with their kits. nearly each time they added a new tank or support it creates or enables a new meta which will last for eternity and for some people it feels like each next meta is worse than the one before.

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What do you think might be causing these power / meta shifts you’ve stated with tanks?

Some people believe is due to their shields, which is one thing that got heavily nerfed recently. Do you believe this is the reason?
Should Tanks find more ways to protect and support their team besides placing down shields?
I for one enjoyed hog’s ability to heal his team with the experimental card and thought it was a nice touch.

What are your views over all of this?

My two biggest suggestions are:

1. Removed role-specific MMR.

This is 3 invisible queue buckets that, as near as I can tell, actually make matchmaking worse (through overfitting). This is one of those things that increases queue times without adding anything positive. Though, I do understand that a lot of people think having role-specific SR means something, I think they are dead wrong.

This seems like an obvious easy fix to me. And something they can easily check. I would bet dollars to donuts that the queue time improvements they saw in the 1-3-2 Experiment were driven by lack of proper matchmaking more than anything else.

2. Restructure the roster to Tank, Support (off-tank plus control), Damage and Healer. Similar to what they did with the HotS role rework.

This would give us 11 main/off-tank, 13 damage, and 7 healer (not counting Echo). If they were to add 1 Tank, 1 Support, 1 Damage, and 3 Healer in OW2, then we’d be at 12/15/10 (assume Echo stays Damage). Which would be a pretty good spot to release heroes of each role with equal frequency. And it wouldn’t mean waiting years for a fix, because it’s just a few reworks plus OW2. Just setting up OW2 properly could avoid this problem stretching on for years.

Here’s an example of what that might look like:

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a question i have is.1 How would removing role-specific MMR improve the current issues such as que timers for dps? Help me understand better.
Do you mean we go back to one specific MMR?
Do we remove the ability to que for every role and just limit choices to 2-2-2 when players join the char select screen. so basically first come first serve?
Or do we allow the current setup just all under one MMR?

I’ve suggested something similar with my 1-3-1-1. Except i named mine enchanters – Zen, Bridge, Lucio, Sym, Mei, Sombra, Torb, experimental zyra, and experimental Roadhog. I’ve also based this on HOTS–Support heroes, who give boosts and other benefits to their allies.

The question to this is, will blizzard consider mass reworking chars into other roles?
What chars should be reworked?
Will the extra role limit que timers or improve them?
Is it better to just add more heroes to the missing roles instead of reworking them again as suggested by a previous comment?

Keep 2-2-2 role queue, but have only a single SR (for all roles). This would mean the matchmaker would have less variables to consider. These articles do a good job of explaining why more variables are bad for queue times:


I’m not sure if it will improve queue times, but it will improve roster balance.

Yes, ideally, moving some Damage heroes to a pseudo-off-tank role while making off-tanks more damagey would draw more players from the Damage queue into the Tank/Support (off-tank) queue. Hard to say without actually testing it, but that’s the idea. Basically, a middle ground between 2-2-2 and 1-3-2… I guess you could call it 1.5-2.5-2.

Adding more heroes would certainly be nice, but reworks are a lot less expensive. Plus, 1-1-2-2 is how the game is typically played. 2-2-2 actually hindered that a little bit, because you can no longer have Sombra or Mei in the off-tank slot. Killing comps like Hammond+Sombra triple-dps, which this would allow for.


✅ 1x Barrier Tank per team
✅ Buff Barrier Tanks, less Regen if 2xBarrier
✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix - #69 by GreyFalcon-11481