Why nerf Sym? Seems completely pointless but k

She is currently in the 2% right now and 3-4 percent isnt even close to high, especially when a char just gets patched and overly hyped. in comparison to Genji, Mccree, doomfist, and reaper being easily over 10% pick rate.

The chars i mentioned, especially Mccree and doom are over 20 percent pick rate and have been demonstrating unfair impacts to the player base as well. Where are their executive nerf bombs?

It is gutting a hero when her damage was not high to begin with. The logic people have. One shotting is fine and not too high damange, but taking a long time to melt someone is considered high damage lol…

Sym Suppot rework IDea: Symmetra Sup Rework Idea
My complaint Post for this patch notes: PTR PATCH IS A JOKE-- SYM DEAD – Rework her back to support