Symmetra is not a dps!

Defence matrix works differently. I remember running into problems with it when I was going for Orisa’s overclocked trophy. It doesn’t count as a true barrier because it eats projectiles rather than stopping then with a wall.

Pal, I speak to a lot of people, I just think you’re choosing a weird hill to die on when Symmetra clearly needs buffs.

I can’t speak for PC either. I play on PSN.

I cant actuallly work out who sym currently counters or if she counters anyone at all.

If you could choose to see the view from above like Doomfists ULT it would be helpful.

That would be handy but you would be vulnerable to being attacked. I think the game moves too fast for that to even be an option.

Maybe a higher placement beacon to be able to tell where the hell ur actually placing it… or if it’s placed over a teammate the teammate goes yellow or blue or sumfin

Apparently she counters tanks but I disagree. Her turrets counter Hammond’s mines but try going up against Hammond alone. Her ULT counters some other ULTs. Her TP is good for flanking with a co-ordinated team. Her turrets can counter other incoming Turrets, just not new Torbs. You can use her TP to draw the attention of Torbs turret though.

Good points good points. I love how new torb destroys syms only resource to getting kills :joy:

Let’s ignore that her range is so terrible that getting in range of Rein’s shield leaves her open to get destroyed by everything behind Rein’s shield.

Who said anything about Rein’s shield? You are also conveniently omitting details to push an argument.

Just doesn’t make any sense.

Sym could always charge her beam off shields. Just didn’t get her ammo back. However it did take less time and she had more ammo. She also lost no charge when she reloaded.

The fact that you need it spelled out kind of proves the points made in this thread about her primary being meh.

Seriously the ALL WORLD is ok to say that Symmetra need help and buff ASAP

It’s been 3 month already and blizzard just don’t care this is just awkward now.

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Ever notice when you do something accidentally good, you’ll see people say, “Meant to do that!” but when they do something bad, they duck and hope you didn’t notice?

Scenario seems familiar here, doesn’t it?

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I agree with this, she is so squishy for a close range hero. Look at ALL other heros who’s PRIMARY fire is close ranged. Mei, Reaper, Doomfist, Brig etc. Some might have a long ranged secondary but there primary is close and due to that they have 250 hp, so why does Symm only have 200? And comparing her to Zar isn’t a bad thing they have similarities such as there beam. I’m sorry but Blizzard just change Symm to how she was it worked it was fine the lock-on made up for having 200 hp and having 2 ults was way better than a terrible barrier.


Think you’re missing the point. I’m not saying Sym’s beam is fine, I’m saying that I’m not going to support threads where people omit facts to push their point.

What facts where being omitted. I didn’t really get your point either. Not having a go. Just curious.

Symm has such a difficulty confirming kills that a single Moira makes enemy team impervious to everything symmetra does, since all she does is trash damage. Let alone another healer like brig in the mix. Other dps can burst down enemies through healing just fine, it’s just symm who has insanely low final blows and elims in this game.

Symmetra’s beam charges too slow to snowball. Make it charge faster and then it’s good to snowball with if she’s not downed and can become actually dangerous. She simply cannot poke at tanks with her orbs all day and expect to get kills.

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I’m just so disappointed in what they’ve done to her…

This has probably been said but the one of biggest issue Sym’s primary has is it’s tickrate (or ticks?) which for some reason was stealth nerfed in PTR.

I remember when sometime in 2016 they buffed the tickrate for Zarya’s primary stealthily and it hugely improved the consistency of her gun. Sym needs this fixed.