Symmetra is not a dps!

Lets compare her to zarya shall we? who is a tank and really similar to her

  • Zarya, at full charge, can do arround 200 dps with her beam at her full charge, 90 dps at minimum

  • Her beam is 15 meters long, her gun takes 1.5 seconds to reload

  • She also has a right click that has a pretty large aoe arround 2 - 3 meters and does 90 damage per direct hit or so, moving at a whooping 23.5 meters per second

  • She can go from 0 to 80 charge in a few seconds if the stars allign, her barriers getting destroyed quickly at the same time

  • Oh did i mention she has twice as much hp?

Now lets see symmetra

  • 180dps max, 60 min

  • Charge time of a minimum of 4 seconds of constantly firing at a target,

  • 12m range Her gun takes 1.8 seconds to reload

  • only 200 hp

  • Her right clicks do 120 damage, and take 1 second to charge , and moves at 20 meters per second,

Lets put this nicer so we can compare

Symmetra Vs Zarya

primary fire damage min: 60 vs 90
Primary fire damage max: 180 vs 200
Secondary fire Damage Max: 120 vs 180
Secondary fire damage Min: 120 vs 45
Primary fire time to charge: 4s vs 1s(to80%str)
Secondary fire charge time: 1s vs 0s
Secondary fire speed:: 20m/s vs 23 m/s
HP 100shield 100hp vs 200 hp + 200 shield (+200hp barrier)

So…IN what world is this hero suposed to be a DPS?

Now…Sure…Symmetra has both a teleporter and 3 turrets, so Technically symmetra can deal more damage if her turrets are firing at the same time as her

But come on, her turrets barely last more than a second against a player with more than half a brain due to their Low hp that even 2 bullets can destroy,

And her teleporter…sure…you can justify her her as “oh she has the teleporter that can teleport her entire team somewhere” Yeah…tell me how many times people actually use the teleporter, and its not a viable retreat strategy either because it takes like 2 seconds to setup and by that moment your dead

And lets not compare their ults, Atleast zaryas cant be cheesed by just walking through it and its one of the most powerful ults in game

Just buff this hero please

no im not asking for a zarya nerf, im asking for a sym buff, its inexusable that a DPS has less damage health, and charge time than a tank!

Symmetra is still a support, not a DPS


It’s simply inexcusable that Zarya’s beam is superior to Sym’s in every way. The base damage should at LEAST be equal on a shorter beam from a squishier target.

Seems obvious to me.


You…can’t compare an Attack hero to a Tank, of course they’ll be better, they’re built for prolonged fighting. Symmetra needs fine tuning yea, but don’t compare her to a hero on the opposite spectrum


Literally a hero made for sustained fighting has more damage than a hero made for killing people

thats what im comparing here


So are you saying you want her primary beam to do more damage etc. What do you nerf in other areas?


They aren’t comparable other than that the both have beam weapons. That’s not how you base things. I’m not saying sym should have the primarybstay the same, but comparing it to zarya’s is nonsensical.


And I agree, Sym needs help, but don’t compare her to Zarya, that makes next to no sense


The sensible thing to do is stop reinforcing the idea that support means healing abilities are compulsory and put her back in there


One thing that really kills Sym is she has NO damage on demand abilities everything she does takes setup time/ramp up time and for a DPS that is a HUGE problem she will never be taken seriously unless she has the ability to do respectable damage right off the bat. people used to fear getting close to Sym cause of her lock on primary her primary now does way less damage in comparison and unless shes at rank 3 beam people couldn’t care less about her


But zarya doesn’t have turrets

Why would you nerf something else when trying to buff a hero that is bad?


i touched that on the thread as well

Half the time Sym dont either cause they get swatted out of the air or punched and have a huge 10sec cooldown


Because her other parts of her kit keep the beam the way it is. You buff that. You have to reduce something else.

So if you buff a hero that is bad you have to nerf them as well?

we would go back to square 1, still having a bad hero

we dont want to equalize her, we want to make her stronger,


Dva averages most damage than most DPS heroes. Does that mean there are only 5 “real” DPS heroes in the game?


Dont forget syms health regen too, a mid range non support has no business having that.

You can do that both ways. And you have to keep a character in mind for high and low ranks.

On average, but dps have more ssutained and brust damage

dva can barely brust down a 200 hp hero, while dps can consistently pump damage passing the 400damage per second mark in some cases

Depends on the level of play I guess. At my low MMR the turrets are deadly. Zaryra needs teamwork