Symmetra is not a dps!

say she needs 50 extra shield health for a total of 250 heath(long rand freezing headshoting armorlocking self healing mei HAS 300 or is it still 250? i dont really play her my buddy does it better)

i actually thing the ramp time is fine but change damage rates. 80/120/200. it doesnt math i know, but i feel like thats just enough. base damage needs to be SOMETHING better than winston.
and greater damage truly would reward the dangerous use of your beam.

people say she needs armor piercing properties on her beam but i could not care less about it.

she does not need lock-on beam. not even soft lock. the “beam” is already a cone so it is a bit easier to aim than it would apear.

also thing splash of orbs should be increased by 10%. splash rarly helps in my expirience most the time im hiting them directly or just miss other than killing brigette while her shield is up or similarly someone JUST behind cover.

im not actually sure about this one but perhaps one more turret perhsps with new 20 second timer to compensate in that case?
i AM sure that turrets need to move 10 or 20% faster than they do. deployment time is fine.
the tele deployment time is fine because of its utility of the entire team i think thats alright despite being hard pressed to get randoms to use i. but when enemies shoot it they gain ult charge. thats not good! you should be able to presd the button again to destroy a deployed tele. i dont even want this to reset the cooldown or anything.

photon barrier is fine exactly as it is.

i wish symmetra could apply 50 or 75 non regenerating shield health to allies. it would affect 1 ally at a time. applying it to a diferent ally cancels first allues shield and applying it to the same ally replenishes it but does not provide extra. cooldown of 60. we would simply use the switch weapon button for this

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Um. Because she’s meant to be a tank buster. :man_shrugging:t2:

That is why you charge her M1 off their actual shield… Ramp up your M1’s damage and then go in for the kill on the tank… :no_mouth:

if you try to use tp the entire time it will fail. fight a little more head on and co ventiinally and mix it up. tp starts working more again. like the long choke stretch on temple of anubis? try tele top right 2 times. if you have a rein tele halfway through it and try a point brawl from there. enter through left side and tele half the team to the other side and collapse them, tele all but one. dont tele at and just fight them better. mix it up.

dude. You don’t get it. Half damage against armour even with 180dps beam. 90dps at Orisa while she is firing at you and her whole team is firing at you.

You shouldn’t need to have barriers to get the best out of your primary fire. DVa is the most reliable means of charge but you’ll need to reload your gun before you can actually use it.

And your whole team is also firing at them. No, you don’t need to re-load your gun because when you use M1 against shields it uses no ammo! Also, the armor only lasts until you break through it, so its not like its 90dps the entire time you are killing the tank with the armor. Orisa has 200 health 200 armor.

Look, pal. I’ve had a good look at your Overbuff and you played very little of Sym 2.0 so you clearly have your own indoctrinated beliefs that 2.0 was bad. She definitely wasn’t. That’s good that you’re having success with 3.0. I have too. I rose from Plat to Diamond with 3.0. This season i’ve been top 40 Sym players on PSN.

I stream with Sym too. So if you want to watch my plays and tell me what i’m doing wrong you can. It’s the same name on here.

However, that doesn’t stop the fact she has a worse pick rate or that she has issues with her kit and is in need of tweaks.

I would be overjoyed if we got confirmation that the Devs were still looking at her primary and were aware there was an issue with it. Until that day I will remain to be vocal on the forums because Satya deserves better.

Ps. DVa’s defence matrix isn’t a barrier and you will have to reload. :kiss:

It was pretty simple… give sym 2.0 some sort of heal ability. She could have thrown it like Brigette for all i care but the problem would have been solved.

We now have a poor poor dps hero. Waaay out of her depth

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That is how armor works in this game. It eats 50% of damage per hit up to a maximum of 5hp per shot. High damage per hit is affected less per hit yet leaves the armor intact much longer. High rate of fire, low damage per hit heroes are affected more by the armor, but get rid of it faster.

Symmetra is the premier armor destroyer in Overwatch, as her primary beam can strip anyone of armor in 3 seconds. By eliminating armor, she acts as a force multiplier for teams who are shotgun or machine gun reliant.

This is not an “issue” with Sym, it is simply how armor works. Tracer isnt a “non DPS” character simply because armor particularly affects her, and the same is true of Sym.

Furthermore, a huge source of armor has literally been eliminated from the game, which even further lowers the impact.

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So, if you are familiar with Overbuff you’d know that the stats are unreliable. I know the stats that are showing there for me do not match my stats in game. So, now that you are aware of this…

I played Symmetra 2.0 the most, actually as she was my main then too. … During this time I was new to the game. I played the game less then, because I wasn’t really playing Competitive. I wanted to be more familiar with the game before I did that. I was really pissed off about the re-work, and I believe you actually know this as we have talked about it back and fourth in the past ( maybe you don’t remember the conversation ) But yeah, I was really angry when they announced her re-work because she was my main and I loved her the way she was. But, eventually I gave her a chance again and now have well over 200 hours on “new” Symmetra. AND I enjoy her new kit too. I know too, that being new to the game will have an affect on my rank. It takes time to “climb” the ranks. And remember, my main was out of season 11 the first two weeks… So. Season 11 was my first real competitive season.

I don’t compare ranks from PC to Console. I just don’t consider them the same game. Sorry.

I don’t care if she has a lower pick-rate in comp. I just don’t. There are many reasons a hero would have a lower pick-rate that is outside of their kit. And I disagree that she has issues or is in need of tweaks. I feel she is fine.

I am wondering if Dvas defense matrix was overlooked.

Her weapon sucks against armor though. The tickrate increase made it do about 6/8/12 per tick which is pretty darn terrible, the old one was better bug that bug messed things up.

If Symmetra never had the turret buff she would be completely useless. Her primary is worthless, her orbs are averaging the same amount of kills from before the rework yet are more useless due to having their utility removed and their new splash damage is non functional. Tele is largely trash for active combat due to how long it takes to use, they removed all survivability for her and her new ult is a massive nerf to her old ults and completely useless to her giving she can’t do reliable damage anymore and has no survivability. They pretty much completely destroyed symmetra. This coming from someone who has taken 4 sym only accounts solo to t500.

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have you seen her pick rate? You really don’t need to nerf her in other areas.

For tele to be actually good you need to have a strategy in place at spawn.
Or you need to take the time to place tele before entering into a fight and it needs to be activated at every available moment… which Means your forever doing 50 things. Tele locations for flank, telebombing or escape, turret place placement 1,2 and 3… orb firing or scrap it all for the beam. All whilst trying to work out where your team are going and where the enemy are positioned.

I think you need to be Einstein to pull all that off :joy:

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Win rate is top or second place though… controversial…

No, her weapon doesnt suck against armor, it sucks to do HP damage while armor is still up, but it sweeps armor away faster than any other hero.

I do know what you are saying, but you are missing the fact that on the other side of the equation is her washing away armor completely faster than any hero in the game.

They said tele could be used to rescue teammates in active combat far away from you. You can’t it’s too slow, they are long dead by the time you use it. I called them out of this and they edited it out of their patch notes. Talk about shady. They claim tele is for taking your team out of grav yet it’s interact radius is so small half the time you can’t even use your own tele far less any of your team.

For personal use. The activation time for tele after it’s deployed is far too long. In higher end gameplay by the time you position, deploy, and can use it, if you actually use it you’ll be a free kill poping out of the tele and anything coming out is instantly focused as a free kill. They need to make it usable instantly or .5 seconds. Also give the tele invunrability to damage the first 1 second when deployed. People forget pressing the ability then positioning and confirming the tele is already an inherent ability delay. Why are they compounding ontop of that additional delays. It’s redundant and makes the utility of it trash.

Tele is useless for flanking for damage largely due to her new useless primary, and orbs with non functional splash damage. If the splash damage worked you could get use out of tele flanking to high ground and spamming them at the enemy below but that isn’t a viable tactic since the splash damage isn’t functional. The list goes on and on with her new issues. All they needed to do was fix turret deployment which everyone asked for sine Sym 1.0, increase base damage of first two stages of primary by 30 damage, lower barrier timer 2 seconds and allow for prepositioning of her ultimates. That would have largely fixed everything.

What are you talking about her primary literally does half damage to armor at all charge levels. Her orbs do like close to 20% less damage too since they split the damage up. Sym is absolute trash against armor now.

To tele teammates out of tricky situations… it never works u have to have pinpoint accuracy I can never tell exactly where or if I’m
Placing the tele near my team mates.

You even tele out of a Zarya ult because as u said it takes too long.

A shorter deploy time would be ideal.

Also her ult… every hero who doesn’t use bullets shoot straight through it. Useless!

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I think the point of OP’s comparison was to look at a hero on the opposite end of the spectrum that has a very similar weapon that is just better. Basically, Sym should be able to do more damage than a tank if she’s a DPS