Symmetra is not a dps!

Honestly hard light can make practically anything and they waste it into having some stupidly large shield. They wasted her potential and what she could’ve been, they just rushed her to get her out of the way and done with.

Symmetra’s new ult: Hardlight Attack Helicopter :wink:

I actually have no issues with the shield if it had a faster charge or partly refunded unspent health. Maybe if it supercharged her gun or gave her more temporary turrets. Something damage related.

Honestly it would be a damn sight better than a shield that doesn’t even last as long as a regular standing shield like Orisas.

I see what u mean, but even so having a movable shield was such a good push. You could use it often unlike her ult.

Check out my last videos on my Twitter to see what you can do with her shield.

It’s @SandyK1LL

Okay, ill go check it out!

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Have you seriously even thought about this argument you just made?

Even at tier 3 you only have a max potential dps of 180 with 100% accuracy and no armor. That means that you have to constantly track an enemy 100% accurately for more than 1.2 seconds just to secure a kill on a 200 health enemy. Meanwhile every single other dps except Junkrat can kill in a single shot with a head critical taking far less tracking, time, and focused effort before moving on to the next target. Even a Junkrat though can kill faster than Sym can.

That means even in a Sym’s best case scenario they still are not even a 10th as good as any other dps. Meanwhile, the Sym’s best case scenario still takes over 4 seconds of tracking before it can even occur. No other dps needs that.

The fact that Blizzard decided to keep stuff from Sym’s old kit is nice. The fact that they decided to keep a charge time mechanic of all things was most decidedly NOT a nice thing. This was absolutely the worst thing to keep, but if they ‘had’ to keep it then they absolutely should NOT have actually raised the charge time from 1s per tier to 2s per tier. That was just ludicrous.

Let me be blunt. Even if Sym 3.0 had NO tiers and just started at tier 3 damage from the beginning she would still have a bad primary weapon. The fact that we have the current primary weapon with its current charge system is just layers of bat guano being used to ice the layers of cow patties baked into this disgusting filth cake Blizzard wants us to eat and enjoy as a primary weapon.


damn i wasnt expecting this thread to get so many responses :joy:

gotta get to reading


Syms orbs really arent that big; the hitbox is much smaller than the visual, about same size as Zaryas alt fire

@Kigo well ducking said. The junkrat example is the icing on the cake, since he can oneshot people w infinitely less aim than Sym requires.

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hopefully the upcoming ptr patch has some changes :confused: i mean they can always experiment with different alternatives if they are actually willing to test whats better for her

If you balanced this way, you would never improve anything that needs improving. F tier would stay F tier because for some reason you think all changes need to have a net 0 gain, even if the goal is to have a net positive gain.

No, it doesnt, it does 30/60/90 per second directly to armor, plus 75/sec in turret potential, making her cap out at 105, 105, 135, 145, 185, 185 against armor per second. No one comes even remotely close to that outside of Totb’s ult which got the 190 vs armor for a reason.

For reference, Storm Arrow does 15/Sec to the armor component. Hanzo’s normal now is roughly 5/second against the ammo component.

Sym doesn’t provide healing so she is disqualified from begin a support. Hence forth she shall be consider a tank dps hybrid.

On console her turrets are more annoying

Yes, because a tank-based hero vs a DPS-based hero(Or “support”, or whatever you think Symmetra is) is a totally fair comparison. They even have the same healthpool, damage, and both can fly like Pharah.

All ^that aside.

Can you be serious or is that action locked for you in your action bar cause you lack the level requirement?

Shield regen. Not health regen. That she needs to be out of combat for a bit for that. Not relevant.

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Pretty sure I posted something like this a few weeks ago. (She is currently a WIP DPS like old Mei and Torb before their reworks.)

I cant compare them but the tank does more damage, has more health and gets more damage faster than the dps hero

Mei is a tank.

Role is a spectrum.