Survey about Supports

If your intent was not to be antagonistic, then you would just change the term. In my opinion, that’s what any reasonable person would do. If I kept calling you something you didn’t like, regardless if I thought it was correct, I would still respect you enough to stop calling you that term so that we can continue having a mature discussion.


A really interesting one. The question: Which support is the most powerful is actually really hard for me, since Lucio was nerfed


Sort of. Sorry, I was being a bit vague there and probably sounded like I was referring to your statements as damaged. That wasn’t my intention.

I was referring to Dodo’s statements doing what you described and saying that one could call those aspects of the statements damaged logic.

However, I do see the point you were making and am gonna try and stick to arguments that make more sense.


Personally, I don’t see antagonism as being equivalent to standing up and defending something

Disagreement <> antagonism

It’s not so much the defending it, moreso the using it, knowing full and well it will cause derailment, confusion, and anger. There really is no need to continue using that specific term. Yes, there is a reason so separate those who want to see mercy receive changes, vs those who like the changed mercy that we have now. But we can do that by using other less confusing terms. Abstaining from using it all the time would honestly help your arguments, my friend.


I disagree, tho I do feel that I understand your position on this

If you’d like to come up with a term you think is more suitable, let me know, we can then discuss it

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A possible suggestion here:

  1. Pro-Change: People who want Mercy to be changed.
  2. Pro-Same: People who want no changes to Mercy.



Wow I honestly didn’t think I would get this far in discussion. I mean, I’m perfectly fine typing out who is who— those who want to change mercy, those who are happy with current Mercy, those who want to revert mercy. Or even those who want to rework mercy. I understand that using a blanket term will help save some word count space, but honestly I’m fine with anything that doesn’t step on anybody’s toes.


Those are just synonyms for anti-mercy and pro-mercy, respectively.

I will say, Lucio’s lack of popularity for me was a tough choice. I inherently like all the support characters, but I figured of them I probably know the least about Lucio.

I swapped answers on that question/stayed on it for a while.

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Good old bait n switch.

Could…could you not do this? Especially now that some kind of progress actually happened?


well i mean it’s like going to a republican party and ask what the think of the current president.
You’d get an extremely biased opinion.


Im just gonna say that Megadodo comes off as a troll who tries to stir up stuff pertaining to Mercy.
Im not saying he is but he comes across as it,
at the very least he seems extremely unwilling to accept the fact that a lot of people arent content with Mercy’s current state and want some kind of change and sees his own opinion that Mercy is fine as the gospel truth when its just one opinion out of many


One of the goals of the current survey is to check for that.

Most past surveys that have involved Mercy in the past have mentioned her in the title. It is possible that said title attracts people that are dissatisfied with Mercy and those that are happy with her are sick of it and thus don’t click on them.

By making the title not mention Mercy at all it makes it more likely that users that are sick of hearing about her but are happy with will fill it out. Judging from the responses in this thread so far that appears to have been successful.

Kind of suspected this with the last question.

Yeah that was pretty weird. I thought it would prompt you to the support you like the least as well as the best to give your opinion on them. Or just make it consistent and ask character kit questions for every support.

Factually, I have acknowledged many times that there are a large number of folks on both sides of the issue (s), and as such I have been very accepting of this.

My one opinion, to use the phrase from above, is however also shared by many, and should also be represented in such discussions

Presenting an opposing opinion is not the same as trolling

why only Mercy ? Why you do not speak about others healers ? (Except Baptiste, just because he is the last)

Who are you asking, Viggo?