Survey about Supports

The below link goes to a 1-2 page survey.

I’ll post the results Saturday Night/ Sunday Morning probably using Tableau.

Thank you for your time. Apologies for any errors.

As work in Tableau is taking a bit longer than expected the results page in google has been shifted to public it can be viewed at:

I’ll try to finish up in Tableau tomorrow Edit: It’ll be another day at least sorry had a work thing come up. EDIT 2 Sorry will not be happening


Are ‘‘supports you like the most/least’’ supposed to be in general, to play, or just have on your team?


So I took the survey and I have to ask, why was the second half only about Mercy?


Yeah I would’ve liked to answer a few more questions about the other supports as well.


What you never saw a cooked survey before??? You guys…


I took it and figured, “Okay, this is going to be about each support, nice.”

It wasn’t.

I think you should maybe explore getting good feedback on every support if that’s the intent, not bait it to be about Mercy.

I’m not happy that this statement has far more merit to it than it should.


I was more upset about the malware I got clicking on the survey link :angry:

Now you’re overextending.


Hehe who meeeee? :blush:

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I value this brief exchange.

It’s possible to answer more than once and also give contradictory answers, like giving a single answer to both most liked and least lked character.

I have a feeling I’m gonna miss the answers by not being online, but I’m more curious about it than anything else. Even if it’s a secret “does Mercy need changes” in disguise :unamused:


I try to avoid going much above 20 questions in a surveys as it kills the response rate. So, I picked the hero I was most interested in at the present time that could provide semi-useful results. Baptiste is a little early to ask on. I’ve learned the hard way from past surveys that people’s opinions on major hero changes move a ton.

I’d previously did one on just Mercy back several months and the results were somewhat unexpected. I wanted to see if the results were caused by Mercy named threads getting a different response than normal or not. It’s entirely possible that users that like Mercy as is would have stopped looking at threads about Mercy that looked like they might be about changing them and thus a topic labeled as Mercy Survey would get a biased respondents.

I’ll link it into a reply to you. Tableau is just a pretty stats thing.

Here’s a survey someone else did and put the data in it!/vizhome/OverwatchSeason13SurveyResults/OverwatchOverallSummary

Normally, I just use the Google’s thing which produces this:

and then make a few random charts in google docs. The way they did it is far better so I was going to try doing it the way they did it.

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I really can’t blame Chess for that.

You know why? Last time there was a large survey about Mercy, people largely waved away the results, saying that the results were biased because the survey post specifically said it was about Mercy.


The login prompt tends to put a damper on response rates and Overwatch surveys tend to suffer from low response rates. Due to the way google processes the data I can see each individual response along with it’s time stamp so when someone accidentally/intentionally sends the same thing in four times I can generally tell. As the response count tends to be low I tend to read every response individually both to check for any oddness and because it can provide interesting things that don’t show up as easily when looking at the data as whole.

If someone has a cunning plan and goes to a fair amount of effort they might be able to still mess up the data but, the incentive to bother would be relatively low.

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Isn’t posting survey threads against the forum ToS? I could be mistaken but I swear I recall something about that…

Responded to your survey. Wrote in a few “other” responses.

I feel like more of the survey should have been focused on supports as a whole, but /shrug.

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Why is half of it on Mercy? There are plenty of other supports.

Best guess is that the survey creator’s agenda is to gather data to support a claim that Mercy needs to be buffed, reverted, or reworked


No, I do not believe there is anything within the forum CoC that says you cannot post survey results.

Blizzard ToS is for their games, and I don’t recall anything within the ToS that frowns upon it either.